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**Remember to wear tennis shoes on P.E. days**

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1 **Remember to wear tennis shoes on P.E. days**
Mrs. Hawkins’ First Grade News January 9, 2017 A Peek At The Week -In reading we are continuing to direct instruction at students’ reading levels. There are a few changes in groups after looking at our middle of the year data. Ask your kiddo if they got a new reading teacher! -In Math we will dive into our new unit of measurement. Students will begin to compare objects by their length. -Writing time this week will be spent writing a narrative story. Students get to choose a feeling to guide their story and include a beginning, middle, and end. -Our Core Knowledge time will continue with Social Studies and the study of Early American Civilizations. These include Hunters and Gathers, the Maya, the Inca, and the Aztecs. Homework Ideas -Please take time to read with your child every night for minutes. -Reading homework will start again on Friday. Looking Ahead -Tuesday January 10th- MSA meeting at 6pm in the learning lab. -Friday January 13th- PBIS assembly at 3pm. -Monday January 16th- No school (MLK) Extra News -Our room is rather warm as the heater kicks on and off. If your child would like a water bottle to keep on their desk they are more than welcome to! -I want to welcome Ayden to our class!  As you send in snack on your snack day, please be aware that we now have 21 students! Specials this Week Monday – Computers Tuesday- Art Wednesday- Music Thursday- P.E. Friday- Computers **Remember to wear tennis shoes on P.E. days** Reminders -If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to or call me!

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