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Good evening When we need to solve a complex or an important problem,

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Presentation on theme: "Good evening When we need to solve a complex or an important problem,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Good evening When we need to solve a complex or an important problem, how do we encourage people to take action? Well there is a saying “What gets measured, gets managed.” Or… “What gets measured gets done”. This is commonly attributed to management expert Peter Drucker, but there isn’t really an actual reference that proves he said it first. March 2016

2 March 2016

3 If you cannot measure it, you cannot improve it.
However, a saying that is similar, and more likely the original is “If you cannot measure it, you cannot improve it”.

4 If you cannot measure it, you cannot improve it.
“Lord Kelvin” If you cannot measure it, you cannot improve it. The most likely source for this saying is William Thomson, also known as Lord Kelvin. Handsome fella, isn’t he? Now it’s interesting that it was Lord Kelvin that said that because he did instrumental work in the development of the first and second laws of thermodynamics. Absolute temperatures are stated in units of Kelvin, in his honour. And you’ll see why that is relevant in a minute.

5 If you cannot measure it, you cannot improve it.
“Lord Kelvin” If you cannot measure it, you cannot improve it. My name is Chris Pettigrew and I am the Director of Business Development at MyHEAT. We have recently launched the world’s first Energy Efficiency Engagement Platform that reveals to home owners where energy is escaping from their home educates them on steps they can take to improve their efficiency and connects them with service providers who can help. And thanks to Lord Kelvin, we have those laws of thermodynamics to help us measure the problem

6 My name is Chris Pettigrew and I am the Director of Business Development at MyHEAT.
We have recently launched the world’s first Energy Efficiency Engagement Platform that reveals to home owners where energy is escaping from their home educates them on steps they can take to improve their efficiency and connects them with service providers who can help. And thanks to Lord Kelvin, we have those laws of thermodynamics to help us measure the problem

7 Germany is ranked #1 for Energy Efficiency
-ACEEE Transition Slide

8 Germany is ranked #1 for Energy Efficiency
-ACEEE Target buildings for conservation efforts. When we started looking at the challenge of improving urban energy efficiency we found that buildings were a major source of wasted energy. In fact, Germany’s successful Energy Saving Program revealed the cheapest and most cost‐effective path towards this goal is energy conservation, and buildings are the most effective target for conservation. Buildings consumes as much as 40% of all energy in developed countries.

9 Target buildings for conservation efforts.
Transition Slide

10 Heat Loss Transition Slide

11 Heat Loss High Heat Loss Areas
Well the vast majority of buildings in North America are homes. And most people are simply unaware of their energy consumption, and even less aware of the energy escaping from their homes. One of the biggest problems with energy and energy efficiency is that it's invisible. And if you can't see a problem CLICK it's hard to care about it. But the problem is still there. Here’s another quote for you. “A picture is worth a thousand words.” There is no easier way to convey a message or communicate an idea quickly and efficiently than a picture. High Heat Loss Areas

12 Heat Loss High Heat Loss Areas And in today’s society of
Snapchat Instrgram, funny cat videos., people simply aren’t taking the time to read 1000 words. They want to SEE things. High Heat Loss Areas

13 Heat Loss And in today’s society of
Snapchat Instrgram, funny cat videos., people simply aren’t taking the time to read 1000 words. They want to SEE things.

14 Heat Loss So if energy efficiency is invisible
then how do we get people to care about it. How do we make the problem measureable so it can be managed? CLICK

15 Heat Loss High Heat Loss Areas So if energy efficiency is invisible
then how do we get people to care about it. How do we make the problem measureable so it can be managed? CLICK High Heat Loss Areas

16 Heat Loss High Heat Loss Areas
If we need a picture to help communicate the problem, what do we do? This is where MyHEAT comes in. The MyHEAT platform REVEALS CLICK Energy escaping from every building in the city. We can acquire the thermal data for a city the size of Calgary in just a few hours. Then we add our magic. Using our patented algorithms, we generate the most accurate energy loss map possible for every building in the city. High Heat Loss Areas

17 If we need a picture to help communicate the problem, what do we do?
This is where MyHEAT comes in. The MyHEAT platform REVEALS CLICK Energy escaping from every building in the city. We can acquire the thermal data for a city the size of Calgary in just a few hours. Then we add our magic. Using our patented algorithms, we generate the most accurate energy loss map possible for every building in the city.

18 MyHEAT Platform Heat Loss. Revealed.
If we need a picture to help communicate the problem, what do we do? This is where MyHEAT comes in. The MyHEAT platform REVEALS CLICK Energy escaping from every building in the city. We can acquire the thermal data for a city the size of Calgary in just a few hours. Then we add our magic. Using our patented algorithms, we generate the most accurate energy loss map possible for every building in the city.

19 MyHEAT Platform Heat Loss. Revealed. Transition Slide

20 City Scale Comparison Not only that, but We use additional algorithms and techniques to normalize the data eliminating atmospheric and microclimatic variability and create HEAT Scores that allow you to compare homes, whether they be next door to each other, on the other side of the city, or in completely different cities. No one else is doing this.

21 City Scale Comparison Transition Slide

22 Education when Engaged
1228 Crystal Shores Manor Well, once engaged with some pretty cool technology, we want to educate and help. In fact, it’s proven that Information and Education greatly helps people take action. So once home owners see their own home and see room for improvement, we provide them with energy saving tips education on how to reduce their impact on the environment And connect them with people who can help. But we aren’t just talking about houses. When we fly, we fly over EVERYTHING. Including all the buildings

23 Education when Engaged
1228 Crystal Shores Manor Well, once engaged with some pretty cool technology, we want to educate and help. In fact, it’s proven that Information and Education greatly helps people take action. So once home owners see their own home and see room for improvement, we provide them with energy saving tips education on how to reduce their impact on the environment And connect them with people who can help. But we aren’t just talking about houses. When we fly, we fly over EVERYTHING. Including all the buildings

24 Big Data… Big Buildings
I’ve brought along a couple of cool buildings that we’ve flown and I’m hoping you can guess what they are…

25 Big Data… Big Buildings

26 Big Data… Big Buildings

27 Why are we doing this? We are passionate about energy efficiency and using our resources effectively We are creating a platform that provides people with personally relevant data That is actionable. MyHEAT will be THE destination that people come to when they want to learn about how to improve the efficiency of their home. In conclusion I’d like to leave you with a few things to consider. When you have a complex problem that needs to be solved think of that handsome fella Lord Kelvin and look for innovative ways to measure things make them visual and make them better

28 Why are we doing this? We are passionate about energy efficiency and using our resources effectively We are creating a platform that provides people with personally relevant data That is actionable. MyHEAT will be THE destination that people come to when they want to learn about how to improve the efficiency of their home. In conclusion I’d like to leave you with a few things to consider. When you have a complex problem that needs to be solved think of that handsome fella Lord Kelvin and look for innovative ways to measure things make them visual and make them better

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