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Download in the file share pod

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1 Download in the file share pod
Template: Making it Easy for you to Summarize Emotional Mapping Results Download in the file share pod

2 Overall Responses of Service Users/Clients
“Insert pain point comment here” “Insert positive comment here” “Insert positive comment here” “Insert pain point comment here” “Insert positive comment here” “Insert pain point comment here”

3 Right click on the graph and select Edit Data.
For the pie graph: An Excel spreadsheet will open up. Enter the total number of positive responses in cell C2 and the total number of negative responses in cell C3. The percent of positive/negative responses (column B) will automatically update accordingly. Right click on the graph and select Edit Data. 1 * = cells where you need to input data 2 * * 3 Insert some positive and negative participant comments in the respective speech bubbles.

4 Responses of Service Users/Clients
Drag these to the top 3 points of the graph Drag these to the bottom 3 points of the graph LEGEND 3 most positive steps/what’s working 3 most negative steps/pain points

5 Right click on the graph and select Edit Data.
For the line graph: 2 An Excel spreadsheet will open up. Enter the step description in Column A, and your tally of “# of positive responses” and “total # of responses” in columns C and D respectively. The percent of positive responses (column B) will automatically update accordingly. Right click on the graph and select Edit Data. 1 * = columns where you need to input data * 3 4 Drag the circles to the 3 topmost and 3 bottommost points. Add pictures and descriptions to these points, as you see fit.

6 What We Learned Positive Points Pain Points Insert text here
What we’re doing

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