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Interprocess Communication & Synchronization

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1 Interprocess Communication & Synchronization
-Compiled by Sheetal for B. Sc CSIT (Ref: Modern Operating System by AS Tanenbaum Lecture noted of Prashant Shenoy)

2 Interprocess Communication
Three problems How to actually do it How to deal with process conflicts (2 airline reservations for same seat) How to do correct sequencing when dependencies are present-aim the gun before firing it SAME ISSUES FOR THREADS AS FOR PROCESSES-SAME SOLUTIONS AS WELL

3 Race Condition Two process reading and writing same data
Final results depends on who runs precisely Difficult to debug

4 Synchronization Problem

5 Synchronization Terminology






11 Properties of a good solution
Mutual exclusion No assumptions about speeds or number of CPU’s No process outside critical region can block other processes No starvation-no process waits forever to enter critical region .

12 What we are trying to do

13 First attempts-Busy Waiting
List of proposals to achieve mutual exclusion Disabling interrupts Lock variables Strict alternation Peterson's solution The TSL instruction

14 Disabling Interrupts Idea: process disables interrupts, enters cr, enables interrupts when it leaves cr Problems Process might never enable interrupts, crashing system Won’t work on multi-core chips as disabling interrupts only effects one CPU at a time

15 Lock variables A software solution-everyone shares a lock
When lock is 0, process turns it to 1 and enters cr When exit cr, turn lock to 0 Problem-Race condition

16 Lock variables Contd… P0 P1 Will this work?
To enter CR first check lock If lock = 0, set lock =1 and enter CR If lock =1 wait it till 0 ( lock = 0 no process in CR, lock = 1 some process in CR) P0 if (lock =0) { lock=1; CRIRICAL REGION; lock=0; } P1 if (lock =0) { lock=1; CRIRICAL REGION; lock=0; } Will this work?

17 Lock variables Problem
One process reads lock = 0 Before it set lock=1 next process scheduled Next process set lock=1 Again first process scheduled and set lock=1 Two Process in Critical region Won’t help if again you check lock before entering CR

18 Strict Alternation Variable turn which is initially zero keeps track of whose turn it is to enter CR Initally P0 isntect turn, find it to be 0 and enter CR P1 Scheduled, find turn = 0, be in tight loop continuously testing turn to see when it becomes 1 Continuously testing variable until some value appear is called busy waiting Lock that uses busy wait is called spin lock

19 Strict Alteration Problem
P0 leaves CR; turn =1 P1 enter CR, finish CR quickly, both on non CR; turn=0 P0 execute whole loop quickly, exiting CR setting turn=1 This point, turn=1, both process running non CR Suddenly P0 finish it non CR goes back to top of loop P0 is not permitted to enter CR because turn=1 Process 1 still busy with is non CR P0 hangs on while loop until P1 set turn=1 Conclusion: VIOLATES condition 3 NOT good if one process is slower than other

20 Problems with strict alternation
Employs busy waiting-while waiting for the cr, a process spins If one process is outside the cr and it is its turn, then other process has to wait until outside guy finishes both outside AND inside (cr) work

21 Peterson's Solution .

22 Peterson’s Solution Before entering CR each process calls enter_region with its process number (0 or 1) This call make wait till safe to enter After finishing CR process call leave_region giving permission to enter other process

23 Peterson’s Solution algorithm trace
None the process in CR Process 0 calls enter_region Other = 1; interested[0]=TRUE; turn=0; Process 1 calls enter_region It will hang till interested[0] goes false – an event that only happen when process 0 calls leave_region

24 TSL TSL reads lock into register and stores NON ZERO VALUE in lock (e.g. process number) Reading the word and storing into it is conformed be indivisible. No other processor can access the memory word until instruction finished The CPU execution the TSL instruction locks the memory bus to prohibit other CPU from accessing memory until it is dome

25 Using TSL Shared Value LOCK is used When lock=0, any process may set it to 1 using the TSL instruction and read write memory When it is done, the process sets lock back to 0

26 Using TSL enter_region: ; A "jump to" tag; function entry point. tsl reg, lock ; Test and Set Lock; flag is theshared variable; it is copied ; into the register reg and lock then atomically set to 1. cmp reg, # ; Was flag zero on entry_region? jnz enter_region ; Jump to enter_region if reg is non-zero; i.e., lock was ;nonzero on entry. ret ; Exit; i.e., flag was zero on entry. If we get here, tsl will have set ;it non-zero; thus ; we have claimed the resoure associated with ; return to caller CR entered leave_region: move lock, # ; store 0 in lock ret ; return to caller TSL is atomic. Memory bus is locked until it is finished executing.

