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County Business Operations Mastery Class

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1 County Business Operations Mastery Class
Processing Financial Transactions Sheree Avent, Accounting Services Manager

2 What Will You Learn Reimbursements/Payments County Payment Requests
Direct Payment to Vendors 6 Project Payments Supplier (Vendor) Add This mornings training will introduce you to the business operations transactions, how to prepare them for submission to the CBO, what information/documentation is required to complete each one and how to physically submit to the CBO, namely Service Now. We will review the different types of reimbursement/payment requests- reviewing the most common types How to check for vendors and submit to have vendors added into the supplier system A key component to the timely payments is following a best practice of checking the Supplier center early in your process to ensure the vendor is set up as a supplier. This will facilitate obtaining the proper documents from the vendor at time of submission of invoice. How to submit Journal Voucher requests- after identifying a charge has posted to an inappropriate project that charge will require submission to the CBO to be moved to the appropriate project- for example such as pcard charges-travel costs that posted to the commercial mail project that needs to be moved to the travel project. Finally the new process of submitting the State Vehicle Summary Report Logs- NO MORE US POSTAL MAIL!!!!!!

3 Reimbursements We will first go through reimbursements or payment to the Counties Currently counties invoice NC State for payments made to vendors or employees for program costs associated with NC State projects by sending invoices, through the mail or directly to the Cooperative extension operations office or to a direct person in the CBO. As we create efficiencies in these responsibilities, each county office will submit their counties reimbursement requests to the CBO for direct processing through our electronic document intake system called Service Now. The CBO and Extension Office have collaborated to develop a standard process of how counties should submit requests to the CBO to ensure accurate and timely processing.

4 County Owned Vehicle Mileage Reimbursement
County owned vehicles used by Extension employees for NCCES programs Documentation must support the request County letterhead memo Project/phase County mileage log Pass out County Vehicle Mileage Reimbursement County government can request reimbursement for mileage incurred on County owned vehicles used for extension programs. By submitting a memo requesting reimbursement through service now on County letterhead and mileage log as support documentation. Project/phase is on the page you received at registration check in

5 In this example Davie county is requesting reimbursement of 302
In this example Davie county is requesting reimbursement of for mileage on their County vehicle. Submitted is a memo request on county letterhead with the submission is the county mileage log

6 County Gov’t reimbursements on 6 Project Payments
County Invoice on Extension letterhead Original Invoice Submitted via Service Now Pass out 6 project/ Direct Vendor handout When the County Gov’t submits invoices to the County extension office for reimbursement the Cooperative extension office will submit an invoice on County extension letterhead and submit with the original invoice that was submitted to the county government for payment.

7 Direct Vendor Payment Information provided by Vendor or County Govt’ on invoice Name of Vendor Address/Remit Address Invoice Date Description of Service/Goods Amount Due Information Provided by County Extension Office Project/Phase Date Service/Good were received Business Purpose TA # (if applicable) The next type of Payment we will review is payments made directly to the Vendor If the county extension utilizes a vendor to provide goods or services for an extension activity, the extension office can request the University to pay the vendor directly. If the vendor is agreeable to receive payment after the event. The Vendor must provide an invoice to the extension office with the required information: Name Address Invoice date, Description of Goods/ Services The extension office in turn will submit that invoice to the CBO via Service Now for processing with the required information. Now we will review a direct vendor payment and an employee or personal reimbursement

8 Direct Vendor Payment Registration- Vendors who do not accept credit cards In this example we are paying The Vendor for a registration fee. If vendor does not accept credit cards the registration form can be submitted to the CBO via service now for payment. The required documents are: Invoice The required information is the TA and project/phase (which can be submitted in service now which we will review in a moment.

9 Employee Reimbursement
Personal Reimbursement CBO Personal Reimbursement Form Itemized receipt, showing payment Pass Out Personal Reimbursement Form Employee who pays out of pocket for goods or services can be reimbursed using the CBO Personal Reimbursement form The Personal reimbursement form will be used for non-travel purchases- supplies Must be completed in its entirety Signed by the CED Switch Gears

10 Supplier Center Before submitting the bill...
Check to ensure the vendor is in NCSU Supplier system. Don’t forget Best Practice***** Pass out Vendor Supply- W-9 Log into MyPack Portal-----We will be demonstrating the process from the upgraded view currently called the Fluid view Navigate to Main Menu, Fluid Home, (for 1st time users- select the menu icon in upper right corner- select PERSONALIZE HOMEPAGE, in the left column you can select with page will be your homepage), from the Financial systems page, select voucher center, from left select SUPPLIER CENTER.

