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“Hey, Is This Thing Moving?”

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1 “Hey, Is This Thing Moving?”
Determining Position “Hey, Is This Thing Moving?”

2 Position Position is defined relative to a reference point and reference directions.

3 Reference Points and Reference Directions
Three things must be included: 1.) A reference point – a starting point used to describe the position of an object. 2.) A reference direction that describes which way to move in relation to the reference object. 3.) A distance from the reference point.

4 Reference Points and Reference Directions The flagpole can be used as a reference point for finding the bicycle. (Can you give directions to locate the bike?)

5 Reference Points and Reference Directions
A plus sign (+) indicates movement in the direction of the reference point. A minus sign (–) indicates movement in the direction opposite of the reference point. The description of an object’s motion also depends on the reference point chosen.

6 Position as a Vector A vector is a quantity in which two things must be specified: Distance from the reference point (represented by the length of the arrow) Direction from the reference point (represented by the direction the arrow is pointing)

7 Positions in Two Dimensions
Objects that do not move in straight lines require two reference directions. A car traveling from San Diego to Sacramento doesn’t move in a straight line. (What direction would we say it is traveling?)

8 Positions in Two Dimensions In this map of a city, the art museum is located ___________m west and ___________m south of the bus station. 1,000 250

9 Changing Position The change in an object’s position is called its displacement.

10 Changing Position Displacement is the difference between the initial position and the final position of an object.

11 Changing Position Displacement includes a size and a direction.
Displacement is a vector.

12 Changing Position Direction of displacement is the direction from starting point to end point. Size of displacement is the distance from the starting point to the ending point.

13 Distance and Displacement
40 m East

14 Distance and Displacement
50 m Northeast

15 Distance and Displacement

16 Displacement is a(n) ____ because it has both size and direction.
1.1 Determining Position Displacement is a(n) ____ because it has both size and direction. A speed B velocity C vector D acceleration

17 Position is defined relative to ____. A a reference point and a vector
1.1 Determining Position Position is defined relative to ____. A a reference point and a vector B displacement and reference directions C a vector and reference directions D a reference point and reference directions

18 Which of the following statements is true?
1.1 Determining Position Which of the following statements is true? A Displacement and distance traveled are always the same. B Displacement and distance traveled are never the same. C Distance traveled is the direction of the displacement vector. D Displacement and distance traveled are the same if the direction does not change.

19 What must you have to determine a position? A acceleration
SCI 1.a What must you have to determine a position? A acceleration B velocity and speed C reference point and origin D reference point and reference direction


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