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Pierre Regional Airport Master Plan Update

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Presentation on theme: "Pierre Regional Airport Master Plan Update"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pierre Regional Airport Master Plan Update
Master Plan Advisory Group September,

2 Agenda Introductions Overview of Master Plan Process
Review of Forecasts and Requirements Recommended Alternatives Next Steps

3 Why Planning? FAA definition: The goal of a master plan is to provide framework to guide future airport development that will cost-effectively satisfy aviation demand while considering potential environmental and socioeconomic impacts.

4 Why Planning? A road map to identify and address current and future requirements for airport development Based on an analysis of: Existing conditions FAA requirements Forecast growth Financial availability Airport goals Flying public needs

5 What is Your Role in this Process?
Provide input: What do airport users/tenants/sponsors need? What should the airport’s goals be? Review master plan recommendations Do the recommendations meet your needs? Is there a better solution?

6 Master Plan Process Source: KLJ

7 Goals for this Master Plan Study
General Goals Update master plan – last study completed in 2004 Update Airport Layout Plan – current ALP completed 2008 Update Airport Property Map Conduct Aeronautical Survey Airport Goals Examine and evaluate runway needs Determine layout for GA area including hangar development and aerial application Examine line-of-sight issues with crosswind runway Examine existing declared distances

8 Forecast

9 Recommended Alternatives
Based on analysis of possible solutions to identified issue Meets identified need Ability to implement Cost effective Look at individual recommendations

10 Crosswind Runway 7/25 Runway will be reconstructed in 1-5 years
PCI is 70 Reduce 150’ width to 100’ Remove line of sight impact Install new runway lighting system Runway Safety Area Fence in Runway 25 safety area Relocate fence to eliminate declared distances Lower Approach Minimums Current 1-mile visibility Explore lowering to ¾ to < 1 mile visibility

11 Runway 7/25 Alternatives Reducing the Width on Runway 7/25; Options 1 & 2 Removing Declared Distances Options on Runway 7/25

12 Runway 13/31 Runway 13/31 Taxiways A and B
Meets FAA standards Reconstruct in future; current PCI is 92 Taxiways A and B Taxiway B deteriorating; PCI is 54 Realign to meet FAA requirements, improve movement and pilot visibility Runway 13 Runway Protection Zone Purchase additional land to meet FAA requirements

13 Runway 13/31

14 Passenger Terminal Baggage Handling
Current System Sled system Unable to handle current volume of baggage Alternatives Expand sleds Roller table system Conveyor belt system

15 Baggage Handling System

16 Passenger Terminal Expansion
Passenger Holdroom TSA secure area Too small for current passenger load (approx sf) Recommend 600 sq. ft. addition Ground Support Equipment Used to service airline aircraft Exposed to weather Recommend adding overhang for protection

17 Passenger Terminal Expansion

18 Parking Lot Expansion Parking lot expansion Quick Turn-around facility
Currently 142 spaces for passengers and rental Accommodate increase in passengers Add rental car spaces Expand existing lot Quick Turn-around facility Rental car refueling, preparation Removes rental cars from passenger lot

19 Parking Lot Expansion

20 Commercial Development
Potential cargo-handling or airline maintenance

21 Northern Hangar Area Corporate Development Area Smaller Hangars
Typically 100’ x 100’ or larger Offices, crew quarters Parking areas Additional apron frontage Smaller Hangars Varying sizes 50’ or 60’ depth, varying widths

22 Northern Hangar Area

23 Southern Hangar Area Hangars Issues
Variety of Group I, Group II hangars 50’ and 60’ depths with varying widths Two areas for nested T-hangars Accommodate forecasted needs for 20 years Issues Taxilanes, safety areas do not meet FAA standards Ineligible for FAA funding Drainage issues Some hangars have outlived useful lives

24 Southern Hangar Area

25 Agricultural Area Consolidate spraying operations in one area
Unique requirements for aerial spraying operations Larger hangar requirements Provides access to both side of hangars for drive-through access Provides additional area for storage of agricultural supplies

26 Agricultural Area

27 Next Steps Revise based on Advisory Group, Airport Management, and FAA comments Develop Implementation Strategy and Financial Analysis Submit to FAA for Review and Acceptance Submit to City of Pierre for Approval

28 Questions QUESTIONS?

29 Terminal Building Schematic

30 Terminal Building 2

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