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4th Grade Back to School Night

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1 4th Grade Back to School Night
Tonya Tuley, Jessica Encinias, Laura Donovan, Melissa Papulias

2 Contact Information: Laura Donovan: Melissa Papulias: Tonya Tuley: Jessica Encinias: Linda Olson: Mike Reisinger:

3 Specials (Physical Education)
Teacher – William McGarva (Coach) Curriculum: Includes a variety of sports, games, skills, and fitness activities. Activities will include weekly objectives based around improving skills, building character, and will incorporate teamwork and sportsmanship. Classroom resources and tools: Sports, fitness, and skills equipment. FitnessGram assessment technology. Grading: 50% Participation 50% Projects, skills, and assessments

4 Specials (Technology)
Teacher – Alyssa Birdno Curriculum: A well rounded curriculum including; proper keyboarding, computer programing, internet safety, internet research, graphics programs, etc. Classroom resources and tools: Using the software for Technology called Used to receive assignments/curriculum, turning in work, take assessments and work on typing, all online. Grading: 50% Participation 50% Projects, skills, and assessments. Extra Curricular opportunities: Broadcasting (Still in need of participants) Mileage Club

5 Teacher – Lindsay Blackman Classroom resources and tools:
Specials (Music) Teacher – Lindsay Blackman Curriculum: Will encompass music fundamentals like rhythm, dynamics, pitch, tempos, form, and phrasing. All of these will be taught using songs, dance, instruments, stories, and activities designed to inspire creative thinking. Classroom resources and tools: Keyboards, Drums, Pandora, youtube, and a host of different music apps for Ipad that will be projected full screen so that there is full engagement and participation.

6 Specials (Music) continued…
Grading: Students are expected to participate fully and with maximum effort. Participation counts for half the grade, and assessments will be based on demonstrating acquired knowledge of musical fundamentals. Occasionally, a playing assessment will be used, but the impact on grades due to playing ability will be minimal. Extra Curricular opportunities: Band and Orchestra are the main extra curricular opportunities for the musically minded. Previous experience is helpful but not necessary for the Rebel Groups. Spring Musical-keep an eye out for updates on the school website

7 Teacher – Marylyn Moore Classroom resources and tools:
Specials (Art) Teacher – Marylyn Moore Curriculum: Artists are taught a brief art history from multiple cultures and eras prior to each lesson. They are then to use the Elements of Art (Color, Line, Form, Value, Texture, Space) to create a self expressed art piece. They must use problem solving skills to work through difficult material or concepts. Classroom resources and tools: Tempra, Acrylic & watercolor paint, markers, crayons, “light tracers” (Windows), variety of colored pencils, “How To Draw” books, Resource books, Supply table

8 Specials (Art) continued… Extra Curricular opportunities:
Grading: 50% participation 50% Art project (Based on the focused element, style, or concept of art) Extra Curricular opportunities: ECA’s will be offered to 3rd – 5th this year. More information to come on the Website

9 Flexible Ability Grouping
Literacy Multiple points of data used to place students Grouping is flexible We meet with administration 3 times a year to discuss possible movements needed Math Math is leveled, not ability grouped Placements made primarily through Saxon Placement Test, supported by MAP *You received a letter from administration where your student has been placed.

10 4th Grade Curriculum Overview: Math
We use the Saxon Math curriculum at American Academy. This program is a “spiral” program. This means, instead of a concept being taught just once, students practice a concept many times at varying intervals throughout the year. This gives the student the time and practice needed to master a math concept. Grading: Lesson Practice (homework)– 20% Assessments- 80%

11 Math Book Online Go to
Go to Campuses and click on Lincoln Meadows Go to Resources.  Click on Office 365 One Drive.  Log in using your students’ AA and lunch number. Click on the square of little dots in a square in the upper left corner and click on Sharepoint. On the left hand side you should see a tab labeled student textbooks. Saxon 4 Student Textbook or Saxon 5 Student Textbook (whichever pertains to your student). Then scroll down and click on Student Bk Hake 4

12 4th Grade Curriculum Overview: Spalding
The Spalding Method is a phonics-based program that integrates reading, writing, and spelling. Spelling: Students will be tested on phonograms and spelling this year. Your child has already been assessed to determine an individual spelling level. Your child’s reading teacher will teach spelling rules and sounds before any spelling words are given. Instruction on spelling words begins at least a week before the words are tested. Reading: This method teaches students to better self-monitor their reading and comprehension while learning about the different text structures. Writing: Students will be introduced to all types (Informative, Narrative, Persuasive) of writing within the first month of school. With this method, students get the chance to constantly practice and understand the different types before moving on to extended writing.

