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Board 7pm, RVHS Library 11/12/2018

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1 Board Meeting @ 7pm, RVHS Library 11/12/2018
Meeting notes are inserted in light yellow box. Fine Arts Boosters Board 7pm, RVHS Library 11/12/2018

2 AGENDA Meeting notes: News from Art: Photography kids supported an awards activity. News from Band: It was a very successful marching band season (Placed 1st at regionals and 1st at VA state championship; placed 5th at Nationals with 2nd best music and 2nd best percussion overall!); one RVHS student was selected for All Virginia Jazz Band; Please support upcoming fund-raising events; e.g., Panera. News from Chorus: The first concert of the year was successful despite the late time change due to weather; one RVHS student was selected for Virginia Honor Choir; Chorus will perform at local area venues to raise funds to support Chorus objectives News from Guitar: Hosted a successful “Coffee House” that showcased guitar talent; 2 RVHS guitarists were selected for All Virginia Guitar; on track for winter concert. News from RVHS staff: The RVHS Club Council meets 2nd Tuesday of each month. Please consider using this to promote activities and establish new partnerships across RVHS community.

3 Roll Call of Officers Present
Executive Board Mtg 08/13/2018 VP Art  Libby Kinsle Y VP Band  Diane Eggers for Lee Sawyer VP Chorus  Sandy Hoover VP Guitar  David Meyer VP Orchestra  Francinia Roberts N VP Theater Dolly Anderson or Julie Ashley FAB Fund Raising Coordinator  Cassandra Donahue FAB Secretary  Drew Bayliss FAB Treasurer Elmer Ramirez (acting) FAB President  Elmer Ramirez Meeting notes: 1. Dolly absence was planned. Julie’s absence was unplanned b/c her kids gave her a way cool surprise bday dinner. 2. RVHS staff present: Mr. Luke Black, Dr. DiNicola, Mr. Bram Smith 3. Others present: Henry Hoover, Natalia Nunno, Maureen Randolph, Suzanne Satterfield, Christy & Sean Stuart, Nancy Vaught

4 Elect new FAB Treasurer
Meeting notes: Sean Stuart attended as the sole candidate for the vacant FAB Treasurer position The members in attendance considered a motion to elect Sean Stuart. This motion was moved and seconded. Without dissent, Sean Stuart was elected FAB Treasurer to complete the remainder of the term.

5 Open Actions & New Actions
Link to Action Items Tool (limited access) Meeting notes: Elmer did not step through the action items in detail. Instead he summarized the follow key actions of interest: Financial actions: Both Band and Chorus each have sub-accounts now. All financial transactions for both Band and Chorus occur with less intervention from FAB President, Treasurer then ever before. Elmer will work with Sean Stuart to complete open actions that pertain to finances to include sorting though records and reconciling PNC, QBO, and PayPay statements 501c3: Elmer remains optimistic that the documents provided by prior Treasurer to the IRS will obviate legal expenses and reinstate FAB’s tax-exempt status Bylaws: At least two members are working on changes. These proposed changes are expected later in this FAB fiscal year. Student recognition photographs: Dan Wojcik is the RVHS Year Book advisor. He and the RVHS Year Book club works with Life Touch, among others, for photographic services. FAB will work with Mr. Wojcik to determine if/when FAB can be included in future photography sessions for the fine arts students who have earned state-level recognition. Natalia Nunno mentioned that Chris may have time to help with FAB webmaster duties

6 Closing Remarks and Reminders
Thank you using the time in between meetings Invoices, checks, other financial information Coordinating cross-program activities Working off action items December (12/10) meeting will focus on content for semi-annual member newsletter Who is interested in primers (QBO, Formsite, Weebly, etc.)?

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