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2019 Pavement Workshop May 21-23, 2019

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1 2019 Pavement Workshop May 21-23, 2019
Determining Pavement Design Criteria for Recycled Aggregate Base and Large Stone Subbase TPF-5(341) Bora Cetin Assistant Professor Iowa State University + 46 Associate Members

2 RESEARCH TEAM Iowa State University University of Wisconsin-Madison
Principal Investigator – Bora Cetin Assistant Professor – Department of Civil, Construction & Environmental Engineering Co-Principal Investigator – Ashley Buss Co-Principal Investigator – Halil Ceylan Professor – Department of Civil, Construction & Environmental Engineering Co-Principal Investigator – Junxing Zheng Research Personnel – Haluk Sinan Coban PhD Student – Department of Civil, Construction & Environmental Engineering University of Wisconsin-Madison Co-Principal Investigator – William Likos Professor – Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Co-Principal Investigator – Tuncer B. Edil Professor Emeritus – Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Visiting Scholar – Askin Ozocak Associate Professor – Sakarya University

3 OUTLINE Introduction Research motivation Objectives Research plan
Construction Field testing Laboratory testing What have we learned? Future expectations

4 INTRODUCTION Recycled concrete aggregate (RCA)
Old & failed concrete pavement surfaces Other structures Recycled asphalt pavement (RAP) Old & failed asphalt pavement surfaces Large stones Single crushing operation Energy consumption ↓ (Kazmee et al. 2015) RCA RAP Large stones

5 RESEARCH MOTIVATION Inconsistent design methods & construction specifications Prediction of engineering properties from index properties Variety & uncertainty of RCA and RAP Limitations of the test apparatus for large stones

6 OBJECTIVES 1st Goal – Determine the field and laboratory performance
FWD, LWD, DCP, intelligent compaction (IC) data Index & engineering properties Unsaturated & saturated characteristics 2nd Goal – Develop a method to estimate the stiffness and permeability from Percent crushing of particles after compaction Sphericity, angularity, and surface texture Gravel, sand, fines content, gravel-to-sand ratio, D10, D30, D50, D60 3rd Goal – Prepare a pavement design and construction specification Performance Life-cycle cost analysis

7 RESEARCH PLAN Task 1 – Literature review and recommendations
Task 2 – Tech transfer “state of practice” Task 3 – Construction monitoring and reporting Task 4 – Laboratory testing Task 5 – Performance monitoring and reporting Task 6 – Instrumentation Task 7 – Pavement design criteria Task 8 & 9 – Draft/final report Green – Completed Red – In Progress

8 CONSTRUCTION Test Facility
Minnesota Road Research Project (MnROAD) Low Volume Road (LVR) Two-lane closed loop Inside lane – traffic simulation Outside lane – environmental & dynamic response monitoring

9 CONSTRUCTION Test Cells S. Granular Borrow = Select Granular Borrow
TX = Triaxial Geogrid BX = Biaxial Geogrid GT = Nonwoven Geotextile

10 CONSTRUCTION Test Materials

11 FIELD TESTING Field Tests Lightweight deflectometer (LWD) test
Gas permeameter test (GPT) Intelligent compaction (IC) test Automated plate load testing (APLT) Falling weight deflectometer (FWD) test


13 Dynatest Model 8002 FWD device
FIELD TESTING Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) Test Geophones – 0 to 72 in (0 to 1830 mm) away from the center plate Deflection basin Influence depth = 1.5 to 2.2 in (0.45 to 0.68 m) (Mooney et al. 2010; Vennapusa et al. 2012) Dynatest Model 8002 FWD device

14 FIELD TESTING Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) Test
Before & after paving Composite analysis Layered analysis Asphalt Base+subbase Subgrade Composite Subgrade Base+ subbase Composite Subgrade Base+ subbase Asphalt

15 FIELD TESTING Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) Test Before paving

16 FIELD TESTING Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) Test After paving

17 LABORATORY TESTING Task 4 - Laboratory Testing Iowa State University
Sieve analysis & hydrometer test Atterberg limits Proctor compaction Specific gravity & absorption Image analysis Asphalt & cement content determination Gyratory compaction & percent crushing Contact angle measurement University of Wisconsin-Madison Permeability Soil-water characteristic curve Green – Completed Red – In Progress

