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Skeletal System Bones Lecture.

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1 Skeletal System Bones Lecture

2 Task Read Page 8 (10 min) Identify and note the following things:
Number of bones in the skeletal system What the skeleton/bones provides for the human body How levers are created and what they allow

3 Functions of Skeletal System
206 bones in adult skeleton Provides framework for body Gives body shape Permits one to stand upright Protects vital organs Flexible joints act as levers for coordinated movement Bones firm anchor for skeletal muscles produce RBCs in marrow cavities

4 What’s the difference? LIGAMENTS: bone to bone TENDONS: Muscle to bone

5 Classifications of Bones p. 8
Long: humerus and femur (arms, legs, toes, fingers) Large Spongy tissue Slightly curved Short: wrist group, kneecap, Flat: cranium (skull), ribs and sternum Irregular: vertebrae, facial bones

6 Axial Skeleton p. 11 Skull (cranium) Vertebral Column (spine) Sternum
Cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacrum and coccyx Sternum Ribs

7 Appendicular Skeleton
Upper Extremities Clavicle: (collar bone), SC joint Scapula (shoulder blade), AC joint Humerus (upper arm) Radius vs. Ulna (forearm) Carpals (wrist) Metacarpals (hand) Phalanges (fingers)

8 Appendicular Skeleton
Lower Extremities Hip: Ilium, ishium and pubis Femur Patella (knee cap) Tibia vs. Fibula Tarsals (included is the Calcaneus or heel) Metatarsals Phalanges (toes)

9 Anatomical Directions

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