27 Using TSL First instruction copies old value of lock to the register then set lock=1 Old value is compared with 0 If it is non-zero, the lock already set, so the program just go back to beginning and tests again When it become 0 (next process leaves CR), function returns with the lock set. Clearing lock is done in leave_region routine

28 TSL vs Disabling Interrupt
Different than disabling interrupt Disabling interrupt doesn’t prevent second processor on the bus from accessing the word between read and write Instead to disabling interrupt TSL will lock the memory bus from hardware level which prohibit other CPU to access it

29 XCHG instruction Xchg a,b exchanges a & b

30 What’s wrong with Peterson, TSL ,XCHG?
Though process is busy waiting still it is consuming CPU Priority Inversion Problem Two processes with Priority H for High, L for Low Scheduling rule: H is run whenever it is ready H blocked, L in CR again H become ready to run (I/O request Completed) H now begins busy waiting, L is never scheduled while H is running, L never gets chance to leave CR H loops forever

31 Sleep and Wakeup Busy waiting-waste of CPU time!
Idea: Replace busy waiting by blocking calls Sleep blocks process Wakeup unblocks process Sleep and wakeup are system calls. Also available in C library supporting system call

32 The Producer-Consumer Problem (aka Bounded Buffer Problem)
Two process Shares on fixed size buffer, one producer puts information, next consumer, takes it out Problem 1 Producer wants to put new item when buffer full Solution Producer go to sleep, to be awakened consumer remove one or more item Problem 2 Consumer want remove item when buffer is empty Consumer go to sleep until producer put something in buffer and wakes it up Seems simple but may lead race condition

33 The Producer-Consumer Problem (aka Bounded Buffer Problem)
. . .

34 The problem with sleep and wake-up calls
Empty buffer,count==0 Consumer gets replaced by producer before it goes to sleep Produces something, count++, sends wakeup to consumer Consumer not asleep, ignores wakeup, thinks count= = 0, goes to sleep Producer fills buffer, goes to sleep P and C sleep forever So the problem is lost wake-up calls

35 Quick Solution Add wakeup waiting bit
When wakeup is sent to process that is still wakeup, that bit is set When the process tries to sleep, it the wakeup bit is on, it will be turned off – process still wakeup Wakeup waiting bit is piggy bank for storing wakeup signals

36 Quick Solution – Pseudo code
if (count==0) { if (w_bit == 0) Sleep(); else w_bit=0; }

37 Semaphores Semaphore is an integer variable
Used to sleeping processes/wakeups Two operations, down and up Down checks semaphore. If not zero, decrements semaphore. If zero, process goes to sleep Up increments semaphore. If more then one process asleep, one is chosen randomly and enters critical region (first does a down) ATOMIC IMPLEMENTATION-interrupts disabled

38 Producer Consumer with Semaphores
Use of UP and DOWN semaphores as system call OS briefly disable all interrupts while it is testing the semaphores, updating it and putting process to sleep Takes few CPU time – no harm on disabling interrupt For multiple CPU peterson’s algorithm, TSL or XCHG instruction can be used No long busy waiting as semaphores execution is very brief

39 Producer Consumer with Three Semaphores
3 semaphores: full, empty and mutex Full counts full slots (initially 0) Empty counts empty slots (initially N) Mutex protects variable which contains the items produced and consumed i.e make sure that producer and consumer do not access the buffer at same time Semaphore initialized to 1, used by two or more process to ensure CR is called binary semaphore

40 Producer Consumer with semaphores

41 Producer Consumer with semaphores Cont

42 Producer Consumer – Way of using Semaphore
Used in two different way Full and empty used to ensure synchronization. They ensure certain event do or don’t occur. Next mutex ensures critical section. Guarantee only one process at a time will be reading and writing the buffer with associated value