18 LABORATORY TESTING Sieve Analysis & Hydrometer Test
ASTM C136 & D6913 – Sieve analysis ASTM D7928 – Hydrometer test Material Gravel (%) Sand (%) Fines (%) Coarse RCA 61.7 34.9 3.4 Fine RCA 38.3 54.6 7.1 Limestone 52.3 32.6 15.1 RCA+RAP 41 50.4 8.6 Class 6 Aggregate 35.1 58.6 6.3 Class 5Q Aggregate 65.9 30.9 3.2 S. Granular Borrow 31.1 56.5 12.4 LSSB 99.6 0.3 0.1 Sand Subgrade 27.6 59.8 12.6 Clay Loam 3.1 37.2 59.7 Fines = silt and clay

19 LABORATORY TESTING Atterberg Limits Material LL PL PI Coarse RCA NA NP
Fine RCA 32.7 Limestone 17.9 RCA+RAP 27.4 Class 6 Aggregate Class 5Q Aggregate S. Granular Borrow 18.9 LSSB Sand Subgrade 19.9 Clay Loam 36.3 23.9 12.4 LL = liquid limit; PL = plastic limit; PI = plasticity index; NA = not available; NP = non-plastic

20 LABORATORY TESTING Classification Material Gravel (%) Sand (%)
Fines (%) Cu Cc LL PL PI USCS (ASTM D2487) AASHTO M 145 Symbol Definition Coarse RCA 61.7 34.9 3.4 34.5 1.75 NA NP GW Well-Graded Gravel with Sand A-1-a Fine RCA 38.3 54.6 7.1 33.9 1.12 32.7 SW-SM Well-Graded Sand with Silt and Gravel Limestone 52.3 32.6 15.1 211.3 1.91 17.9 GM Silty Gravel with Sand A-1-b RCA+RAP 41 50.4 8.6 49.4 0.98 27.4 SP-SM Poorly-Graded Sand with Silt and Gravel Class 6 Aggregate 35.1 58.6 6.3 23.8 0.60 Class 5Q Aggregate 65.9 30.9 3.2 33.7 2.60 S. Granular Borrow 31.1 56.5 12.4 30.3 1.10 18.9 SM Silty Sand with Gravel LSSB 99.6 0.3 0.1 1.84 1.08 GP Poorly-Graded Gravel Sand Subgrade 27.6 59.8 12.6 33.1 1.24 19.9 Clay Loam 3.1 37.2 59.7 36.3 23.9 CL Sandy Lean Clay A-6 Fines = silt and clay; Cu = coefficient of uniformity; Cc = coefficient of curvature; LL = liquid limit; PL = plastic limit; PI = plasticity index; NA = not available; NP = non-plastic; USCS = unified soil classification system; AASHTO = American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials

21 LABORATORY TESTING Specific Gravity & Absorption
ASTM C127 – for coarse aggregates ASTM C128 – for fine aggregates ASTM D854 – for soil solids ASTM C127 ASTM C128 ASTM D854

22 Oven-Dry (OD) Specific Gravity Combined (Coarse + Fine)
LABORATORY TESTING Specific Gravity & Absorption Material Oven-Dry (OD) Specific Gravity Absorption (%) Coarse Fraction Fine Combined (Coarse + Fine) Coarse RCA 2.40 2.00 2.25 4.05 11.68 6.97 Fine RCA 2.45 1.99 2.17 3.70 11.73 8.65 Limestone 2.65 2.68 2.66 1.91 1.51 1.72 RCA+RAP 2.47 2.15 2.28 3.09 5.22 4.34 Class 6 Aggregate 2.30 2.35 3.00 4.32 3.86 Class 5Q Aggregate 2.39 2.07 4.62 9.62 6.32 S. Granular Borrow 2.70 2.58 2.62 1.14 1.71 1.53 LSSB 2.60 NA 0.36 Sand Subgrade 2.56 1.08 2.13 1.84 Clay Loam Coarse fraction = materials retained on No. 4 sieve; fine fraction = materials passing through No. 4 sieve; combined = weighted average of coarse and fine fractions

23 LABORATORY TESTING Proctor Compaction Material MDD OMC (%) (pcf)
(kN/m3) Coarse RCA 122.9 19.31 11.3 Fine RCA 121.6 19.10 11.1 Limestone 142.2 22.34 6.2 RCA+RAP 125.6 19.73 10 Class 6 Aggregate 128.2 20.14 8.3 Class 5Q Aggregate 122.6 19.26 11 S. Granular Borrow 138.6 21.77 5.4 LSSB NA Sand Subgrade 136.6 21.46 5.7 Clay Loam 123.9 19.46 MDD = maximum dry density; OMC = optimum moisture content; NA = not available