11 Supplier Center Financials Quick View Voucher & Supplier Maintenance
Supplier Information Enter Vendor in Supplier Name Select Update/Search Suppliers from the Fluid View Navigate to the MyPack Portal System select FINANCIALS QUICK VIEW Enter Cuisine Team in the Supplier Name field and select SEARCH, As you can see this vendor is in the system. You will want to view addresses to confirm the correct address is in the system. It the vendor is in the system and the address is correct, as an option you can provide the Supplier ID with the invoice for CBO reference when processing. Another example NC Dept of Agriculture, you do not need the “of” or you may have to interchange Dept and Department

12 Supplier Center What if a vendor is not in the system or the address does not match? Required Docs W-9 Must 100% match the name on the invoice example: Wayne County vs County of Wayne ACH form for direct deposit Invoice You must obtain from Vendor… If the vendor is not in the system you should obtain a completed W-9 and ACH form. It is policy that the vendor completes both forms and signs the W-9. do NOT , or enter these forms into Service Now W-9 sections 1-6, parts 1 and 2 are required to be completed, please make sure the name on the invoice matches the name on the W-9 ACH- All sections of the form, including the address, must be completed and submitted with a voided check and invoice. Vendors who do not accept electronic payment and must receive a paper check can only be set up as a one time vendor. If the vendor is used again this process will have to be repeated with an ACH. W-9’s and ACH’s should only be kept on file until the vendor has been set up in the system, the documents should be shredded.

13 Submitting an Invoice & W-9
1st -Submit Invoice to CBO via Service Now 2nd-Fax W-9/ACH/Invoice Once you receive the documents from the vendor enter the invoice only into Service Now. (Walk through steps quickly)

14 Supplier Confidentiality
Never submit personal information in Service Now or through . SSN/TAX ID Credit card/bank account numbers Fax all documents to

15 Submitting into Service Now
We will demonstrate how to submit an invoice (Voucher) request through Service Now Walk through entering this example into Service Now. Foundations 6 account transactions Vendor Name- County 6 account and County Name Hard copies should be kept on file for 6 months. Documents can be shredded after the 6 month period.

16 Helpful Tools HOW To’s Submitting Documents to CALS CBO Checklist Business Liaison/CBO Helpful tools to use when submitting tickets to the CBO: How to’s- will walk you through step by step Submitting Documents the CALS CBO Checklist- details what to submit for each type of transaction All information can be found on the CBO Website- Further assistance contact your business liaison

17 Questions???

18 What Will You Learn Journal Vouchers Requests
State Vehicle Summary Report submissions This afternoon’s training will show you How to submit Journal Voucher requests- after identifying a charge has posted to an inappropriate project that charge will require submission to the CBO to be moved to the appropriate project- for example such as pcard charges-travel costs that posted to the commercial mail project that needs to be moved to the travel project. And the new process of submitting the State Vehicle Summary Report Logs- NO MORE US POSTAL MAIL!!!!!!

19 Journal Voucher What is a Journal Voucher- is used to transfer a whole or partial expense from one project to another located within the same College. Why will you need to request one. Pass out JV JV- is short for Journal Voucher and is used to transfer a whole or partial expense from one project to another located within the same College. When would you do a JV-examples- Pcard, travel, As the County Representative and Pcard holder submitting and making charges, you may encounter the need to request a JV if expenses are posted to the incorrect project The request will be submitted via Service Now.

20 Steps to request a JV Review WolfReports (WRS) Identify charge Identify where charge should be moved Submit request through ServiceNow

21 Submitting JV Request in Service Now Select JV/IDJ Complete all required fields Upload WRS Report Submit Refer to How to Submit Journal Voucher/Interdepartmental Requests in binder Walk through entering an example into Service Now. Customer information automatically filled in User field. Can be edited. Customer completes entire sheet Customer provides WRS Report (or the excel version of the report) of the expenditure that needs to be moved The project/phase to be moved from is where the expenditure is currently at (where the expenditure was first charged to) The project/phase to be moved to is where the expenditure needs to go now (the correct project/phase where you need the charge to be put) You can move an expenditure partially as well. You would need to clearly define the expenditure and the amount that is needed to be moved and why the expenditure is only being moved partially. Click submit at the bottom of the form

22 Practice Have each table
Download a WRS report and enter following the HOW To.

23 State Owned Vehicle Summary Log
Purpose To allocate mileage for state vehicles by program on a monthly basis What is required State Summary Log Mileage logs Motor Fleet Management Billing How to Submit Do Not submit via ServiceNow Pass Out State Owned Vehicle Current process- US Mail, , Service Now REVIEW SUMMARY REPORT 1. At the top of the page enter the information as usual 2. In the body enter the miles driven for the appropriate source of fund and amount due. 3. Enter the source of funds if not listed in the Project or Other Categories The project number and program title must be entered.

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