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Washington State University Student Financial Services

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1 Washington State University Student Financial Services
Partner Conference 2019 Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)

2 What is your knowledge of SAP (Satisfactory Academic Progress)
None A little Good I am an expert By Show of hands…

3 Basic SAP Timeline SAP Timeline Summer (State) Aug. 2019
Basic timeline- there is a lot more to this but generally this is our process- we do also have deadline dates not posted in there but they are at the 30th date to follow in line with the registrars and in summer it is at the end of the summer term. Basic SAP Timeline SAP Timeline Summer (State) Aug. 2019 Grades post for the term SAP process runs for state aid recipients SFS evaluates students who were on an academic plan from the prior term as well as other special groups (Study Abroad, COOP, etc) SFS creates academic plans for state aid recipients for the following term SFS sends courtesy communications to students Fall (State) Dec. 2019 Spring May 2020 Term (State AND Federal) Grades post for spring term SAP runs for all students SFS evaluates students who were on academic plans for the year and spring term SFS creates academic plans for federal and state aid recipients (AY and Term)

4 What are you talking about, there is no difference
What is the difference between our Federal SAP policy compared to the State? What are you talking about, there is no difference GPA Maximum Time Frame & Credit Hour Completion/ Pace to Degree Credit Hour Completion/ Pace to Degree & GPA By Show of Hands Maximum Time Frame & Credit Hour Completion/ Pace to Degree

5 Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)
Federal State 2.0 GPA 67% Pace to Degree Enrollment must match what they were awarded for; full time, half time, etc. Yearly Review Semester Review Monitor All Students Monitor State Aid Recipients 150% Maximum Time Frame 125% Maximum Time Frame * *New state aid program (18/19) is the WA State Opportunity scholarship

6 Financial Aid and Business Office
The development and publishing of a comprehensive SAP policy on a campus is the responsibility of the? Financial Aid office Financial Aid and Business Office Financial Aid, Business and Registrars Offices Financial Aid and any offices which may be involved in students academic progress By show of hands.. Financial Aid and any offices which may be involved in students academic progress

7 Cross Collaboration- Where can we help you, where we would love for you assist us…
Understanding Impacts of Dropping Classes Understanding Our Repeat Policy Academic Plans- What Goes Into Them & What Do They Mean, & MTF

8 Does dropping a class play a role in financial aid?
Yes No Sometimes By show of hands.. Sometimes

9 Impacts of Dropping Classes
Situational! Questions to ask and things to consider: Academic Plan with SFS? What term is it? What type of financial aid is the student receiving? What does their current GPA and credit hour standing look like? Outcomes… Nothing Need to appeal Failing prior plan Academic Plan with SFS? Possible student could fail there plan if on one- we will go into this in later detail in a bit but even if they are on one that does not fully guarantee that the student will fail it by dropping What term is it? Depending on where the student is at in the term and how often they drop classes will determine if the student is immediately impacted. Might not be immediate for them but ultimately could catch up – but this also depends on the next question of what kind of aid receiving What type of financial aid is the student receiving? This is key in determining if the student is going to be impacted as there are different rules- federal is the cumulative so again depends on how often and for the state it depends on how many classes the student is currently in and if it will move them to a different enrollment bracket. What does their current GPA and credit hour standing look like? If dropping the class this could also play a role with the GPA and depending on where a student is at could put them in jeopardy. This also applies to their current credit hour standing, if they are currently in a good standing but are close to being in a warning or disq one could affect the other. OUTCOMES- depending on the situations above could determine what happens – sometimes nothing happens but could also catch up eventually with the student, the student could also be put into a disqualification and have the opportunity to appeal or the student could also be failing a current academic plan depending on what their plan terms are and would need to re-appeal to be considered for further aid.

10 Repeat Policy- Federal Regulation and Our Policy
Repeating Passed Courses: A passed course means any grade higher than an “F” regardless of any school or program policy requiring a higher qualitative grade or measure to have been considered to have passed the course. Financial aid will only fund a previously passed course once. The first repeat (so second time taking the class) is counted in credits attempted and completed. Repeating Failed Courses : A student may receive aid for courses that they have failed repeatedly until a passing grade is earned. However, each repeated course counts toward total credits attempted. There is a lot on this slide… the biggest take-away here is what I have bolded in red… WSU FOLLOWS THE FEDERAL REGUALTIONS FOR THE REPEAT POLICY Or Basically- If repeating course that was passed we will only fund it once- same rules apply as if taking for the first time, however past that technical second time taking it and if continues to take will not fund but will still count as attempted and completed. HOWEVER if a student is Repeating Failed courses, a student can receive aid for those courses until they receive a passing grade- each time though the student fails it will still count as attempted

11 Repeat Course- If repeating a failed course, the student can receive aid for repeatedly failing that course until a passing grade is earned. True False By show of hands True

12 None, they must pass the first time
Repeating a Passed Course- Financial Aid will only fund a previously passed course how many times? Two Once None, they must pass the first time Three By show of hands… Once

13 SFS Process- Prior Failed Plan Rubric:
When an appeal is requested and submitted- SFS Process- Prior Failed Plan Rubric: What is considered: Academic Progress Circumstances of Deficiency New Circumstance from Previous Appeals Resolution of Circumstances SAP History

14 Prior Failed Plan Rubric:
explain all of the processes here… Advisors can help students here if seem to be struggling

15 When a student submits their appeal there is a spot fo explanation of circumstances, resolution and documentation. Are all three required for the student to submit? No Yes By show of hands… No, not required to submit documentation, most documentation will be if failed previous or MTF, but student can still submit their appeal

16 What goes into them and what do they mean?
So from previous slides- student gets approved and now what- SFS creates a plan- SAP Academic Plans What goes into them and what do they mean? Informs the student the appeal was approved It clarifies what they were approved for (federal or state) It outlines the academic standards the student must meet It tells them how to agree to the terms of the plan Types of plans State Aid Plans Federal Aid Plans Combination Plans Maximum Time Frame Plans Individualized Plans

17 Guidelines Surrounding Plans & SFS Process
How many times has the student appealed Documentation Medical MTF Amendments to plan Professional Judgement REMINDERS THOSE SPECIFIC TO MTF – ONLY PUT THE CLASSES REQUIRED FOR THE DEGREE. amendments do occur but that comes generally with a lot of counseling with the student. We can also at times remove students from plans for example if they have a late grade come in. Professional Judgement- want to remind everyone that a lot of the appeal decisions are professional judgment decisions that we are given the discretion to make- however we have set up parameters to allow for this judgment but provide the consistency that is needed for dealing with these high touch population of students

18 By following spring approx. 860 are on a plan
Metrics What we are working with… (approximations from this last year till now) Approx. 24K students receive either state, federal aid or a combination of the two Approx. 1,500 End up in a Disq. status for either policy at end of spring By following spring approx. 860 are on a plan 80% 6.25% 57% Thought it would be good to end on some numbers just for a feel for how many we are working with

19 Deadline date for appeals- One week prior to end of term
Changes… Looking to expand our SAP committee to those outside of SFS (just want technology in place- stay tuned) Deadline date for appeals- One week prior to end of term

20 More Information About SAP...
---> Your Award ---> Maintaining Eligibility SAP Requirements SAP Handbook SAP Committee

21 Pieces for next year you wished we touched upon?
Questions? Pieces for next year you wished we touched upon? Us! THANK YOU!

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