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Survival Skills.

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Presentation on theme: "Survival Skills."— Presentation transcript:

1 Survival Skills

2 How to Avoid a Survival Situation
Be educated and knowledgeable! Plan ahead! Be organized! Don’t take unnecessary risks! Leave a trip plan! A detailed information sheet including where you are going, when you plan to be back, contact info, where you plan to be a certain times along the trip.

3 What Makes a Situation Survival?
If you are in a survival situation it means something has gone wrong YOU ARE LOST YOU ARE OUT LONGER THAN YOU EXPECT TO BE YOU DON”T HAVE ENOUGH RATIONS

4 What are your priorities in a survival situation?
Food, Shelter, Water, Navigation, Signaling, Weather Prediction, Fire, First Aid

5 3 minutes without oxygen
Rules of 3 3 minutes without oxygen 3 days without water 3 weeks without food

6 Keys to Survival S - Size Up The Situation (Your condition, tools, surroundings) U - Use All Your Senses, Undue Haste Makes Waste R -Remember Where You Are V - Vanquish Fear and Panic I - Improvise V - Value Living A - Act Like the locals L - Learn Basic Skills

7 Goals in a Survival Situation
make SHELTER to protect you from different weather conditions. make a FIRE also when you don't have any matches. find and purify WATER. find FOOD. use different ways of SIGNALING to attract attention NAVIGATE without a map and compass. Basic Wilderness FIRST-AID. Basic WEATHER prediction.

8 Problems to Overcome Pain Cold Thirst Hunger Fatigue
Boredom & Loneliness

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