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UDL Guidelines: Examples and Resources Fanelia Baskin EDU620: Meeting Individual Student Needs With Technology Julie-Ann Adkins May 29th, 2019.

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Presentation on theme: "UDL Guidelines: Examples and Resources Fanelia Baskin EDU620: Meeting Individual Student Needs With Technology Julie-Ann Adkins May 29th, 2019."— Presentation transcript:

1 UDL Guidelines: Examples and Resources Fanelia Baskin EDU620: Meeting Individual Student Needs With Technology Julie-Ann Adkins May 29th, 2019

2 Principle 1: Multiple Means of Presentation Guideline 2: Provide options for language, mathematical expressions, and symbols I.Checkpoint 2.5 - Illustrate through multiple media

3 Guideline 2: Checkpoint 2.5 ●Educators should always strive to present lessons using different formats. Such as videos, images, graphs, hands on activities, interactive books and so on... ●Checkpoint 2.5 talks about the use of multiple media which means taking advantages of the technological tools that are available. ●Traditionally the textbook was where all the information was, but, times have change and at the click of a finger any question can be answered

4 Key Recommendation 1 Present key concepts in one form of symbolic representation ( e.g., an expository text or a math equation) with an alternative form ( e.g., an illustration, dance/movement, diagram, table, model, video, comic strip, storyboard, photograph, animation, physical or virtual manipulative) (CAST). Always differentiate, for example if you are teaching about how flowers grow, you can read a book for the students and show them a chart that highlights the changes mentioned in the book.

5 Key Recomendation 2 Connect the text content to a visual component. “ Make explicit links between information provided in texts and any accompanying representation of that information in illustrations, equations, charts, or diagrams (CAST) 1. Graphs 2. Images 3. Diagrams 4. Charts 5. videos

6 Resource Interactive websites are great for providing games, videos and worksheets on many different subject across all grade levels. Websites such as Fuel the Brain: Link: Other media resources that can help to supplement your content are ● Enriching apps ● Educational video sites ● Digital storytelling ● Interactive whiteboards ● Virtual Reality

7 References National Center on Universal Design for Learning. (n.d.). UDL Guidelines - Version 2.0: Examples and Resources (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Retrieved from UDL Strategies by Checkpoint (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. [PDF Document]. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)

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