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Motorola Solutions Confidential Restricted

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1 Motorola Solutions Confidential Restricted
Critical Connect Technical Overview September 2018 Motorola Solutions Confidential Restricted

2 The Push-to-Talk Void Public Safety Needs
Interoperable PTT communications to coordinate multi-agency responses during large-scale events Current Interoperability Solutions Fall Short As pointed out in the 2018 General Accounting Office report, the growing size and complexity of incidents is driving public safety’s need to quickly setup interoperable PTT communications between disparate networks for coordinated, multi-agency responses. But legacy interoperability solutions, such as ISSI (Inter-RF Subsystem Interface), take a significant amount of time to setup and provision and require a separate interface for each agency connected. As a result, they cannot adjust quickly as the interoperability needs for an agency change. Long time to setup/provision Separate interfaces required for each connection, and cannot adjust quickly as needed

3 Connected Devices & Other Apps
Critical Connect Interoperability Readily Available, Easily Reachable Providing seamless exchange of information, voice, data, video, between disparate networks, agencies and applications. Other Data Services Connected Devices & Other Apps Critical Connect provides secure, seamless connectivity between Motorola Solutions LMR systems, MSI broadband applications, and 3rd party applications, enabling the real-time exchange of voice, data, video, messaging, location and enhanced intelligence between agencies. With one link to Critical Connect, agencies can connect with other agencies, as well as personnel outside of LMR coverage – providing dynamic, seamless PTT communication whenever and wherever needed.

4 Quickly setup & teardown connections as required
Critical Connect Critical Connect delivers simple, flexible, scalable inter-agency PTT communications across town, across state, or across the nation Simple – single, secure interface provides standards-based interoperability with internal groups and external organizations, reducing both the cost and complexity of interoperable PTT communications Flexible – quickly setup/teardown connections as required Scalable – easily grow from a few to a large number of unique connections and talkpaths Simple Flexible Scalable One secure interface to connect with multiple agencies and/or locations Quickly setup & teardown connections as required Easily grow from a few to a large number of talkpaths and unique connections

5 Critical Connect Tiered Service
Move from one tier to the next as needs grow Tier 2 Tier 5 Tier 20 Unique Connections - 2 Unique Connections - 5 Unique Connections - 20 Simultaneous Talkpaths – 10 Simultaneous Talkpaths – 25 Simultaneous Talkpaths – 50 Critical Connect offers three tiers of service, providing simultaneous connections with two, five or 20 other agencies/carriers.

6 What’s included Each tier includes:
Basic PTT voice Installation Interoperability with ASTRO 25 LMR systems and/or Carrier- integrated Broadband PTT Configuration support Management support Ongoing support Multiple tiers can be combined to increase number of unique connections or talkpath capacity Each service tier includes onsite installation, interoperable PTT voice communication, connectivity with ASTRO 25 or carrier-integrated broadband PTT networks, and ongoing support.

7 Critical Connect Patching portal
Web-based patch administration Create new patches, adding internal and external talkgroups Enable/Disable interoperable PTT communications for all talkgroups within a patch Enable/Disable talkgroups within a patch Delete talkgroups within a patch Delete existing patches The Patching Portal allows Critical Connect customers create patches that include talkgroups of different agencies for interoperable PTT communications. With Patching Portal, an administrator can dynamically patch one or more LMR talkgroups and LMR and broadband PTT talkgroups. Patching Portal also allows administrators to share the talkgroup with other agencies. There are two types of talkgroups: internal and external. Internal talkgroups are those that are managed by the agency creating the patch. External talkgroups are those that are managed by other agencies.

ASTRO 25 system on Release 7.16 and above Without Enablement hardware, pay one time set up fee of $50K (install, connect and configure) With Enablement hardware, pay one time set up fee of $30K (install, connect and configure) Visitor licenses for manual or automatic roaming Provide MPLS backhaul from Enablement Server (WRG) to MSI Data Center The customer is responsible for ensuring that its ASTRO 25 system is on Release 7.16 or above Paying a one-time set up fee of $50K if they do not have Enablement hardware or $30K if they do have Enablement hardware Visitor licenses for roaming Backhaul between the Enablement Server and the MSI Data Center

9 ASTRo® 25 Interop comparison
Equivalent Features with An Enhanced Level Of Connectivity Feature Wireline Direct Critical Connect Standards-based (ISSI)  (ISSI) Group Call Emergency Alarm Emergency Call Multi-group Call LMR Radio Alias Distribution Guaranteed Call Participation Automatic and Manual Roaming One Connection for Multiple Agencies × Monthly Subscription Critical Connect also supports a full set of features, equivalent to those supported by a wireline direct connection, for interoperable communications between ASTRO® 25 networks.

