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11.1 Circumference and ⁀ Length

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1 11.1 Circumference and ⁀ Length
Mrs. Vazquez Geometry

2 g-c.2.5 ; g-gmd.1.1 Essential Question:
How do I find ⁀ lengths and other measures? Objective: Students will be able to find measurements of ⁀s and other ⊙ parts.

3 circumference c = πd d = diameter c = 2πr r = radius
Find the diameter of a ⊙ with a circumference of 17ft. A car tire has diameter of 28in. How many revolutions does the tire make while traveling 500ft?

4 ⁀ length corollary In a ⊙, the ratio of the length of a given ⁀ to the circumference is = to the ratio of the measure of the ⁀ to 360o.

5 The radii for ⁀s of the red & blue tracks are shown on the diagram
The radii for ⁀s of the red & blue tracks are shown on the diagram. Approximate the distance traveled for each track.

6 Find m⁀DC Major ⁀AC = 270o & is 61.26cm. Find circumference of ⊙O.

7 ∡AOC = 150o ⁀CA = 10.5ft Find the length of the radius.

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