43 Dining Philosophers Problem
. Lunch time in the Philosophy Department.

44 Dining Philosophers Problem -- NonSolution
take_fork until next fork available But fails if all five philosopher take left (or right for) simulatniously Leads deadlock Non Solution 2 Take left fork, checks right is available puts down the left one, waits for some time and repeat whole process But fails if all philosophers starts the algorithm at same time checks next fork put down and again start at same time Leads Starvation

45 Dining Philosophers Problem – NonSolution
A nonsolution to the dining philosophers problem.

46 Dining Philosophers Problem - Solution
Following to Call think using binary semaphore Before acquire fork  down on mutex After replacing fork  up on mutex Theoretical view point solution is adequate Practically – only one philosopher can be eating. With five fork we should be able to allow two philosopher eating NOT maximum utilization of resources

47 Dining Philosophers Problem - Solution
Deadlock free and maximum parallelism for an arbitrary philosopher Uses array, state of whether a philosopher is eating, thinking or hungry(trying to acquire fork) A philosopher many only move eating state if neither neighbor is eating Philosopher i’s neighbors are defines by left and right If i=2 left is 1 and right is 3 LEFT = (i+N-1)%N RIGHT = (i+1)%N Array of semaphore – one per philosopher, so hungry philosopher can block if the needed forks are busy

48 Dining Philosophers Problem
. . . A solution to the dining philosophers problem. N=5.

49 Dining Philosophers Problem
. . . . . . . A solution to the dining philosophers problem.

50 Dining Philosophers Problem
. . . A solution to the dining philosophers problem.

51 Mutex Simplified version of Semaphore
Good for managing Mutual Exclusion Easy and efficient to implement Is in two states Locked Unlocked One bit is enough, but in practice int is used 0 means unlocked other value locked Two procedure can be used with mutex mutex_lock mutex_unlock

52 Mutexes User space code for mutex lock and unlock

53 More Mutex Enter region code for TSL results in busy waiting (process keeps testing lock) Clock runs out, process is bumped from CPU No clock for threads => spinning thread could wait forever =>need to get spinner out of there Use thread_yield to give up the CPU to another thread. Thread yield is fast (in user space). No kernel calls needed for mutex_lock or mutex_unlock.

54 Monitors Easy to make a mess of things using mutexes and condition variables. Little errors cause disasters. Producer consumer with semaphores- interchange two downs in producer code causes deadlock Monitor is a language construct which enforces mutual exclusion and blocking mechanism C does not have monitor

55 Monitors Monitor consists of {procedures, data structures, and variables} grouped together in a “module” A process can call procedures inside the monitor, but cannot directly access the stuff inside the monitor C does not have monitors

56 Monitor-a picture

57 Onwards In a monitor it is the job of the compiler, not the programmer to enforce mutual exclusion. Only one process at a time can be in the monitor When a process calls a monitor, the first thing done is to check if another process is in the monitor. If so, calling process is suspended. Need to enforce blocking as well – use condition variables Use wait , signal ops on cv’s

58 Producer Consumer Monitor

59 Monitors:Good vs Bad The good-No messy direct programmer control of semaphores The bad- You need a language which supports monitors (Java). OS’s are written in C

60 Semaphores:Good vs Bad
The good-Easy to implement The bad- Easy to mess up

61 Reality Monitors and semaphores only work for shared memory
Don’t work for multiple CPU’s which have their own private memory, e.g. workstations on an Ethernet

62 Message Passing Information exchange between machines Two primitives
Send(destination, &message) Receive(source,&message) Lots of design issues Message loss acknowledgements, time outs deal with loss Authentication-how does a process know the identity of the sender? For sure, that is

63 Producer Consumer Using Message Passing
Consumer sends N empty messages to producer Producer fills message with data and sends to consumer If the producer works faster the consumer, all the message end up with full, the producer will be blocked, waiting empty message to come If consumer works faster reverse happen

64 Producer-Consumer Problem with Message Passing (1)
. . . .

65 Producer-Consumer Problem with Message Passing (2)
. . .

66 Message Passing Approaches
Have unique ID for address of recipient process Mailbox In producer consumer, have one for the producer and one for the consumer No buffering-sending process blocks until the receive happens. Receiver blocks until send occurs (Rendezvous) MPI (Message-Passing Interface)

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