Astro 25 to critical connect DATA CENTER 1 TLS GTM LTM ASM Gateway Servers AGENCY A DMZ FIPS Level 2 SSAE 16 Compliant PCI DSS Compliant HIPPA Compliant Redundant Inter-site LInks ISSI TLS WRG DATA CENTER 2 Performance criteria for the physical connection between the customer’s ASTRO 25 core and the data center are: Network Latency – less than or equal to 50msec roundtrip Jitter – less than or equal to 2msec Packet Loss – less than or equal to 0.1% The data centers are FIPS Level 2, and comply with the Statement on Standards for Attestation Engagements no. 16 (SSAE 16) auditing standard for service organizations; Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS); and Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) standard for sensitive patient data protection (note that the data center is HIPPA compliant, not the application). The F5s in the data centers (blue box between firewall and router) provide Global Traffic Management (GTM) which balances traffic between data centers, Local Traffic Management which balance traffic between servers within the data center, and application security management which provides layer 7 protection from cyber attacks. TLS GTM LTM ASM Gateway Servers

ASTRO 25 To astro 25 DATA CENTER 1 AGENCY A DMZ ISSI GTM LTM ASM TLS Gateway Servers WRG TLS FIPS Level 2 SSAE 16 Compliant PCI DSS Compliant HIPPA Compliant Redundant Inter-site LInks DATA CENTER 2 AGENCY B This diagram depicts interoperable PTT communication between the ASTRO 25 networks for Agency A and Agency B. TLS DMZ TLS ISSI WRG GTM LTM ASM Gateway Servers

ASTRO 25 To msi carrier-integrated broadband ptt DATA CENTER 1 AGENCY A DMZ TLS GTM LTM ASM Gateway & PoC Servers WRG TLS FIPS Level 2 SSAE 16 Compliant PCI DSS Compliant HIPPA Compliant Redundant Inter-site LInks DATA CENTER 2 CARRIER 1 This diagram depicts interoperable PTT communication between the ASTRO 25 network for Agency A and the MSI Broadband PTT service provided by Carrier 1. TLS GTM LTM ASM Gateway & PoC Servers Broadband PTT App LTE Core

ISSI 8000 and critical connect DATA CENTER 1 ISSI AGENCY A ASTRO 25 Core ISSI 8000 ISSI 8000 GTM LTM ASM TLS Gateway Servers ISSI WRG TLS ASTRO 25 Core FIPS Level 2 SSAE 16 Compliant PCI DSS Compliant HIPPA Compliant Redundant Inter-site LInks DATA CENTER 2 AGENCY B This diagram shows that Agency A can have an ISSI 8000 connection to Agency C and also have a connection to Agency B through Critical Connect. TLS DMZ TLS ISSI WRG GTM LTM ASM Gateway Servers ASTRO 25 Core

WAVE and critical connect DATA CENTER 1 ISSI AGENCY A WAVE Servers ISSI 8000 ISSI 8000 GTM LTM ASM TLS Gateway Servers ISSI WRG TLS ASTRO 25 Core FIPS Level 2 SSAE 16 Compliant PCI DSS Compliant HIPPA Compliant Redundant Inter-site LInks DATA CENTER 2 AGENCY B This diagram shows that Agency A can have an ISSI 8000 connection to WAVE and also have a connection to Agency B through Critical Connect. TLS DMZ TLS ISSI WRG GTM LTM ASM Gateway Servers ASTRO 25 Core

encryption AGENCY A AES 256 DMZ AES 256 LTE Core Broadband PTT AES 256 AES 256 WRG AES 256 DATA CENTER AGENCY B This diagram shows the encryption used a each point in the connection. Note that the green color indicates that the encryption key is managed by MSI and the orange color indicates that the encryption key is managed by the agency. If someone asks, the connection between the ASTRO 25 firewall and the WRG is in the clear (no encryption). AES 256 DMZ AES 256 AES 256 AES 256 WRG Gateway & PoC Servers MSI Managed Key Agency Managed Key

16 Manual roaming with critical connect
Visiting radio from Agency A manually changes mode and affiliates on Agency B ASTRO 25 system as a valid user Visiting radio switches to an interop talkgroup and communicates with other radios on Agency A and Agency B ASTRO 25 networks PTT ID and Alias are passed between the ASTRO 25 networks

17 automatic roaming with critical connect
Visiting radio registers with their Unit ID on Agency A ASTRO 25 network (home system) Visiting radio automatically registers on Agency B ASTRO 25 network (foreign system) with SYS ID + WACN ID + Unit ID No provisioning of users in foreign systems Control what talkgroups are available on/from foreign systems

THE CHALLENGE Major explosion devastates a town and the Emergency Medical Service requires assistance from ambulance services in other communities. THE SOLUTION Critical Connect provides interoperable PTT communications between ASTRO® 25 networks used by responding agencies. THE OUTCOME Seamless communication for a coordinated and effective response. The Emergency Medical Service for a small city requires assistance from ambulance services in neighboring communities to triage and transport the large number of casualties caused by a major explosion and fire. Critical Connect facilitates interoperable PTT communications between the different ASTRO 25 networks used by the responding agencies, providing the seamless communication required for a coordinated and effective response.