24 Oven-Dry (OD) Specific Gravity Combined Absorption (%)
LABORATORY TESTING Summary of Other Index Properties Material MDD OMC (%) Combined Oven-Dry (OD) Specific Gravity Combined Absorption (%) (pcf) (kN/m3) Coarse RCA 122.9 19.31 11.3 2.25 6.97 Fine RCA 121.6 19.10 11.1 2.17 8.65 Limestone 142.2 22.34 6.2 2.66 1.72 RCA+RAP 125.6 19.73 10 2.28 4.34 Class 6 Aggregate 128.2 20.14 8.3 2.35 3.86 Class 5Q Aggregate 122.6 19.26 11 6.32 S. Granular Borrow 138.6 21.77 5.4 2.62 1.53 LSSB NA 2.60 0.36 Sand Subgrade 136.6 21.46 5.7 1.84 Clay Loam 123.9 19.46 2.68 MDD = maximum dry density; OMC = optimum moisture content; NA = not available

25 LABORATORY TESTING Image Analysis 2D Particle Shape Analysis
Stereophotography Shining 3D – EinScan-SP Stereophotography Shining 3D – EinScan-SP

26 LABORATORY TESTING Stereophotography Position 1 (Left) Position 2
Camera slider Position 1 (Left) Position 2 Position 3 (Right) Camera Test material Position 1 (Left) Position 2 Position 3 (Right)

27 LABORATORY TESTING Stereophotography Calibration
Background with text and shapes for calibration

28 LABORATORY TESTING Stereophotography Parameters Stereophotography
Area sphericity Diameter sphericity Circle ratio sphericity Perimeter sphericity Width to length ratio sphericity Circularity Convexity Roundness Stereophotography Several parameters can be determined by the stereophotography. Parameters are listed and a table is provided with their descriptions and formulas. In addition, their references are provided. This table is taken from one of Quan’s papers (not published yet I guess), who is Dr. Zheng’s PhD student.

29 LABORATORY TESTING Stereophotography
LSSB – 4766 particles (one barrel) For the large stones, ISU team received 2 barrels from the MnDOT. Stereophotography was performed only for one of the barrels, which contains 4766 large stone particles retained on No. 4 sieve. Particles passing No. 4 sieve cannot be used for image analysis with the current image station setup. d1, d2, d3, and de parameters, which are related to particle sizes, are also obtained by the stereophotogtaphy. The equation of ‘de’ is also provided in this slide. Particle size distribution of large stones were determined by both conventional sieve analysis and stereophotography. With the sieve analysis, percent passing values are determined by weight. On the other hand, with the stereophotography, percent passing values are determined by volume. As seen from the figure, image analysis and sieve analysis provided similar results. One comment is that now ISU team is working on improving the MATLAB codes to reduce noise and increase accuracy. Therefore, ISU team is expecting that the results will be much closer to each other after modifying the codes. (Zheng and Hryciw 2017)

30 LABORATORY TESTING Stereophotography Stereophotography
Elongation ratio, flatness ratio, and elongation and flatness ratio can be determined from the data obtained by the stereophotography. Their scatter plots are provided in this slide. Distribution of the values among 4766 large stone particles are shown. From these figures, distribution of the ratios by percent finer by volume can be observed. Overall or weighted elongation ratio, flatness ratio, and elongation and flatness ratio can be determined. Further numerical analysis has not been performed yet because the ISU team is working on improving the MATLAB codes, which will change the values slightly. More accurate results will be shown later. (Zheng and Hryciw 2017)

31 LABORATORY TESTING Stereophotography Stereophotography
In addition to the previous distributions, roundness (angularity) and sphericity values and their distributions can be determined. As said previously, no further data analysis has not been performed yet.

32 LABORATORY TESTING Stereophotography vs Shining 3D – EinScan-SP
Comparison Randomly selected particles For each sieve between 2.5-in and No. 4 sieves Particles retained on 2.5-in sieve Particles retained on 2-in sieve Particles retained on 1.5-in sieve Particles retained on 1-in sieve To check the accuracy of the stereophotography, Shining 3D – EinScan-SP 3D scanner is also being used on selected particles. Since we need to scan the large stone particles one by one with the 3D scanner, 175 particles in total was selected for comparison. Sieve analysis was performed and the particles were separated based on their particles sizes. 25 particles from each sieve were collected. The pictures in this slide do not show all 25 particles retained on each sieve. The pictures are provided only to show the differences in particles sizes. All 3D images were captured and their data are being analyzed right now. 3D image analysis data and their comparison with stereophotography will be provided later. Particles retained on 3/4-in sieve Particles retained on 3/8-in sieve Particles retained on No. 4 sieve

33 LABORATORY TESTING Shining 3D – EinScan-SP White background for noise
elimination Test material This slide shows the Shining 3D – EinScan-SP setup. After several trials, we decided to place a white background to eliminate the noise that occurs frequently during scanning. After the placement of white background, the noise was reduced significantly. On the right-hand side, two examples are shown regarding the 3D images created. EinScan-SP

34 LABORATORY TESTING Shining 3D – EinScan-SP Side view Top view
The data is saved in 3D Builder format. This slide only shows side and top views as an example of the created 3D image.

