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Qmetry User Interface Recommendations

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1 Qmetry User Interface Recommendations
Ray Matsil

2 Issues— Tool-Tip Recommendation
This “hide pane” icon does not have a tool tip on hover, all other icons do. Recommendation Add Tool Tip to this icon on hover

3 Issues— Dashboard There is no indication on the home dashboard that you can only add 4 graphs It has a confusing animation when you attempt to add a 5th graph Overall interaction paradigm is not intuitive

4 Recommendation— Dashboard
Indicate that there can only be four graphs on screen at once Remove “reshuffle” animation effect

5 Issues—Hint Affordance
Not very useful to hide a hint when the hint bar doesn’t hide The left and right arrows could be misleading Seems like they would reveal more hints Recommendations Have entire hint bar hide when hide button is clicked Have left and right arrows reveal additional tips

6 Issues—Hint Location Hints would be more helpful in context

7 Recommendation—Hint Location
Focus hints in context Attach supporting document to describe steps

8 Issues—Deactivate Inactive Buttons
Users should not be able to click buttons when they are not active

9 Recommendation– Deactivate Inactive Buttons
“Grey out” Inactive buttons

10 Issues—Menu Consistency
Left click in the left pane the Qmetry menu opens Left click in the right pane and the regular browser menu opens

11 Recommendation—Menu Consistency
Standardize menus Right click menus in right pane would add additional options for users

12 Issues — Icon consistency
Export report icons are not in the same location across the UI Cursor does not change when it rolls over these icons

13 Recommendations—Icon consistency
Place export report icons in same location (either top left of top right) across entire UI On rollover change the cursor to indicate interactivity

14 Issues — Flow Consistency
Clicking the blue icon brings the user to a screen with no navigation, this is the only place where this happens

15 Recommendation — Flow Consistency
Window should be a pop-up or stay within navigation All other icons on this page bring up pop-ups

16 Issues — Consistency In some parts of UI “send ” is a button and in some parts its an icon

17 Recommendation — Consistency
Have all “Send ” actions as a button or icon

18 Issue — New Pane Appears
In Admin > Platform when the user clicks attributes a new pane appears Only place where this happens

19 Recommendation — New Pane Appears
Have this icon bring up a pop-up window Stay consistent with the rest of the interface

20 Issue — Inline Editing In Admin > Platform when adding or editing a platform it is done inline This is the only area in the interface where this is done

21 Recommendation — Inline Editing
Either implement this in other parts of the interface or remove it Stay consistent Could help in other parts of interface

22 Issues—Accordions Accordions can only be opened and collapsed by clicking the arrows in the corner

23 Recommendation—Accordions
Make entire accordion clickable This will reduce confusion

24 Issues—Allow Users a Way Out
Allow users to cancel or exit during an action if they decide they don’t want to do it

25 Recommendation—Allow Users a Way Out
Add a cancel button Cancel

26 Issues — Sub-Tabs The sub-tabs in the right pane are difficult to notice

27 Recommendation—Sub-Tabs
Change background contrast to make tabs more visible

28 Issues—Customization
Flow chart revealed that a lot of action is taken from many different screens Recommendation Allow users to customize the screen they come to when they log in

29 Issues — System Feedback
When attempting to add a TestSuite to the root folder the system displays this message Recommendation Add more detailed explanation (why can’t you add it there?)

30 Issues — Icon Affordance
It is not obvious that Icons in Execute TestSuite sub-tab Automation column are clickable Recommendation Combine icons or change to links to stay consistent with clicking affordance

31 Issue — Visibility of System Status
In TestReports page when the user clicks different reports there is no indication of what the system is doing

32 Recommendation — Visibility of System Status
Have the page update the status Inform the user while loading, when complete Create animation that makes it clearer that screen is changing, such as a fade

33 Issue — Definitive Actions
In Admin under Release and Build tab > Scope Edit sub-tab there are no definitive Save or Cancel actions

34 Recommendation — Definitive Actions
Add a “Cancel” or save button to allow the user to take concrete action

35 Thank You! Questions?

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