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By: Kyra Pence and Rileigh Lynn-Haskell Per: 8/9

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Presentation on theme: "By: Kyra Pence and Rileigh Lynn-Haskell Per: 8/9"— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Kyra Pence and Rileigh Lynn-Haskell Per: 8/9
Invasive Species By: Kyra Pence and Rileigh Lynn-Haskell Per: 8/9

2 DIDYMO(rock snot)-NY Origin- Scotland, Poland, Quebec, British Columbia, and New Zealand Arrived- by contaminated recreational gear Bumps out- other algae plants, fish Impacts- threatens aquatic habitats, biodiversity, recreational opportunities, spent up to $200 million to try to fix damages. Control- inspect and clean boats, boots, and gear. Use gear in single water body

3 STARRY STONEWORT-NY Origin- Europe to Japan
Arrived- Transoceanic Ships Bumps Out- harms algae, fish habitat Impacts- poisonous, clogs the water, disruption to aquatic ecosystems Control- Divers hand pull, and cover it with herbicide

Origin- Korea Arrived- intentionally through illegal food imports, ballast Effects natives- harms invertebrates and ecological structures Impacts- causes diseases, disrupts fishing and shrimping operations, causes erosion, $2 billion a year to help Control- place traps upstream

Origin- Asia and Africa Arrived- bait and contaminated boats Effects on natives- fight the natives for food Impacts- management, ecological and recreational damages, spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to help Control- chemicals are used, kill it and freeze it

Origin- Europe, Asia, Africa Arrived- through lumber, animals move the seeds Effects- crowd the natives, threatens mammals, insects, lizards Impacts-competes with other plants, not good for wildlife or livestock, Control- mowing, cleaning off footwear, herbicide

7 WILD PARSNIP-NY Origin- Europe and Asia
Arrived- seeds fly to different locations Effects- harms humans and animals Impacts- disturbs habitats, chemicals blister and burn human skin, spent millions to fix Control- mowing, chemicals, biocontrol

8 EURASIAN BOAR-NY Origin- Eurasia Arrived- illegal importation
Effects- destroys habitats, competes with natives for food Impacts- contaminates water supplies contributes to soil erosion, $1.5 billion to fix dmages Control- note the location, note the number and take a picture and report

9 SIREX WOODWASP-NY Origin- Europe, Asia Arrived-in lumber
Effects- kills trees Impact- trees are dying, damages forests, $17 billion to fix Control- capture the insect and freeze it, take a picture and report it

Origin- Chine, India, Vietnam Arrived- travel ships with fruit and lumber Effects- harms farmers crops Impacts- mold and disease growth , agricultural pests, spent 3.3 billion on line industry Control- soak in alcohol, and throw away

11 SEA LAMPREY- NY Origin- Atlantic Ocean Arrived- by boat, ballast
Effects- kills the fish species Impacts- fishery and ecosystem, Spent 7 billion trying to fix fishing Control- trapping, chemicals

12 ZEBRA MUSSEL- NY ORIGIN- Eastern Europe and western Russia
ARRIVED-attached to ships from seas and hard surfaces EFFECTS- harms plants and animals by attaching to them IMPACTS- kills ecosystem from toxins and nutrient pollutants and gov. spent around $3.1 billion to help problem CONTROL- chemicals used to kill larvae to stop spreading

ORIGIN- East Africa ARRIVED- imported as pets and educational purposes EFFECTS- plant types IMPACTS- ruining buildings CONTROL- prohibiting them as pets throughout U.S

14 OAK WILT- NY ORIGIN- currently unknown
ARRIVED- came from a development of fungus EFFECTS- mostly red oaks but also other types IMPACTS- decreases the population of oaks CONTROL- removing affected trees and move healthy ones

15 EMERALD ASH BORER-NY ORIGIN- eastern Russia, northern china, japan, and Korea ARRIVED- packaging of wood materials EFFECTS- kills of ash trees IMPACTS-we payed $10.7 billion to replace all of the damages trees CONTROL- you can use pesticides

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