35 LABORATORY TESTING Asphalt Content Determination
Quantitative extraction – AASHTO T 164 Ignition method – AASHTO T 308 RCA+RAP  3.2% asphalt binder Class 6 aggregate  3.3% asphalt binder For asphalt content determination, both quantitative extraction and ignition methods were decided to be performed. Loss of fines is expected with the ignition method; therefore, higher-than-actual amount of asphalt binder can be determined. The reason is that fine asphalt particles have very low specific gravity, which means that they are lighter than other particles. During the ignition, burned asphalt turns into ash and collected by the fume hood. In addition to the ash, lightweight fine particles can also be collected by the fume. Ignition method is very straightforward. To check the accuracy of the ignition method, quantitative extraction will also be used. So far, only two ignition tests could be completed for RCA+RAP and Class 6 aggregate materials. Other tests are in progress and their data will be provided shortly. RCA+RAP Class 6 Aggregate

36 Flexible wall permeameter
LABORATORY TESTING Permeability Test ASTM D5084 Specimens prepared in standard compaction mold Flexible wall permeameter

37 LABORATORY TESTING Permeability Test DOC = degree of compaction

38 LABORATORY TESTING Permeability Test Degree of compaction
100, 95, and 90%

39 LABORATORY TESTING Soil-Water Characteristic Curve (SWCC) Test
ASTM D6836 Hanging column test  Pressure plate test Cementation of RCA during the test period Cementation of RCA Pressure plates Activity meter

40 LABORATORY TESTING Soil-Water Characteristic Curve (SWCC) Test
Van Genuchten (1980) model Θ = θ − θ r θ s − θ r = αψ n m Θ = Normalized volumetric water content Θ = Soil volumetric water content θ r = Residual volumetric water content θ s = Saturated volumetric water content Ψ = Matric suction α, n, and m : Van Genuchten fitting parameters Parameter Value θr θs 0.2812 α 0.0317 n 1.2091 m 0.1730

41 LABORATORY TESTING Soil-Water Characteristic Curve (SWCC) Test

42 LABORATORY TESTING Soil-Water Characteristic Curve (SWCC) Test
Degree of compaction ↓ initial volumetric water content ↑

43 WHAT HAVE WE LEARNED? Recycled Aggregate Base Layers
No considerable problem during construction Stiffness of coarse & fine RCA > limestone & RCA+RAP Cementation of unhydrated cement Higher angularity and rougher surface texture Stiffness of fine RCA > coarse RCA Fines content ↑ unhydrated cement content ↑ Stiffness of RCA+RAP ≤ limestone Literature → RCA & RAP > VA

44 WHAT HAVE WE LEARNED? Recycled Aggregate Base Layers
Stiffness of RCA+RAP < coarse & fine RCA Literature → stiffness of RCA > RAP Higher angularity and rougher surface texture Hydrophobicity of RAP Coarse & fine RCA → stress-hardening Limestone & RCA+ RAP → stress-softening Soft or wet subgrade condition

45 WHAT HAVE WE LEARNED? Large Stone Subbase with or without Geosynthetics Problematic construction of LSSB Impracticality of two-lift construction for 18 in LSSB Subgrade soil pumping due to large opening size of LSSB Rutting Varying stiffness in LSSB sections May be due to compactability of LSSB Stiffness of class 5Q < class 6 Speculations: Instability of 9 in LSSB Insufficient compaction of class 5Q Suitability of 18 in LSSB Effects of geosynthetics were not discernable

46 WHAT HAVE WE LEARNED? Test Materials Class 6 & class 5Q → not natural
Class 6 has some RAP Class 5Q has some RCA Clay loam → considerably lower Ksat than those of aggregates Degree of compaction ↓ Ksat ↑ Cementation of RCA during tests Good integrity between pressure plate and activity meter

