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NS4540 Winter Term 2019 Argentina: Peronist Model

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1 NS4540 Winter Term 2019 Argentina: Peronist Model
Europa brazil economy

2 Peronist Model I Peronist policies of the 1940s and 50s.
Corporatist Peronism accommodated interests of business, labor and the poor through collective bargaining managed by the state Resources were skimmed from the country’s highly productive agricultural sector to cover cost of wages and profits in excess of competitive levels But Peronism promised more than it could possibly deliver Expansionary macroeconomic polices led to ever-rising inflation, stagnant productivity and battles among highly organized interest groups Spurred popular unrest, and Repressive government reactions

3 Peronist Model II Argentina left with Anemic public services
Crumbling infrastructure Profitless industries and Paralyzing union demands for wage increases unsupported by productivity gains

4 Peronist Model III Peron overthrown by military in 1955
However legacy of Peronism survived Peculiar mix of Corporatism Populism, and Nationalism Peronism rose and declined during the 1980s and 1990s Argentina especially hard hit by policy experiments designed to curb inflation. Often left Economy uncompetitive in global markets Burdened by a huge external debt and An overvalued exchange rate pegged to dollar

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