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The Taliban “Students”

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1 The Taliban “Students”


3 The Beginning The Taliban took over Afghanistan in 1996, declaring the Islamic Emirate (ruled by Arabs) of Afghanistan. They are a left over group of Al-Qaeda from fighting the Soviets. The Taliban had complete control over Afghanistan from until the U.S. invasion in 2001 following the September 11 attacks. The U.S. invaded because the Taliban would not let us attack Al-Qaeda members there.


5 Insurgency After the U.S. invasion in 2001, and still today, the Taliban has used Guerilla Warfare tactics, (hit and run, dressing as civilians) to fight U.S. forces and the Afghanistan government. Most U.S. troops had been pulled out of Afghanistan, the U.S. primary focus was ISIS in Iraq and Syria.


7 Return With U.S. troops leaving Afghanistan, the Taliban, backed by Al-Qaeda, has managed to counter attack and has taken more land back in Afghanistan. Shortly after being pulled out, American Troops were quickly sent back to help the Afghan soldiers.



10 Green on Blue Attacks



13 ???Stay or go??? America has troops, bases, and sends aid to a lot of people. President Trump has shown interest in negotiating with the Taliban to end the ongoing fighting in Afghanistan. History shows when we leave, bad things happen and we usually go back in again. We’ve had troops in South Korea since 1950, in Afghanistan since 2001, and Iraq since 2003. What do you believe – Is this the way it must be? Explain – should we keep troops all over, just train others, stay isolated? Be prepared to share.

14 https://www. bing. com/videos/search
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