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Cell Organelles and Transport

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1 Cell Organelles and Transport
Jeopardy! Cell Organelles and Transport

2 Cells Name that Cell Insane in the Membrane 100 100 100 100 100 100
Transport Trivia Organelle Trail Insane in the Membrane No Labbing Matter Diffusion Confusion 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500

3 Organelle Trail - 100 While starting out on the Organelle Trail, Beaker must pay a toll fare at this outer cell boundary that regulates what goes into and out of the cell. What is the cell membrane? Return

4 Organelle Trail - 200 To get to the nucleus, Beaker must travel through this liquid-like material composed of water and organic compounds. What is the cytoplasm? Return

5 Organelle Trail - 300 Beaker is really tired now. He makes a rest stop at this organelle to fuel up on energy. What is a mitochondrion? Return

6 Organelle Trail - 400 Beaker takes some pictures of these organelles that are responsible for making proteins. What are ribosomes? Return

7 Organelle Trail - 500 Type of cell in which Beaker has been a tourist. It has a nucleus, but no chloroplasts or cell wall. What is an animal cell? Return

8 Name That Cell - 100 Type of cell that has no nucleus or membrane-bound organelles. What is prokaryotic (bacterial)? Return

9 Name That Cell - 200 Type of cells that contain chloroplasts, cell walls, and large, central vacuoles. What are plant cells? Return

10 Name That Cell - 300 Animal and plant cells are both examples of this kind of cell that has a true nucleus. What is a eukaryotic cell? Return

11 Name That Cell - 400 Two of the four features common to all cells (prokaryotic and eukaryotic). What is a cell membrane, ribosomes, cytoplasm, genetic material, and possibly (as in plants) a cell wall? Return

12 DAILY DOUBLE 500 The three parts of the cell theory.
What is all organisms are composed of one or more cells, the cell is the basic unit of structure and function in organisms, and all cells arise from other cells. Return

13 Membrane - 100 A cell membrane is made of a _____________ __________.
What is phospholipid (lipid) bilayer? Return

14 Membrane - 200 Create an analogy for the cell membrane and explain. (The cell membrane is like ______ because…) What is a toll booth, city limits, school building, gate, door, etc. Return

15 Membrane - 300 __________ are imbedded in the membrane and used in transporting large molecules. What are proteins? Return

16 Membrane - 400 Meaning of selectively permeable.
What is only certain things can move in or out of the cell through the membrane? Return

17 Membrane - 500 This occurs when substances on both sides of the membrane are in equal concentrations (there is no net movement of particles). What is (dynamic) equilibrium? Return

18 Diffusion Confusion - 100 Define diffusion.
What is the movement of particles from higher concentrations to lower concentrations? Return

19 Diffusion Confusion - 200 Specific name for the diffusion of water across a membrane. What is osmosis? Return

20 Diffusion Confusion - 300 How does spraying air freshener demonstrate diffusion? What is the scent moves from an area of high concentration (where sprayed) to an area of lower concentration (other side of the room)? Return

21 Diffusion Confusion - 400 Three types of osmotic solutions and how water moves in each situation. What is isotonic (equal), hypotonic (into), and hypertonic (out of)? Return

22 Diffusion Confusion - 500 Type of osmotic solution demonstrated by placing an egg in pure water. What is hypotonic (water moves in)? Return

23 Transport Trivia - 100 Type of transport that does not require energy.
What is passive transport (diffusion)? Return

24 Transport Trivia - 200 The three types of passive transport (transport that doesn’t require energy). What is diffusion, osmosis, facilitated diffusion? Return

25 Transport Trivia - 300 Difference between endocytosis and exocytosis.
What is endocytosis is when large substances enter the cell and exocytosis is when large substances leave the cell? Return

26 Transport Trivia List 1 similarity and 1 difference between facilitated diffusion and active transport. What are… Similarities: through proteins Differences: active requires energy, facilitated doesn’t; low to high vs. high to low Return

27 DAILY DOUBLE 500 In active transport, substances move from _____ to _____ concentrations, move through membrane __________, and ________ is required. What is low  high, proteins, and energy? Return

28 Labs Why freshwater plant cells (Elodea) shrink when placed in saltwater. What is water leaves the plant cells—moves toward solutes like salt (hypertonic solution)? Return

29 Labs - 200 How the dialysis tubing in the diffusion lab represented a cell membrane. What is the tubing is selectively permeable, allowing only certain things out or in of the tubing? For example, starch stayed in (too big to leave) and glucose went out (small enough). Return

30 Labs - 300 Reason the inside of the tubing turned purple in the diffusion lab. What is iodine diffused into the tubing, indicating starch (purple)? Return

31 Labs - 400 Round, green organelles seen in the Elodea leaf—and their function in plant cells. What are chloroplasts, which convert energy from sunlight into food for plant cells through photosynthesis? Return

32 Labs - 500 Location of iodine at the end of the 20 minutes during the diffusion lab—2 places. What is both inside of the tubing (turned starch purple) and outside of the tubing (water still yellow)? Return

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