47 FUTURE EXPECTATIONS Compositions of materials – asphalt & cement content Other physical properties – image analysis Angularity and sphericity Particle size distribution Hydrophilicity & hydrophobicity – contact angle measurements Degradation – gyratory compaction & percent crushing Long-term performance evaluation

48 Thank You

49 REFERENCES ACPA (2010). Why Recycle Concrete Pavements? TS043.1P. American Concrete Paving Association, Skokie, IL P /TS04 3.1P.pdf. CalTrans (2015). Standard Specifications. California Department of Transportation, Sacramento, CA. IDOT (2016). Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction. Illinois Department of Transportation, Springfield, IL. Kazmee, H., Mishra, D., & Tutumluer, E. (2015). Sustainable alternatives in low volume road base course applications evaluated through accelerated pavement testing. In IFCEE 2015 (pp ). Kazmee, H., Tutumluer, E., & Beshears, S. (2016). Pavement working platforms constructed with large-size unconventional aggregates. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, (2578), 1-11. Li, C., Ashlock, J. C., White, D. J., Jahren, C. T., & Cetin, B. (2017). Gyratory abrasion with 2D image analysis test method for evaluation of mechanical degradation and changes in morphology and shear strength of compacted granular materials. Construction and Building Materials, 152, MnDOT (2014a). Building Temperature Sensing Arrays (Thermocouple Trees), TCTree(April201 4).pdf. MnDOT (2014b). Moisture Content – EW (EC, ET), pdfs/Base_Moisture_EC_EW_ET.pdf. MoDOT (2018). Missouri Standard Specifications for Highway Construction. Missouri Highways and Transportations Comission. Mooney, M., Rinehart, R., White, D., Vennapusa, P., Facas, N., & Musimbi, O. (2010). Intelligent soil compaction systems. NCHRP Report 676. National Cooperative Highway Research Program, Washington, D.C. USGS (2018). Mineral Commodity Summaries. US Geological Survey. Van Deusen, D., Burnham, T., Dai, S., Geib, J., Hanson, C., Izevbekhai, B., Johnson, E., Palek, L., Siekmeier, J., Vrtis, M., & Worel, B. (2018). Report on MnROAD construction activities. Report No. MN/RC Minnesota Department of Transportation, St. Paul, MN. Vennapusa, P. K. R., White, D. J., Siekmeier, J., & Embacher, R. A. (2012). In situ mechanistic characterisations of granular pavement foundation layers. International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 13(1), Vennapusa, P. K., & White, D. J. (2009). Comparison of light weight deflectometer measurements for pavement foundation materials. Geotechnical Testing Journal, 32(3), 1-13. White, D. J., & Vennapusa, P. (2017) 2017 MnROAD unbound layer evaluation using intelligent compaction: Ingios validated intelligent compaction (VIC) results. Report No Ingios Geotechnics. WisDOT (2018). Standard Specifications. Wisconsin Department of Transportation, WI.

50 Thank You! QUESTIONS??

51 INTRODUCTION Flexible pavements Load distribution Aggregate base layer
90% of the paved roads Load distribution Aggregate base layer Primary load carrying sublayer Stiff and permeable Subbase layer Optional Secondary load carrying sublayer Separation Working platform Highly permeable

52 INTRODUCTION 1.33 billion tons of virgin aggregates (VAs) in 2017 (USGS 2018) 76% for roadway construction (USGS 2018) Price of conventional VAs ↑ (ACPA 2010) Alternative materials

Maximum dry  VA > RCA & RAP density Optimum moisture  RCA > VA > RAP content Hydrophobicity  RAP > RCA Permeability  RAP > RCA Stiffness  RCA & RAP > VA Strength  RCA > VA > RAP Durability  RCA > RAP > VA

Limitations of laboratory equipment (Kazmee et al. 2016) Inconsistent field data (Kazmee et al. 2016) Fluctuation of the data Mobilization of particles (Kazmee et al. 2016) Large voids Reorientation Lack of design methods & construction specifications Limited applications

55 CONSTRUCTION Large Stone Subbase Non-traditional subgrade preparation
Weak subgrade DCP index between 2.5 – 3.5 in/blow (64 – 89 mm/blow) Upper 1 ft (0.3 m) Loosening & watering (Van Deusen et al. 2018) (White and Vennapusa 2017)

56 CONSTRUCTION Sensors Environmental monitoring
Thermocouples Moisture probes Dynamic response monitoring Dynamic pressure cells Geophones Dynamic strain gauges Thermocouple tree (MnDOT 2014a) Moisture probe (MnDOT 2014b) Dynamic pressure cell Geophone Dynamic strain gauge (Van Deusen et al. 2018) (Van Deusen et al. 2018) (Van Deusen et al. 2018)

