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Chapter 13: Children with Physical and Health Disabilities

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1 Chapter 13: Children with Physical and Health Disabilities

2 Chronic/Acute Chronic – exist all the time
Acute – Can be treated and possibly cured But the experience never goes away – and changes your view of life itself… Congenital – birth Acquired – During or shortly after birth, or as a result of accident/injury

3 Neurological Disorders
CP – conditioning involving issues of muscle control, posture, movement 40% with CP have normal intelligence Not progressive Can occur with or without MR, LD, hearing/vision loss, etc.

4 Spinal Cord Injury break, severe bruise, or damage to spinal cord that effects motor/sensory function Brain communication with body disrupted Usually due to accident/injury

5 JRA Inflammation of joints – swelling, redness, soreness
Eye inflammation may be involved (eyeritis) Autoimmune disorder Found more in girls Effects: Attendance, concentration, etc.

6 TBI Pre, peri, post natal Or due to accident, injury, etc
Symptoms can be reversed with interventions Part of brain affected – MAIN CONCERN (as part of brain will effect what disability is present) -most common cause of disability/death in U.S. in those under 21. NOTE: individual category under IDEA

7 OHI “Other health impairment means having limited strength, vitality, or alertness…” Is due to chronic or acute health problems such as asthma, ADD/ADHD, diabetes, epilepsy, heart conditions, hemophilia, lead poisoning, leukemia, nephritis, rheumatic fever, sickle cell anemia Adversely effects a child’s educational performance

8 OHI Asthma – lung disease that causes episodes of extreme difficulty in breathing Epilepsy – seizure disorder Period of absence – not to be diagnosed with ADD HIV/AIDS Cancer Diabetes

9 Issues: Physical Health Self concept, Self esteem
Social/emotional/academic issues due to missing school, etc. Transition/adult issues (transportation, personal assistance, financial concerns, mobility)

10 Other issues: Instructional adaptations Environmental adaptations
Adaptive technology

11 School re - entry Teacher, parent, student working together to make process smooth – Importance of classroom culture Classroom dynamic changes

12 A loved one’s experience (parents,siblings)
Need optimism! Need social outlets! Source of additional stress Knowledge of medical issues – good relationship with doctors, great communication with those who are able to give help

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