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Henrik Jochumsen Associated Professor at the Department of Information Studies, University of Copenhagen.

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1 Henrik Jochumsen Associated Professor at the Department of Information Studies, University of Copenhagen

2 The public library in urban development
29/05/2019 The public library in urban development Dr. Henrik Jochumsen Department of Information Studies

3 The public library in urban development
Public libraries are today facing major challenges Explosive developments in technology and media The library between the virtual and physical The library in competition New users Cuts and savings Uncertainty about the future role of the library Process of transition

4 The public library in urban development
Cities are today facing major challenges Transition from industrial to knowledge society Increasing inequality and segretion Cities have to stimulate creativity, innovation, sustainability and cohesion The global competition Attract and retain businesses, inhabitants and tourists Think in terms of visibility, branding and staging Process of transition

5 Libraries in Urban Development Context
Cultural institutions are today seen as major factors in urban development Bilbao-effect

6 We are not building a library for the city. We are building the city.

7 The public library in urban development
New focus on the importance of the physical library Not the exspected development ”from bricks to clics” A renaissance of the physical library





12 The public library in urban development
Research questions How can the library contribute to the city’s and urban district’s image, attractiveness and identity as part of a strategic urban development? How can the library as an urban space support citizens in need of public meeting- places and experiences? How can the library contribute to the development of the city's creativity and innovation through new relationships?

13 The public library in urban development

14 Symbolic and aestetic quality Part of city branding
Icon: Different and unique Symbolic and aestetic quality Part of city branding Seattle US The library as place

15 Placemaker: Part of revitalization of city-centres and former industrial and port areas Development of new neighbourhoods Salt Lale City US The library as place

16 Support cohesion and local identity
Catalyst: Support cohesion and local identity Support a local social and economic boost Bispebjerg Denmark The library as place

17 Openminded meeting place: A low-intensive meeting place
A place to be and stay in Seattle US The library as space

18 Public domain: The library can be a social mediator that soften borders between different areas. The Garage Sweden The library as space

19 Experiencespace: The library can be a stage for experience in the city or it can itself be staged Biblioteket som oplevelsesrum Hjørring Denmark The library as space

20 Partnerships and creative alliances:
Through partnerships with the market and civic society the library can support creativity in the city and provide the citizens with new experiences Roskilde Denmark Relations

21 Hybrid cultural arenas:
By being placed together with other cultural institutions the library can use the synergy effect to develop new forms of knowledge, culture and experience in the city Elsinore Denmark Relations

22 Creative entrepreneurs:
By supporting the cultural and artistic food chain the library can support the creative and innovative city Copenhagen Denmark Relations

23 The public library in urban development
To sum up: Why libraries and urban development? Cities want to focus on creativity and innovation. Cities want to support cohesion and an active and vibrant civic society. Cities are interested in marketing based on culture and knowledge. In this context many cities seems to be increasingly aware of libraries’ potential.

24 The public library in urban development
To sum up: Why libraries and urban development? Libraries want (need) to strengthen their anchorage and relevance in their local communities. New willingness and desire to engage in more dynamic relations with the surroundings. A need to focus on the resources the community represents in terms of citizens, users and partners (read co-creation). Part of the movement ”from collection to connection”.

25 Thank you!

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