57 Environmental Sensors Dynamic Response Sensors Dynamic Pressure Cells
CONSTRUCTION Sensors TC = Thermocouple EC = Moisture probe PG = Dynamic pressure cell GP = Geophone LE = Longitudinal dynamic strain gauge TE = Transverse dynamic Cell Number Environmental Sensors Dynamic Response Sensors Thermocouples Moisture Probes Dynamic Pressure Cells Geophones Dynamic Strain Gauges 185 12 4 2 NA 186 188 189 127 3 728 16

58 CONSTRUCTION Recycled Aggregate Base Subgrade  Cells 185 & 186 – sand
Cells 188 & 189 – clay loam Subbase  Select granular borrow Base  Cell 185 – coarse RCA Cell 186 – fine RCA Cell 188 – limestone Cell 189 – RCA+RAP blend Surface  12.5 mm NMAS Superpave

59 CONSTRUCTION Large Stone Subbase
Non-traditional subgrade preparation – cont’d Mellowing Placement of LSSB Impractical two-lift construction (White and Vennapusa 2017) (White and Vennapusa 2017)

60 CONSTRUCTION Large Stone Subbase with Geosynthetics Initial plan
Only two cells No geosynthetics Problems Subgrade soil pumping Rutting (White and Vennapusa 2017) (White and Vennapusa 2017)

61 CONSTRUCTION Large Stone Subbase with Geosynthetics
(Van Deusen et al. 2018)

62 CONSTRUCTION Large Stone Subbase with Geosynthetics
Excavation to subgrade layers Reconstruction Reconstruction

63 CONSTRUCTION Large Stone Subbase with Geosynthetics
Non-traditional subgrade preparation procedure DCP index between 2.5 – 3.5 in/blow (64 – 89 mm/blow) Geosynthetics Triaxial geogrid (TX) Biaxial geogrid (BX) Nonwoven geotextile (GT) (White and Vennapusa 2017)

64 FIELD TESTING Meteorological Data
Air temperature – 40°F (4°C) and 91°F (33°C) during construction Relative humidity – 15% – 102% Wind speed & direction Precipitation

65 FIELD TESTING Nuclear Density Test
Direct transmission mode (ASTM D6938) for 60 seconds 4 in (102 mm), 6 in (152 mm), or 8 in (203 mm) deep test holes Calibration with laboratory measurements

66 FIELD TESTING Nuclear Density Test

67 FIELD TESTING Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) Test ASTM D6951
17.6 lb (8 kg) hammer 22.6 in (575 mm) drop height

68 FIELD TESTING Lightweight Deflectometer (LWD) Test ASTM E2835
Applied stress = 27.5 psi (190 kPa) (Vennapusa and White 2009) Influence depth = 8 to 12 in (200 to 300 mm) (Mooney et al. 2010; Vennapusa et al. 2012)

69 FIELD TESTING Gas Permeameter Test (GPT)
GPT device containing a self-contained pressurized gas system with a self-sealing base plate. Saturated hydraulic conductivity (KSat) is derived from gas flow and pressure measurements by using the Darcy’s Law. (White et al. 2010) S = saturation level

70 FIELD TESTING Intelligent Compaction (IC) Test Preliminary IC mapping
Automated plate load testing (APLT) Cyclic stress-dependent resilient modulus (MR) 10 psi (69 kPa) and 30 psi (207 kPa) plate contact stresses Influence depth = 2.5 to 5 ft (0.8 to 1.5 m) (Mooney et al. 2010; Vennapusa et al. 2012) Vibratory smooth drum roller IC mapping APLT (White and Vennapusa 2017)

71 FIELD TESTING Intelligent Compaction (IC) Test Before paving
Composite analysis Layered analysis Base+subbase Subgrade Composite Subgrade Base+ Subbase

72 FIELD TESTING Intelligent Compaction (IC) Test

73 FIELD TESTING Automated Plate Load Testing (APLT)
(White and Vennapusa 2017)

74 FIELD TESTING Automated Plate Load Testing (APLT)

75 FIELD TESTING Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) Test
Depth to water table

76 Fall cone penetrometer
LABORATORY TESTING Atterberg Limits BS – Liquid limit (fall cone penetrometer) ASTM D4318 – Plastic limit (rolling device) Materials with fines contents more than 5% Material Gravel (%) Sand (%) Fines (%) Coarse RCA 61.7 34.9 3.4 Fine RCA 38.3 54.6 7.1 Limestone 52.3 32.6 15.1 RCA+RAP 41 50.4 8.6 Class 6 Aggregate 35.1 58.6 6.3 Class 5Q Aggregate 65.9 30.9 3.2 S. Granular Borrow 31.1 56.5 12.4 LSSB 99.6 0.3 0.1 Sand Subgrade 27.6 59.8 12.6 Clay Loam 3.1 37.2 59.7 Fall cone penetrometer Rolling device Fines = silt and clay

