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Advisory Council for School Nutrition

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1 Advisory Council for School Nutrition
Wednesday February 13 Conference Call

2 Conference Call Instructions
Participants will need to link to view the webinar and call in to the conference line. Link to view the webinar: nar/ Call in to the conference line for audio: Conference Number: Participant Code: Please mute your phone. Please do not place your phone on “hold” because of background music. Please save questions for the end of each section. We will be using the phone line for questions.

3 Meeting Agenda 2:05 p.m. – 2:10 p.m. Welcome & Updates Amanda Mercer
2:10 p.m. – 2:25 p.m. Blueprint Update Gabriella Warner 2:25 p.m. – 2:40 p.m. CDPHE Guest Speakers Meghan George-Nichols 2:40 p.m. – 2:50 p.m. CSNA Legislative Update Danielle Bock 2:50 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. ACSN Report Out ACSN Members 3:00 p.m. – 3:05 p.m. Closing & Next Steps

4 Welcome & Updates Amanda Mercer

5 New Addition to the Team: Gabriella Warner!
Updates New Addition to the Team: Gabriella Warner! New monthly e-newsletter: The Dish: Updates from the School Nutrition Unit Replaces and combines the weekly Thursday Update & monthly SFSP update Goal is to highlight the positive impact Child Nutrition Programs are having on students and communities across the state while providing program updates and information to SFAs

6 Workgroup Updates CO Blueprint to End Hunger: Blueprint work underway! (Update provided later in the presentation) Hired Blueprint Project Manager, Gabby Warner in December. Grant team includes Carrie Thielen, Gabby Warner and Amanda Mercer Contracted external evaluators from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) Evaluation Unit

7 Workgroup Updates How to Talk to School Administration: Provide additional training of the CDE Data, Accountability and Improvement dashboard. The dashboard provides a summary of financial information and data to use with administrators. Possible Greater Denver or CSNA sessions on this topic. Talking with administrators in program tips in the Dish. These tips will be relevant to the time of year. Support on administrative reviews—talk with administrators on struggles.

8 Questions?

9 Colorado Blueprint to End Hunger Gabriella Warner

10 Committed partner to Goal 5
Maximizing participation in child nutrition programs Programmatic Focus National School Lunch Program School Breakfast Program Afterschool Snack Program Summer Food Service Program Partner Program CACFP As Bre mentioned, the Blueprint work is well under way!

11 Team CDE Blueprint Team Amanda Mercer - General Oversight
Budget Workgroup 4 Carrie Thielen - Project Director Oversee evaluators/needs assessment Direct grant deliverables Workgroup 5 Gabriella (Gabby) Warner - Project Manager Manages and executes day to day activities of the grant Please reach out with comments/questions – will direct to appropriate party if needed

12 Survey Planning Grant Need Assessment Survey Literature Review
All SFA Survey Key Informant Interviews Community Asset Map Survey Who: SFA Child Nutrition Directors that operate, at min, the NSLP Sample Size: 208 Completion rate: 88% One year planning grant from CHF to help CDE devise an Implementation Plan to support SFA’s in ensuring maximum program participation in fed meals programs The SFA Survey that went out mid-Jan was one component of the larger needs assessment, which includes: refer to slide [assumption that they all have seen AND taken it, so will not review questions] The survey was administered in conjunction with CDPHE’s Evaluation Unit *UPDATE* Decided to send out a supplemental survey to NON-SFA summer sponsors – pre-survey went out Monday (2/11) and survey will go out this week.

13 Respondents by Enrollment
TOTAL TOTAL Student Enrollment | # of SFAs <50 6 51 to 501 to 1, 1,0001 to 5, 5,001 to 10, >10, Student Enrollment | # of SFAs <50 6 51 to 501 to 1, 1,0001 to 5, 5,001 to 10, >10, Monitoring urban v rural and FRL % as well - would like to get an accurate snapshot of who completed survey; ensure full representation Response rate by enrollment –

14 Respondents by FRL FRL%
Not Complete Percent (N) Complete 0 to 25% 0% 100% (15) 25 to 50% 15% (12) 85% (68) 50 to 75% 7.8% (5) 92.2% (59) 75 to 100% 100% (13) Non public school or missing FRL 22.2% (8) 77.8% (28) Response Rate by Free and Reduced Lunch Percentage

15 Next Steps Thank you! Key Informant Interviews Regional Messaging
For spreading the word re: survey Key Informant Interviews Purpose: Glean additional detail & context for survey responses Drill down into specific audiences Sample Size: ~20 people Dates: March 2019 Regional Messaging Information provided will help CDE curate appropriate training, resources and partnerships Will continue to communicate with external partners to share efforts (Hunger Free Colorado, LiveWell Colorado etc.) June Meeting Feedback opportunity Hoping to have KII with people representing: Various sides of Child Nutrition Program operations (i.e. potentially principals, teachers, FSDs) Different geographical areas (urban v rural) Other federal nutrition program operators (CACFP) Other provision programs (CEP, Provision 2) June meeting – in person workgroup

16 Questions?

17 Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) Meghan George-Nichols

18 Agenda CACFP and your district Updates Future work

19 CACFP Programs Child Care Centers Head Start Programs Outside School Hours Afterschool At-Risk Meal Program

20 USDA streamlining policies
What have we been up to? USDA streamlining policies Applications Monitoring Requirements Compliance monitoring Updated process for Afterschool At-risk licensing requirements Remote staff Modernizing our training Collaboration with CDE

21 SFA landing spot on CACFP website More collaboration with CDE
Still to Come SFA landing spot on CACFP website More collaboration with CDE Colorado Blueprint to End Hunger 4 Day school week outreach Joint technology solution

22 303-692-2330

23 Questions?

24 CSNA Legislative Update – Danielle Bock

25 ACSN Report-Out

26 Closing Amanda Mercer

27 Next Steps & Evaluation
Next Meeting: CSNA conference June 10-12 ACSN Networking Lunch instead of full-on meeting after the conference? Would you still like Aaron Oberg (School Finance) to attend? If so, what topics do you want specifically covered? Topics for next Meeting? School Finance? Staff retention? Today’s Meeting: What worked? What did not work?

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