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How to own the FSA.

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1 How to own the FSA

2 Types of FSA Writing Essays
Argumentative – writing to convince your audience You NEED a counterclaim Informative – writing to explain to an audience that doesn’t know anything about the topic

3 How Long are the Tests? All FSA ELA Writing assessments are administered in one 120-minute test session.

4 FSA Rubric Argumentation / Persuasive
This is what you need to score a perfect 10 FSA Rubric Argumentation / Persuasive Remember, you get points for what you DO

5 FSA Rubric Informative / Explanatory
This is what you need to score a perfect 10 FSA Rubric Informative / Explanatory Remember, you get points for what you DO

6 General Essay Format for Argumentative AND Explanatory
Introduction 2 Body Paragraphs Conclusion

7 Argumentative Essay Format
Introduction (1st paragraph) Background information on topic Claim / thesis Body Paragraph (2nd Paragraph) Answer the question (this is your claim / thesis) Cite evidence Explain Body Paragraph (3rd Paragraph) Counter claim Rebuttal (restate your claim, cite evidence, then explain) Conclusion Reword the claim / thesis Add Insight

8 Explanatory Essay Format
Introduction (1st paragraph) Background information on topic Claim / thesis Body Paragraph (2nd Paragraph) Answer the question (this is your claim / thesis) Cite evidence Explain Body Paragraph (3rd Paragraph) Conclusion Reword the claim / thesis Summarize Key Points

9 While you read… Pay attention to titles of all passages
Pay attention to headings & subheadings Read all of the text sources and find similar evidence in multiple sources. Locate and use domain-specific vocabulary Text-code/Interact with the text while reading

10 Planning and Writing! PACE YOURSELF!
Use the planning page to plan your essay – use the ACE strategy! ONLY USE INFORMATION FROM THE TEXTS There will not be time for revisions and final copy PACE YOURSELF!

11 Citing Evidence! Citation of sources is expected. If a student does not use a direct quote or paraphrase from a source, they cannot make higher than a 2 out of 4 on Evidence.

12 Cite your Sources! Whenever you write the EXACT words from a text on your essay, you MUST put ALL the words within quotation marks.

13 Title of article, passage
In “An Act of Courage” it says………………….. According to the text “ An Act of Courage”,…….. “Parks had long been frustrated by the injustice of segregation” (An Act of Courage).

14 Author’s name The author, Lauren Green, said…..
In the passage, Lauren Green stated that….. Lauren Green demonstrated…….

15 Paragraph Number Paragraph number 1 of “An Act of Courage” says…….
In paragraph 1 of “An Act of Courage”….. “Parks had long been frustrated by the injustice of segregation” (paragraph 1).

16 Direct quote with tag line
“Parks had long been frustrated by the injustice of segregation”, stated Lauren Green. In ”An Act of Courage it states that, “Parks had long been frustrated by the injustice of segregation”.

17 Tips Do not assume your audience has read the texts
Do not assume your audience knows the topic well Cite evidence from AT LEAST 3 sources

18 Analyze DO NOT summarize!
Think about the Elements of an Analytic Paragraph Rubric Don’t simply summarize

19 More Tips! Use third person voice – don’t use first.
No I, we, me, us Use formal, academically appropriate language Use technical language and domain- specific vocabulary from the text to make your writing more specific and believable Use a variety of mature transitions – don’t use 1st, 2nd, or 3rd

20 And even MORE tips! Do not use emoticons :(
Do not use text talk (lol, rotfl) Do not use slang Do not use vague words (stuff, thing) DO NOT USE ALL CAPS FOR EMPHASIS

21 Don’t worry… you’ve got this!

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