19 USE CASE Enhance Situational Awareness During Multi-state Operation
THE CHALLENGE Local and Federal law enforcement agencies conduct simultaneous raids on drug trafficking operation spanning several states. THE SOLUTION With Critical Connect, each agency uses own ASTRO® 25 network for seamless communication with their officers and with agencies operating in other states. THE OUTCOME Frontline officers and command staff communicate in real time, enhancing situational awareness. Local and Federal law enforcement agencies are conducting simultaneous raids on a drug trafficking operation that spans several states. Critical Connect enables interoperable PTT communications between all of the agencies involved in the raids. Each agency can use their ASTRO 25 network, operating on different bands, to seamlessly communicate with their own officers as well as those of other agencies operating in different cities and states. The ability for frontline officers and command staff to communicate in real time across multiple states enhances situational awareness and improves operational efficiency.

Fire Chief traveling out of town when large storm causes major flooding back home. THE SOLUTION Critical Connect allows Chief to use smartphone and carrier- integrated broadband PTT to communicate directly with Battalion Chiefs and other frontline commanders using ASTRO® 25. . THE OUTCOME Keep everyone coordinated -- manage unit assignments and resident evacuations and rescues. The Fire Chief is traveling out of town when a large storm causes major flooding back home, requiring department-wide effort to rescue and evacuate residents. Critical Connect allows the Chief using his smartphone and carrier-integrated broadband PTT application to communicate directly with Battalion Chiefs and other front line commanders using ASTRO 25 radios. The interoperable PTT communication provides a much more efficient and effective response, with the Chief able to help coordinate unit assignments and provide updates on resources coming from other departments.

Q: Will ISSI 8000 continue to be supported? A: Yes. Q: My agency needs to interoperate with an adjoining ASTRO 25 agency. Can both agencies use existing talkgroups to interoperate with each other? A: Yes. Critical Connect allows agencies to use existing talkgroups for interoperate communications, or agencies can create a new. Q: Can I use an existing ASTRO 25 and broadband PTT talkgroup for interoperable PTT communications? A: Yes. Additionally, agencies can create new ASTRO or broadband talkgroups and use those for interoperability. Q: My agency uses manual roaming with adjoining agency. Does Critical Connect works with roaming radios? A: Agencies will provision radios for manual roaming in the same way they do currently. The roaming radios will participate in inter-agency interoperability if the selected talkgroup on the roaming radio is set up for interoperability by the visited agency. Q: My agency uses automatic roaming with an adjoining agency. Does Critical Connect support automatic roaming? A: Similar to the manual roaming scenario, provisioning for automatic roaming will be performed the way it is done currently. Roaming radios will participate in interoperability if the selected talkgroup is set up for interoperability by visited agency.

Q: How does talkgroup priority work for ASTRO 25 to ASTRO 25 interoperability? Who has floor control priority? A: When agencies use existing talkgroups, Critical Connect preserves radio priorities. When a floor control request is received from the radio of agency A during talkgroup conversation, Critical Connect passes the request to Agency B over ISSI. If the floor is idle, floor control is granted; if the floor is busy, the requesting radio receives floor busy tone. Q: What version of ASTRO 25 must I have in order for Critical Connect to work? A: Critical Connect works with ASTRO 25 Release 7.16 and above. It is possible for an ASTRO 25 core on Release 7.15 to work with Critical Connect, but the customer should check with their Motorola Solutions sales representative to determine what upgrades are required. Q: Does Critical Connect have any impact on interoperable communications for WAVE? A: WAVE systems will continue to use ISSI to connect with ASTRO 25 systems. Q: Can any P25 system, regardless of the manufacturer, access Critical Connect? A: At this time, the only P25 system that can use Critical Connect is ASTRO 25.

Q: Is it possible to have a hybrid system with some connections ISSI and also use Critical Connect for other connections? Does this require an ISSI license for Critical Connect as well as each ISSI connection? A: Yes, agencies can keep their existing ISSI point-to-point links and use Critical Connect for point-to-multipoint. Necessary ISSI licenses are provided as part of the Critical Connect service. Q: Does the ASTRO 25 system record and report air time used on the system via Critical Connect? A: Critical Connect uses the ISSI 8000 on ASTRO 25 core and offers parity with regards to air time reports, which is an ASTRO core function. Q: Can the same connection to Critical Connect be used for interoperability with more than one carrier broadband PTT service A: As long as the MPLS link is correctly sized per MSI guidelines, the same link can be used for multiple end points (e.g. multiple carriers and other ASTRO 25 agencies). Q: Training for ISSI is currently available online, does this training cover Critical Connect ? A: ISSI training does not include Critical Connect; training on Critical Connect Portal Patching will be provided via the User Guide.

24 Taking Interoperable communications to a new level
Greater Choice Faster Set Up Seamless Exchange Critical Connect takes interoperable PTT communications to a new level, with a cost-effective subscription service that supports the seamless exchange of voice and data communications, and a web-based tool that makes it easy for agencies to manage their connections. As you can see, the value of Critical Connect grows as more agencies connect because, with each new connection, the choices for interoperable communications increase exponentially. For member agencies, the result is enhanced collaboration and increased efficiency as interoperable communications become readily available and easily reachable.


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