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Mississippi Office of Homeland Security

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1 Mississippi Office of Homeland Security

2 State Homeland Security Grant
Origination of the Grant Purpose of the Grant Stats $3.9 million Search and Rescue Team, LE Team, MSAIC, Bomb Teams, Citizen Corp Remaining funds provided to 70 applicants UNCLASSIFIED

3 State Homeland Security Grant Program Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA) State Preparedness Report (SPR) National Incident Management System (NIMS) UNCLASSIFIED

4 Grant Application Process
Top Threats (3) One Paragraph Top Hazards (3) One Paragraph Describe the capability gap which inhibits your Jurisdiction’s ability to respond to your threats and hazards ( 1-3 Paragraphs) Provide a Detailed Budget Worksheet with Total Amount Requested UNCLASSIFIED

5 Grant Application Process
Please provide a point of contact with a complete mailing address. Please be specific on item(s) requested and the Total Amount Requested. Applications must be postmarked by the date on the Deadline line. Electronic Applications are not Accepted. UNCLASSIFIED

6 Grant Application Process
Application received Application processed Application goes to Peer Review The Peer Review Panel consists of Fire Chiefs, Police Chiefs, Sheriffs, and EMA Directors from all over the State of Mississippi UNCLASSIFIED

7 Grant Application Process
Scored by Peer Review Panel Proceeds to the Executive Committee for final review and funding Notices mailed to all that applied This is all completed within 45 days of the Closing date of the Funding Opportunity Announcement UNCLASSIFIED

8 Awarding of the Grant Awards Letter Cooperative Agreement
Budget Narrative SGA Form Equipment Budget Detail Worksheet Audit & Implementation Schedule Deadline: December 15th Notification UNCLASSIFIED

9 Request For Reimbursement
Agency Letterhead Reimbursement Form Invoice(s) Copy of the cancelled check(s) Quarterly & Progress Reports Equipment Inventory Form Photos UNCLASSIFIED

10 Auditing Random audits may be conducted
30 day notification will be sent prior to an audit Opening and closing conference regarding the audit UNCLASSIFIED

11 Summary Identify your threat and need relating to the threat
Be specific on the items you want to purchase Submit completed Grant package by deadline If selected, attend the Grant meeting to receive training on the next steps UNCLASSIFIED

12 Summary Ensure your request is purchased in a timely manner and all paperwork is complete and submitted Maintain all required documentation Ensure the POC for the Grant is kept current for questions and to set up an audit visit UNCLASSIFIED

13 Summary – Communication is Key
Please contact our office if you have questions on: How to submit for the grant or how to submit receipts and be reimbursed How to request an extension What paperwork to submit Significant dates/deadlines during the process UNCLASSIFIED

14 Lindsey Todd, Auditor/Inventory Ronnie Turan, Auditor/Inventory
Contact Information Marsha Manuel, Grants Director Grants Administration Rachel Day-Sullivan, Grants Kayla Stewart, Grants – THIRA/SPR Coordinator Lindsey Todd, Auditor/Inventory Ronnie Turan, Auditor/Inventory UNCLASSIFIED


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