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Biology Do Now 3-19-19 Directions: Take out a sheet of notebook (Do Now sheet) and answer each question.  What does ATP stand for? Explain how energy is.

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Presentation on theme: "Biology Do Now 3-19-19 Directions: Take out a sheet of notebook (Do Now sheet) and answer each question.  What does ATP stand for? Explain how energy is."— Presentation transcript:

1 Biology Do Now Directions: Take out a sheet of notebook (Do Now sheet) and answer each question.  What does ATP stand for? Explain how energy is released from ATP. What are the 3 parts of ATP? What is the chemical reaction for cellular respiration? What part of the cell is nicknamed “The powerhouse of the cell”? What does aerobic mean? What does anaerobic mean? What is the chemical formula for glucose? Where does cellular respiration take place? What do cells use ATP for?

2 Biology Do Now Key  What does ATP stand for? Adenosine triphosphate Explain how energy is released from ATP. When the high energy phosphate bonds break, energy is released. What are the 3 parts of ATP? Adenine, ribose and 3 phosphate groups What is the chemical reaction for cellular respiration? Glucose + oxygen  carbon dioxide + water + ATP (energy) What part of the cell is nicknamed “The powerhouse of the cell”? Mitochondrion(ia) What does aerobic mean? With air What does anaerobic mean? Without air What is the chemical formula for glucose? C6H12O6 Where does cellular respiration take place? In the mitochondrion What do cells use ATP for? Cell work, like active transport of substances from low to high concentration

3 Reminders/Announcements
i-Ready testing ends this Friday, March 22, 2019 3rd Quarter ends on April 3, 2019 (11 school days) Due to death in my family, I will be out the rest of the week. I will leave work for you to do each day. Please do not cut class or ignore the work left for you to complete; it will count towards your 3rd quarter grade. Be sure to check on your bean seedlings each day and record your observations on your lab sheet. I will see you on Monday!

4 Objective Students will know how we process the food that we eat into usable energy by watching a video, completing a POGIL and reading a DEJ. Mastery level: 75% or better

5 Homework – To be collected
Write a response to the prompt, “Do the laws of conservation of mass and energy apply to cellular respiration?”

6 Explore/Explain – Watch the Mitochondria video & answer the questions below.
What are the differences in the muscles of a sprinter and a marathon runner? How would you explain that skin cells have a lot fewer mitochondria than muscle cells? If you looked at heart cells, would you expect to see a lot of mitochondria or only a few?

7 Cell Energy (Photosynthesis and Respiration) Notes
Energy for living things comes from food. Originally, the energy in food comes from the sun.

8 Laws of Conservation of Matter & Energy
a fundamental principle of classical physics that matter and energy cannot be created or destroyed

9 Cellular Respiration: (2 kinds—Aerobic and Anaerobic)
Cellular respiration is the process by which the energy of glucose is released in the cell to be used for life processes (movement, breathing, blood circulation, etc…)

10 Cells require a constant source of energy for life processes but keep only a small amount of ATP on hand. Cells can regenerate ATP as needed by using the energy stored in foods like glucose. The energy stored in glucose by photosynthesis is released by cellular respiration and repackaged into the energy of ATP.

11 Respiration occurs in ALL cells and can take place either with or without oxygen present.

12 Aerobic Respiration: requires oxygen
Occurs in the mitochondria of the cell General formula for aerobic respiration: C6H12O O CO H2O + Energy (Reactants) (Product) glucose + oxygen carbon dioxide + water + energy

13 Anaerobic Respiration: occurs when no oxygen is available to the cell (2 kinds: Alcoholic and Lactic Acid) Also called fermentation which occurs when cells release energy from food without using oxygen. There are 2 types of fermentation: Alcohol and Lactic Acid

14 Alcoholic fermentation—occurs in bacteria, yeast, and plants.
It produces alcohol, carbon dioxide and a small amount of energy.

15 Lactic acid fermentation—occurs in muscle cells
Lactic acid is produced in the muscles during rapid exercise when the body cannot supply enough oxygen to the tissues—causes burning sensation in muscles

16 Energy & Cellular respiration double entry journal
Complete this assignment from yesterday Energy & Cellular respiration double entry journal

17 Work in groups to complete the POGIl on cellular respiration

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