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Cognition and Emotion Where were u on 9/11? Do u remember first day of school? First date?

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Presentation on theme: "Cognition and Emotion Where were u on 9/11? Do u remember first day of school? First date?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cognition and Emotion Where were u on 9/11? Do u remember first day of school? First date?

2 Emotion Emotion consists of three components:
Physiological changes – arousal of the autonomic nervous system and the endocrine system that are not conscious. The person’s own subjective feeling of an emotion (e.g. happiness) associated behavior, like smiling or running away.

3 Emotion Emotions serve as a guide to evaluate how important situations, and it is not necessarily a conscious effort. Fight or flight occurs when a perceived dangerous event or stimulus (stressor) will result in a physiological response which prepare the individual for direct action to confront the danger or avoid it, and a decision about what to do based on previous experience. Cognitive psychologists Lazarus and Folkman have suggested that it is not the emotion that is important, but rather how people appraise the situation and cope with it.

4 Emotion Problem-focused coping – change problematic situations that causes the emotional stress. Emotion-focused coping – when the purpose is to handle the emotions rather than changing the problematic situation. Methods: escape, self control over expression of emotions, seeking social support.

5 What do you feel when you look at a homeless person
What do you feel when you look at a homeless person? Why do you think you are feeling this way? How do you know what you are feeling?

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