77 LABORATORY TESTING Atterberg Limits Material LL PL PI Coarse RCA NA NP
Fine RCA 32.7 Limestone 17.9 RCA+RAP 27.4 Class 6 Aggregate Class 5Q Aggregate S. Granular Borrow 18.9 LSSB Sand Subgrade 19.9 Clay Loam 36.3 23.9 12.4 LL = liquid limit; PL = plastic limit; PI = plasticity index; NA = not available; NP = non-plastic

78 LABORATORY TESTING Specific Gravity & Absorption
Three specific gravity terms (ASTM C127 & C128): Oven-dry (OD) or bulk specific gravity Saturated surface dry (SSD) specific gravity Apparent specific gravity Dry aggregate Bulk volume 1. SSD aggregate Bulk volume 2. Dry aggregate Net volume 3.

79 LABORATORY TESTING Proctor Compaction ASTM D1557 - Modified Proctor
6-in mold Material Test Method Coarse RCA Method C Fine RCA Limestone RCA+RAP Class 6 Aggregate Class 5Q Aggregate S. Granular Borrow LSSB NA Sand Subgrade Clay Loam Method A 6-in mold 5 layers 56 blows per layer Material passing 3/4-in sieve (ASTM D1557) 4-in mold 4-in mold 5 layers 25 blows per layer Material passing No. 4 sieve NA = not available (ASTM D1557)

80 LABORATORY TESTING Proctor Compaction
ASTM D4718 – Correction for oversize particles Uncorrected – Test Data Corrected Material MDD OMC (%) (pcf) (kN/m3) Coarse RCA 122.9 19.31 11.3 Fine RCA 121.6 19.10 11.1 Limestone 142.2 22.34 6.2 RCA+RAP 125.6 19.73 10 Class 6 Aggregate 128.2 20.14 8.3 Class 5Q Aggregate 122.6 19.26 11 S. Granular Borrow 138.6 21.77 5.4 LSSB NA Sand Subgrade 136.6 21.46 5.7 Clay Loam 123.9 19.46 Material Corrected MDD Corrected OMC (%) (pcf) (kN/m3) Coarse RCA 128.6 20.19 9.5 Fine RCA 121.7 19.12 11.1 Limestone 143.2 22.49 6.3 RCA+RAP 125.8 19.76 10.0 Class 6 Aggregate 8.3 Class 5Q Aggregate 128.0 20.11 9.6 S. Granular Borrow 140.3 22.03 5.3 LSSB NA Sand Subgrade 137.7 21.63 5.6 Clay Loam 123.9 19.46 MDD = maximum dry density; OMC = optimum moisture content; NA = not available MDD = maximum dry density; OMC = optimum moisture content; NA = not available

81 LABORATORY TESTING Stereophotography Camera Test material
Image station Camera slider

82 LABORATORY TESTING Sphericity: Roundness:

83 LABORATORY TESTING Permeability Test Cell Number Sample ID
Material Description w (%) γd Ksat pcf kN/m3 (in/sec) (cm/sec) 185 18517GS002 Coarse RCA 10.5 122.4 19.22 3.93E-05 9.97E-05 18517GS004 1.60E-04 4.06E-04 18517GS008 3.28E-04 8.34E-04 186 18617GS006 Fine RCA 10.9 121.1 19.02 2.09E-04 5.32E-04 18617GS007 1.94E-04 4.94E-04 18617GS008 1.33E-04 3.38E-04 188 18817GS005 Limestone 6.6 143.0 22.46 1.90E-05 4.82E-05 18817GS006 1.93E-05 4.89E-05 18817GS008 1.34E-05 3.41E-05 189 18917GS002 RCA+RAP 123.0 19.32 4.84E-05 1.23E-04 18917GS003 1.91E-04 4.85E-04 18917GS006 1.10E-04 2.80E-04 127 12717GS001 Class 6 Aggregate 4.2 112.4 17.65 3.31E-03 8.40E-03 12717GS002 3.9 2.90E-03 7.37E-03 12717GS003 4.4 114.2 17.95 2.78E-03 7.05E-03 12717GS004 110.5 17.36 5.28E-03 1.34E-02 228 22817GS001 Class 5Q Aggregate 113.0 17.75 9.41E-03 2.39E-02 22817GS002 7 106.1 16.67 2.07E-03 5.26E-03 22817GS003 5.3 111.1 17.46 4.61E-03 1.17E-02 22817GS004 6.3 108.6 17.06 2.10E-03 5.33E-03

