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Bain Elementary Mrs. Jennifer Blackmon April 19, 2018

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1 Bain Elementary Mrs. Jennifer Blackmon April 19, 2018
DEP Parent Meeting Bain Elementary Mrs. Jennifer Blackmon April 19, 2018

2 for being here! Please make sure that you have signed in today (at the door). You are welcome to use the index cards and pens at each table to: ask questions, request a conference, and/or tell me anything you think I should know about your child (optional). If you’re wondering what that smell is, we are having a baby shower this afternoon for Mrs. D’Ambrosio and my crockpot has been on all afternoon . We will begin shortly!

3 Meeting Time I value your time and will make every effort to keep our meeting to approx. 25 minutes.

4 A little about me… Jennifer Blackmon 15th year of teaching
Bain for 11 years 2nd, 3rd, 4th, (now) 5th and college Master’s Degree National Board Certification AIG Certification I have three children of my own. A little about me…

5 What is my job? Compliance Facilitator Teacher
I wear 3 hats in this position: Compliance Facilitator Teacher

6 1. Compliance Screening and identification of academically and intellectually gifted students

7 2. Facilitator (indirect service)
Support classroom teachers with curriculum, resources, and ideas during planning for their high-ability learners (to implement in the regular classroom)

8 3. Teacher (direct service)
Accomplished in two-ways Co-teaching (pushing in to the classroom) Afternoon groups (pull out of the classroom during enrichment block)

9 What is co-teaching? Where two teachers plan and deliver instruction together. I co-teach with nine general education teachers across three grade levels. **occurs approximately 1-2 days per week in 9 different classrooms



12 Why is it so beneficial for students?
Addresses different learning styles Able to better differentiate instruction Increased student attention Increased opportunities for students to participate (smaller student : teacher ratio) Fantastic for modeling what you want students to do!

13 Pull-Out Groups Students come to me in grade-level specific groups and receive direct instruction Enrichment provided across disciplines/subjects areas Problem and Project Based Learning opportunities

14 Integrating Science/Tech/ and Social Studies
While the TD program focuses largely on literacy and math, I do integrate other content whenever possible. Examples include: STEM units(integrates concepts such as air, weather, and mechanical engineering) with literacy, math and hands-on building opportunities; GAME BOARD projects for fifth graders

15 What is PBL? Problem Based learning Project Based Learning
Student centered approach that develops student’s critical thinking skills and domain knowledge by working to solve an open-ended, real world problem Project Based Learning An active, inquiry-based instructional approach in which students gain subject knowledge by engaging in an on-going investigation, completing a specific challenge, or creating a final product to share with an authentic audience.

16 Website for TD at Bain!
You can always check out my website if you’d like to have an idea of what we are doing in TD.


18 Extra Curricular Activities
PAWS-UP Newspaper Club offered to third, fourth and fifth grade student writers. Meets once per week after school. Puts out quarterly newspaper school-wide Math Olympiad Team offered to select fourth and fifth graders by invitation. Meets weekly after school in a competitive environment to complete challenge math.

19 Novel Invention Reading Club
Takes place during the school day-made up of 2 teams of 4th graders (approx. 5 to 6 students on each team) Friendly reading commitment across schools and competition component We will partner with Western Carolina University to bring this opportunity to our students

20 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

21 TD Calendar TD work outside the classroom is minimal to moderate depending on the week. We keep a TD calendar to record when assignments or readings are due. We also use the calendar to record when Mrs. Blackmon has meetings off campus.

22 Wrapping-Up This is a general overview of the TD program at Bain.
A DEP meeting is held every year to share this information with parents. Small changes are made each year to keep things “fresh” and make improvements where needed.


24 Global Connections Will be partnering in third grade with Hicks and Trawick to bring a global connection to the classroom We have several options such as package exchanges, writing letters, partnering to solve a problem, etc.

25 What has stayed the same?
Co-teaching and pull-out service delivery (3rd-5th) Indirect Services provided to teachers through planning and resource sharing Afterschool clubs remain the same Identification process for TD students Large projects such as TED talks, Old Salem walking tour guide, handmade board games, novel studies, etc.

26 Make-Up Work Log: online description and pocket chart

27 What is new this year? Online Make-Up Work Log (piloting)
Novel Inventions-team of 10 students in fourth grade The Leader in ME: 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Weekly TD calendar to keep track of assignments

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