13 4th Grade Curriculum Overview: Reading
Core Knowledge Novels: Students will be reading a variety of novels including: Robinson Crusoe, Robin Hood, King Arthur, Legend of Sleepy Hollow, Where the Mountain Meets the Moon, Gulliver’s Travels, and Treasure Island. As students read these novels, they will learn new vocabulary and extend their use of comprehension strategies. These novels will be read aloud and independently with literacy teachers.

14 4th Grade Curriculum Overview: Reading
What you can do at home to help improve your child’s reading skills: Read to and with your child at home as much as possible. Do some “copycat” reading. Read a sentence aloud, with expression, and have your child repeat the sentence, copying your expression. As you are reading together, stop frequently to check for understanding of the main idea and vocabulary. At the beginning of each reading session, ask your child to summarize or retell what was read the previous session. Then, have your child make predictions about what is going to happen next in the story. Ask your child to describe the characters of the story. Check to see if your child can make a personal connection with the story--Ask your child if what you are reading reminded them of something that they have experienced or read in another book.

15 4th Grade Curriculum Overview: Grammar
DLI: Daily Language Instruction Every day students will practice their language and grammar skills through their DLI. This practice will help them apply their skills to their writing and editing. Every 3-4 weeks, students will be assessed with a DLI test. Hake Grammar: Hake Grammar is an additional grammar program that we will be using to supplement DLI. We will draw on it especially for practice with the eight parts of speech and for sentence diagramming. Insert picture of folder and clock and other ideas?

16 4th Grade Curriculum Overview: Writing
With Step Up to Writing and 6 Traits curriculum, students will learn and practice the following writing skills and many more: Note-taking (all classes) Summaries (reading, writing, science, and history class) Responding to text (reading, writing, science, and history class) 4-5 paragraph narratives with the use of dialogue 3 point expository paragraphs Topic sentences Persuasive essays Descriptive essays 5 paragraph research reports

17 4th Grade Curriculum Overview: Literacy Grading
Writing: 35% Grammar: 15% Reading: 35% Spelling & Vocabulary : 15% Assignments will have a weight of “1” Quizzes will have a weight of “2” Assessments will have a weight of “3” or “4”

18 4th Grade Curriculum Overview: Science
We use the Next Gen Science Standards, Core Knowledge Science, as well as American Academy’s STEM program in Science. The following subjects are covered in 4th grade: Waves and their application technologies for information transfer Molecules to Organisms: Structures and Processes Energy Earth STEM Units Little Bits (Sept. 6-27) EV3 Robotics (March 11- April 12) Grading: Classwork/Homework: 40% Tests: 60%

19 4th Grade Curriculum Overview: History
We use the Core Knowledge curriculum for history and geography. The following subjects are covered in 4th grade: Map Skills Major Mountains and Mountain Ranges Middle Ages in Europe Islam Early and Medieval African Kingdoms Grading: Classwork/Homework: 40% Tests: 60% Chinese Dynasties American Revolution Constitution Presidents Reformers Colorado History

20 4th Grade Events: Classroom Parties Fall Festival Holiday Party
Valentine’s Party Middle Ages Day Likely to take place in December or January. All day dress-up event! Donations and Volunteers will be requested through Sign Up Genius Colonial day Likely to take place in April or May *Food can be brought for classroom parties. Please let your homeroom teacher know the food being brought as we need to fill out a notification form for administration

21 Field Trips: Permission slips and payments:
Go to American Academy website Click on “Shop” Select “Lincoln Meadows Campus” Click on Local Field Trips Scroll down until you find the 4th Grade trip you are looking for If this is your first time you will create an account Fill in all prompted areas Once account is created you will select the appropriate trip An online permission slip is required to be filled out for each trip which includes: Participant Event Information Acknowledgement of Risk for Activity Medical Conditions and Emergency Consent Emergency Contacts Here you will also be prompted to pay for the selected trip.

22 The following plan is designed to further that goal:
Discipline Policy Overview In our school we strive to be people of character. We use the American Academy Manners and Character to accomplish this goal. Parents are strongly encouraged to reinforce these character-based rules at home. Our goal with discipline is to promote a classroom atmosphere that is conducive to learning and encourages mutual respect. The following plan is designed to further that goal:

23 School-Wide Behavior Positive Management System

24 Why Are We Using Kickboard? Focus on Positive Behaviors
We understand the real impact a positive culture has on our school and our students. We strive to build the same safe and happy culture so that each of us can thrive. Schools who use positive behavior support systems have higher academic growth across the board Students thrive when they understand what is expected of them Everyone can be consistent by using common language as we work toward a common goal Parents, teachers, and students all have access to the system to see what behaviors are happening at school Positive behaviors are reinforced through individual and group incentives Help us focus student expectations and character development with the same intentionality as academic content Behavior expectations are positively stated, and then are further defined across various settings within the school

25 Kickboard Access? Kickboard Login Papers Went Home at Open House
If you didn’t get one, please your teacher or Go to Enter in username at the top of the page and your child’s birthdate (example 01/15/2006) Write down the new username that appears it will be first initial, last name, -6pj example smiller-6pj *note* the computer automatically saves your as the username. This will not work Then create your password Write down your information your Dean if you run into any issues.

