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Study Unit 003: Analytic Geometry

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1 Topic 1: Review Study Unit 003: Analytic Geometry Consider this table of values. Does it represent a linear relationship? What is the slope? What is the y-intercept? What is the equation? Can you graph it?

2 Topic 1: Review Study Unit 003 : Analytic Geometry Use the table of values to graph the line.

3 Topic 1: Review Study Unit 003 : Analytic Geometry Learning Goals:  I can find the slope between two points using a graph  I know the formula for calculating the slope of a line  I can use the formula to find the slope between two points.

4 Topic 1: Review Study Unit 003 : Analytic Geometry The x-intercept is the point where the line crosses the x-axis. Its y-coordinate is 0. The y-intercept is the point where the line crosses the y-axis. Its x-coordinate is 0. The y- intercept is represented by “b”

5 Study Unit 003 : Analytic Geometry Remember all the different ways we can represent slope. m = slope Rise: The vertical distance between two points Run: The horizontal distance between two points Topic 1: Review

6 Study Unit 003 : Analytic Geometry Remember that slope is a measure of the steepness of a line. As a line gets steeper its slope As a line becomes more flat its slope A line with a positive slope A line with a negative slope

7 Topic 1: Review Study Unit 003 : Analytic Geometry Can you find the slope of this line?

8 Topic 1: Review Study Unit 003 : Analytic Geometry Find the slope of the line that passes through the points (5, -2) and (3, 6)

9 Topic 1: Review Study Unit 003 : Analytic Geometry Find the slope of the line that has an x-intercept of -5 and a y-intercept of 7.

10 Topic 1: Review Study Unit 003 : Analytic Geometry Learning Goals:  I can write the equation of a line given different pieces of information about the line.

11 Topic 1: Review Study Unit 003 : Analytic Geometry The Equation of a Line is given by: y = mx + b where “m” is the slope and “b” is the y-intercept.

12 Topic 1: Review Study Unit 003 : Analytic Geometry

13 Topic 1: Review Study Unit 003 : Analytic Geometry Horizontal lines have a slope of zero. Their equations look like y = # Vertical lines have a slope that is undefined. Their equations look like x = #

14 Topic 1: Review Study Unit 003 : Analytic Geometry Write the equation of a line that has a slope of 7 and a y-intercept of 9.

15 Topic 1: Review Study Unit 003 : Analytic Geometry A line has an x-intercept of -3. and a slope of 4. What is the equation of the line?

16 Topic 1: Review Study Unit 003 : Analytic Geometry Find the equation of the line that has a slope that is undefined and goes through the point (-4, -10).

17 Topic 1: Review Study Unit 003 : Analytic Geometry

18 Topic 1: Review Study Unit 003 : Analytic Geometry Find the equation of the line that passes through the point (-2, 6) and is perpendicular to y = 4x – 2.

19 Topic 1: Review Study Unit 003 : Analytic Geometry What is the equation of a line that has a slope of zero and goes through the point (6, -5)?

20 Topic 1: Review Study Unit 003 : Analytic Geometry Learning Goal I can interpret the meaning of slope and y-intercept for a variety of word problems.

21 Topic 1: Review Study Unit 003 : Analytic Geometry Nico got a job wrapping presents over the holidays. The equation P = x + 50 represents his pay where P is his total pay per day and x is the number of presents he wraps. What is the slope and what does it represent? What is the y-intercept and what does it represent?

22 Topic 1: Review Study Unit 003 : Analytic Geometry Nico got a job wrapping presents over the holidays. The equation P = x + 50 represents his pay where P is his total pay per day and x is the number of presents he wraps. c) How much would Nico get paid if he wrapped 300 presents?

23 Topic 1: Review Study Unit 003 : Analytic Geometry Samantha purchased the original red ruby shoes worn by Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz. As the shoes are a collectible item they are expected to increase in value as represented by the equation V = 250,000 + 75t where V is the value of the shoes and t is the number of years since she purchased the shoes. a)What is the slope and what does it represent? b)What is the y-intercept and what does it represent?

24 Topic 1: Review Study Unit 003 : Analytic Geometry Samantha purchased the original red ruby shoes worn by Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz. As the shoes are a collectible item they are expected to increase in value as represented by the equation V = 250,000 + 75t where V is the value of the shoes and t is the number of years since she purchased the shoes. c) How much will the shoes be worth in 15 years?

25 Topic 1: Review Study Unit 003 : Analytic Geometry Learning Goal  I can determine the rate of change of segments of a time-distance graph.

26 Topic 1: Review Study Unit 003 : Analytic Geometry During which section of the graph does Rena travel the fastest? What do the negative slopes represent?

27 Topic 1: Review Study Unit 003 : Analytic Geometry

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