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Aim: What morals can we learn from the Iliad?

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Presentation on theme: "Aim: What morals can we learn from the Iliad?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Aim: What morals can we learn from the Iliad?
Do Now: Who was Paris? What was his reward for choosing Venus and why was this a problem?

2 Who remembers Paris?

3 Angry King Menelaus of Sparta
Paris, the Trojan shepherd stole Helen, his wife

4 Agamemnon- Menelaeus’s brother
He brought an army to Troy to bring Helen back The Trojans didn’t take this too well…

5 …nine years later The Greeks and the Trojans are still fighting

6 More kidnapping… King Agamemnon had taken a Greek priest’s daughter captive When Agamemnon refuses to give her back, the priest prays to Apollo to send a plague to all of the Greeks

7 Apollo obliges

8 Nine days of plague The Greeks beg Agamemnon to give the girl back
He agrees on one condition…

9 He tells Achilles, the Greeks’ greatest warrior

10 Achilles agrees to give him Briseus
But how do you think this made Achilles feel?

11 He refuses to fight anymore

12 Achilles is not just any warrior
He’s the son of Thetis and Pelius

13 Thetis pulls some strings with Jupiter

14 The Trojans start making counterattacks
Led by their greatest warrior, Hector Eventually the Trojans pin the Greeks against the beach and threaten to burn their ships

15 Besties! Achilles’ best friend Patroklus goes into battle in Achilles’ place, wearing his armor

16 The Trojans are frightened!
They are deceived by Patroklus’s armor and believe that he is actually the great Achilles

17 One Trojan hero wasn’t afraid
Hector killed Patroklus (with a little help from Apollo) He then took Patroklus’s armor as his prize

18 When Achilles finds out about Patroklus
How do you think he feels?

19 He wants revenge! Back to mom for help!
Thetis asks Vulcan to make him a suit of armor that is very powerful

20 One Trojan hero challenges Achilles in a man-to-man combat
Aeneas- son of Venus Achilles is only protected from Aeneas’s spear by his divine armor

21 Achilles is just about to win the battle when who should show up but…

22 Neptune saves Aeneas! He warns him to stop fighting with Achilles
He says that Aeneas will one day be stronger and greater than any of his enemies…we’ll return to this later

23 Eventually, Achilles meets his nemesis
He kills Hector and avenges his friend’s death

24 But Achilles still doesn’t feel satisfied
The gods have to interfere in order to get Achilles to give Hector’s body back to his father, King Priam

25 In the end Achilles and Priam dine together and empathize with each other’s griefs Achilles grants the Trojans a few days of peace in order to give Hector a proper funeral

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