26 Every two weeks students can purchase from the menu
Positive Incentives: Every two weeks students can purchase from the menu Incentive recess on Fridays if students have $30 is in their Kickboard bank Shout Outs: Fridays

27 Discipline Plan: In addition to Kickboard, we use a logical consequence managements system. Consequences are chosen to fit the behavior. Examples: Rushed through work May need to re-do work in study hall for homework Disrespectful to an adult May spend part of recess writing an apology Playing around with neighbors during work time Seat moved or will loose privilege of working with a friend Repeated behavior  Fill out a reflection form to be brought home and signed

28 Planners: Assignment planners are an important tool to help students plan and complete work, and as a form of communication between the teacher and parent. Throughout the day, students will be recording assignments and due dates. Planners should be taken home each day and brought back the next day. Parent signatures are required in planners until further notice in 4th grade. Kickboard points will be awarded Trimester 1 and taken away Trimester 2

29 Homework, Projects, and Grading:
Math- students will be assigned a problem set to practice the lesson learned in class. Students are given time to begin homework at school. Spelling-Students will have vocabulary words each week that is assigned on Tuesday and due the following Tuesday. This will start next week. Work not completed in class will be assigned for homework. Tests will be given in Science and Social Studies that require students to study and review their notes a little each day. In order to be successful, students should not “cram” the night before the test. Occasionally, other projects will be assigned in subjects such as Literacy, Social Studies and Science.

30 Homework, Projects, and Grading:
Vacations: No work will be given prior to vacations. Students must meet with their teachers to request any missed work. Students will be extended the grace period of 2 days for every absent day for work to be due. AA Attendance Policy: Late work: -10% for one day, -50% for 2 days, after two days no credit is given Grading Scale: Per the Parent/Student Handbook, the following grading scale will be used: A+ = 100 – 99 B = 89 – 84 C- = 73 – 72 A = 98 – 94 B-= D+ = 71 – 70 A- = 93 – 92 C+ = 81 –  80 D = 69 – 65 B+ = 91 –90 C= 79 – 74 F = Below 65

31 Student Responsibilities:
Students will learn to advocate for themselves and take responsibility for their learning. We expect students to: Check Infinite Campus, under “assignments”- homework will not be posted on the website Ask teachers for assignments when absent Ask teachers for clarification on grades teachers with questions We welcome communication with you, as well! However, we encourage you to allow your child to attempt contact with us first. This allows students to take responsibility for their learning and helps to build self-confidence and self-advocating skills. These skills are essential to becoming a successful student.

32 I WILL Be Successful in 4th Grade
1. I will show respect to students, teachers, and materials at all times. I will show responsibility by: NEVER giving excuses ASKING for my work if I am absent ING my teachers myself ACCEPTING consequences 3. I will grow as a leader by setting a good example and being an outstanding role model. I WILL start right now!

33 How can I help my 4th grader?
Check Parent Portal Remember to check parent portal for missing assignments and current grades. Please verify your address is updated in Parent Portal to ensure you are receiving relevant s. Homework and assignments will be posted in IC under “Assignments”. If you have questions about Parent Portal, please visit the AA homepage under “Resources”—Portal Information or

34 Infinite Campus App: Do you have a smartphone, iPad, or tablet?
If so, we have an app for you! Infinite Campus is now more accessible than ever. Download the Infinite Campus App from the App Store or Google Play Enter QKKYJL in the district code line Then enter your Infinite Campus username and password You now have instant access to your students planner, assignments,, attendance, grades, and schedule.

35 Snacks & Birthdays Students will have time for a snack right after math each morning. We ask that you help us foster a great learning experience by sending your student with a healthy snack to nourish their working brains! Snacks must be peanut and tree nut free! Birthday celebrations Per school policy birthday celebrations must be food-free. Please send birthday items in with your child in the morning or have it in the office by 9:00. Summer birthdays are welcome to celebrate half birthdays in school!

36 Uniforms

37 Uniform continued

38 Uniforms continued

39 Carpool Reminders Morning Carpool
Starts at 7:35, School starts at 8:05 Students should be ready to hop out of the vehicle right away Backpacks and coat should already be on before you pull up Afternoon Carpool Starts at 3:15, students are dismissed at 3:35 Be aware of our neighbors Please follow the rules around carpool Respect the carpool attendants who run carpool All communications are important to read.

40 Thank you for coming! We are looking forward to partnering with you to make this a great year! Please do not hesitate to contact us with any celebrations, concerns, or questions.

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