84 LABORATORY TESTING Permeability Test Cell Number Sample ID
Material Description w (%) γd Ksat pcf kN/m3 (in/sec) (cm/sec) 185 18517SS006 Sand Subgrade 4.5 119.2 18.73 8.50E-04 2.16E-03 18517SS007 3.7 119.9 18.83 6.57E-03 1.67E-02 186 18617SS006 4.78 115.5 18.14 1.69E-04 4.30E-04 18617SS007 4 2.54E-04 6.46E-04 188 18817SS006 Clay Loam 10.08 123.6 19.42 1.60E-07 4.07E-07 18817SS007 9.79 124.2 19.52 1.95E-07 4.95E-07 127 12717SS001 10.07 3.75E-08 9.53E-08 12717SS002 9.04 2.59E-07 6.58E-07 12717SS003 9.7 8.19E-08 2.08E-07 227 22717SS001 9.69 121.7 19.12 1.5E-07 3.92E-07

85 Degree of Compaction (%)
LABORATORY TESTING Permeability Test Material Description Degree of Compaction (%) w (%) γd Ksat pcf kN/m3 (in/sec) (cm/sec) Coarse RCA 100 10.97 123.0 19.32 5.00E-05 1.27E-04 95 10.99 117.4 18.44 1.92E-04 4.88E-04 90 11.5 110.5 17.36 2.63E-04 6.68E-04 Fine RCA 11.07 121.7 19.12 1.88E-04 4.77E-04 11.06 115.5 18.14 3.90E-04 9.90E-04 11.05 109.2 17.16 3.98E-04 1.01E-03 Limestone 6.13 143.0 22.46 3.17E-05 8.05E-05 6.11 135.5 21.28 7.52E-05 1.91E-04 6.08 128.0 20.10 1.29E-04 3.28E-04 RCA+RAP 9.84 125.5 19.71 5.24E-05 1.33E-04 9.76 119.9 18.83 1.89E-04 4.79E-04 9.94 113.0 17.75 5.79E-04 1.47E-03 Clay Loam 10.78 5.39E-08 1.37E-07 10.92 116.7 18.34 5.94E-07 1.51E-06 10.53 111.1 17.46 2.70E-06 6.86E-06

86 Increasing Suction, Decreasing Saturation
LABORATORY TESTING Soil-Water Characteristic Curve (SWCC) Test Soil-Water Characteristic Curve (SWCC) Increasing Suction, Decreasing Saturation Hydraulic Conductivity Function (HCF) (Lu and Likos 2004)

87 LABORATORY TESTING Soil-Water Characteristic Curve (SWCC) Test
Dry Sand Saturation = 0.17 Saturation = 0.40 Saturation = 0.70 Saturation = 0.80

88 LABORATORY TESTING Soil-Water Characteristic Curve (SWCC) Test

89 LABORATORY TESTING Soil-Water Characteristic Curve (SWCC) Test
Parameter Cell Coarse RCA Cell Fine RCA 18517GS002 18517GS004 18517GS008 18617GS006 18617GS007 18617GS008 θr θs 0.2765 0.2782 0.2866 0.3004 0.2812 0.2846 α 0.1508 0.2313 0.1174 0.1819 0.0317 0.0465 n 1.1597 1.1559 1.7310 1.1650 1.2091 1.1787 m 0.1377 0.1348 0.1475 0.1416 0.1730 0.1515 Parameter Cell Limestone Cell RCA+RAP 18817GS005 18817GS006 18817GS008 18917GS002 18917GS003 18917GS006 θr 0.0419 0.0221 0.0520 0.0070 0.0120 θs 0.2414 0.2467 0.2449 0.2997 0.2987 0.2540 α 0.1728 0.1909 0.1881 0.2805 0.2357 0.2960 n 1.6088 1.5436 1.6808 1.2397 1.2602 1.1700 m 0.3784 0.3522 0.4050 0.1934 0.2065 0.1453

90 SCHEDULE MONTHS TASKS Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5 Task 6 Task 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5 Task 6 Task 7 Task 8 Task 9

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