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Source Feature Survey Source Features survey in Survey123 - from creating survey to Bulk Create in Biotics.

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Presentation on theme: "Source Feature Survey Source Features survey in Survey123 - from creating survey to Bulk Create in Biotics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Source feature survey in survey123 Whitney Weber, DBA & Product Support Manager

2 Source Feature Survey Source Features survey in Survey123 - from creating survey to Bulk Create in Biotics

3 Why use the Source Feature Survey?
Provides field collection tool - minimize effort by member programs who don’t already have one Facilitates data entry – automated process from survey to Biotics Prevents additional data backlog Pilot for Observations survey: Incorporate fields identified by Obs Data Management working group Provide standard database configuration for Observations Immediate, interim solution until Observation Data Management System

4 Survey123 vs. Collector Collector Survey123 Is mapcentric
Starts with data Data is based on attribute fields Uses web maps Lines, Polygons Is form centric Starts with a form Data is based on the form Uses forms Allows for logic (i.e. smart forms) Allows for anonymous data entry (AGOL account not necessary) Lines, Polygons (in Beta 3.3) Smart form: skipping questions, applying expressions to calculate & validate responses, different languages, etc.

5 Overview of the Process
Edit Source Features.xlsx for your data Install Survey123 Connect Create, Customize & Publish the survey Share the Survey for Data Collection Install the Survey123 field app (data collectors) Download the Survey Collect Data View & Download data Prepare Data for Bulk Create using Toolbox Run Queries Run Tools Bulk Create

6 Step 1: Edit Source Features.xls
Download & unzip file from Solution Run Tracked_Species.sql query in Query Builder Save as Tracked_Species.csv Open in Notepad or WordPad (NOT Excel) Replace .0 with nothing Replace “ with nothing Save changes & Close Open in Excel Copy data from rows A – D into choices tab in Source Features.xlsx Run Location_Use_Class query in Query Builder

7 Demo Step 1: Edit Source Features.xlsx

8 Step 2: Create, Customize & Publish Survey
Create Source Features survey Configure survey Settings: General Map Inbox Copy Tracked_Species.csv to survey’s media folder Enter data in Survey and Validate Input Publish Survey

9 Demo Step 2: Create, Customize & Publish Survey

10 Step 3: Share the Survey Manage in Survey123 website - Collaborate:
Submitter Viewer Group Settings Members

11 Demo Step 3: Share the Survey

12 Step 4: Collect Data Download Source Features survey Collect data
Favorite answers Edit data and/or Copy Retrieve previously submitted data to edit

13 Demo Step 4: Collect Data

14 Step 5: View & Download Data
View data Export data to Geodatabase Open in Map Viewer Add Resource via URL to Biotics Identify, Feature Search, Copy,…

15 Demo Step 5: View & Download Data

16 Step 6: Prepare Data for Bulk Create
Run query to limit data for Bulk Create to Tracked Elements - Tracked_Elements.csv Run Separation_Distance query – Separation_Distance.csv Copy to C:\Temp Download & unzip nightly Biotics backups to C:\Temp Run tools 1 – 3 within SFSurveytoBulkCreate.tbx

17 Demo Step 6: Prepare Data for Bulk Create

18 Step 6, cont’d: Prepare Data for Bulk Create
Update data in SEP_DISTANCE field Unsuitable habitat According to Plant EO Specifications Decision Tree Default: 1 km Run BulkLoadPrepToolbox_SFSurvey Post Separation Distance Analysis QC Multiple EO_ID values Source Feature Duplicates Separation Barriers Aquatic Tool – Null values 5_CalculateJoinLoadDataIntoBulkCreate.gdb 6_BulkCreate_Calculate

19 Demo Step 6: Prepare Data for Bulk Create, cont’d

20 Step 7: Bulk Create Zip the BulkCreate.gdb Run Bulk Create in Biotics

21 Demo Step 7: Bulk Create

22 Survey123 compared to Obs DMS Desired Functionality

23 It’s not Perfect… No lines or polygons
Until then, CFT of Line & Polygon don’t apply Until then, LUT of Linear & Delimited don’t apply They do draw attention that should be mapped other than Point, however

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