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Two. Separate. Autonomous. Lives

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2 Two. Separate. Autonomous. Lives
Each with separate life experiences. Each with personal upbringings. Each with dreams and goals. But they are joining together to become… as the Bible says… “one flesh”.

3 “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh….” (Genesis 2:24–25)

4 Questions to consider…
Must government be involved to make marriage legal? If so, what happens if there is no gov’t or gov’t laws regarding marriage? Must there be a social ceremony? If so, what if circumstances don’t allow for a ceremony? cp. Jn. 2 Does the “marriage bed” (Heb. 13:4) ratify the union of marriage? If so, does “fornication” necessitate marriage? cp. 1 Cor. 6:16

5 Marital “one flesh” It includes an exclusive agreement of being together. cp. 1 Cor. 7:1-2 Includes a physical joining together. Includes a metaphoric/relational “oneness”. cp. Eph. 5:25-31 In other words, where two separate individuals once existed, they are (biblically) now living as “one”.

6 May our marriages reflect God’s Image
That each “marriage kingdom” (aka “family) is a place where love, respect, honor, prefer, provide for any part that is lacking or weak in the family. Ultimately: that we love the other part of ourselves. Cp. Eph. 5:28 This is the essence of “one flesh” that reflects the image of God Himself. Jn. 17:22-24

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