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Project 2 ‘Promoting Local Music Scene’

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1 Project 2 ‘Promoting Local Music Scene’
By Karley Myall, Mia Jones, Hannah Cooper-Woolley.

2 Names and roles in the group.
In the video interviewing the band there will be 3 of us and we will each have different roles. We decided that in this video we was going to have a person to interview them, someone on sound and camera and a director and a prompter, between us three we came up with it being that we got the roles we wanted and we was happy with what we got. Mia- Director and Sound. Hannah- Camera and Prompter. Karley- Interviewer.

3 Silence from the fallen- research
Who are they? The band we will be doing our project on is Silence From The Fallen. We asked a range of questions to get a brief overview of who they are as a band and getting to know more about them and there music. We found out a lot about them and they’re music. They are a local band based around the Kent area, in this group there are 5 members, the ages of the people in this group varies from years old. They all live in the Kent area, Jack, Ryan and Noah live in the Whitstable area, Stuart lives in Canterbury and Ewan lives in Herne Bay. The name of the band was actually what the main signer came up with main singer came up with after a few discussions they finally picked out this name out of a few they had came up with. They are a heavy metal band who came about in 2014 but only really started up in The background behind their songs are focused around personal experiences, anxiety, depression, heartbreak etc. They’re ringing out a new Ep IN LATE MARCH.

4 Research Why did the band come together?
The band came together because of the inspirations of bands such as Bring Me The Horizon, Suicide Silence, Architects and other heavy metal bands. In 2012 the main singer went to see Bring Me The Horizon and they really inspired him to start up a band. They have had two pasts members in the past, it didn’t work out with them, but they believe that they have the right people to actually stick by it and make something really spectacular happen. How can you get in contact with them? This band has a Facebook page which currently has 474 likes and they’re always very active on this, they also have a twitter page but they are not very active on this and they have a sound cloud, they have also been played in Australia, different parts of America, the UK, local radio stations such as Ashford and Dover radio. They’re song was played 1,229 times.

5 Research What is their fan base?
I went onto their Facebook page a roughly summed up what sort of genders liked the page and I came to a conclusion that more Females listen to their music then males I did a rough estimate and said 70% of females listen to their music and 30% of males listen to their music. Most of the people who listen to Silence From The Fallen are people who listen to Bring Me The Horizon, Asking Alexandria, Black Veil Brides etc. They also have a fan base which I believe is called SilenceFromTheFallenFanBase which is on Facebook and trends on twitter occasionally.

6 References to their social media pages.
Silence From The Fallen Facebook Page, last accessed 01/02/16- Silence From The Fallen BandCamp, last accessed 01/02/16- Soundcloud, last accessed 01/02/16.

7 Proposal for Video What is the video about?
In our video we will be interviewing the band Silence from the Fallen, who is a local band that we know well off. Our video is going to be about asking them open and closed questions some of which will be given really detailed answers, some of which we will only get brief answers. A lot of them do relate to personal stuff like inspirations, meanings etc. We will be asking them 6 questions and we will really portray the band and its backstory. The interview will be mainly focusing on the band itself, the music they produce and the story behind the band, I choose to do this because I felt like that’s the subject you can get the most information out and really explains the point. Who is the audience for the video? Briefly through this interview we will mention stuff about like their social media pages, we will also link them to everyone in the description and make sure that they all get well known. The audience we’ll mainly be focusing on are the people who mainly listening to heavy metal/rock, whatever genders, age ranges from like 15+, I mean anyone can watch it but that will be like the main target audience.

8 Proposal for Radio Interview.
What will the radio interview be about? The radio interview will be about us interviewing the band and it’ll be a 2 minute radio show maybe longer if we can, or if we go over slightly, we will have a theme tune of maybe radio one playing in the background and we will introduce it by saying ‘Hello, today I’ll be talking to Silence From The Fallen’, asking them a few questions and getting slightly brief answers as we want to stick to the script, which we arranged to be at least two minutes long, we will then have Silence From The Fallens song Resurrect Me playing at the end. Then at the start we’ll merge two songs together to play at the start.

9 Treatment Our video will feature an interview that we will record with the band ‘Silence from the fallen’. We want our video to be exciting to mirror the ‘rock star’ image that the band portrays. To achieve this we will incorporate the bands own music as well as music from the bands and artists that have influenced them. We also wanted out video to mirror other interviews that famous bands and artists have done. The video will not be entirely composed of just the interview we will record but also clips of the band performing and/or rehearsing as well as voice overs to provide information that the band might not have mentioned in the main interview. The video will open with a medium shot that features both Karley (our interviewer) and all members of the band. During this shot Karley will introduce the band as a whole, the band will then each introduce themselves and begin the interview. The video will then cut to a clip of the band performing or rehearsing while music plays over the clip or possibly a voice over talking about the band. The video will then cut back to the interview with a close up shot of Karley angled from the perspective of the band as she asks the first question. The camera will then cut to a medium close up shot of the band angled from the perspective of Karley (the interviewer) as the band answers the questions. Each question and answer will take place in this format. Throughout the interview the video will cut between the interview itself and clips of the band with clips of their music and their musical influences as well as voice overs. The video will end with a medium shot that features both Karley and all the band members. Karley will then thank the band member for their time the band will then say good bye and the video will cut to a picture(s) of the band while one of their latest songs plays.


11 Pre-Production Project Timetable
Date Activity Person in Charge Equipment 04/02/16 Synopsis Karley Myall Computer 05/02/16 Treatment Hannah C.W 02/02/16 Project Timetable Mia Jones Key Personnel Interactive Elements Contingency Plan Hannah C.W

12 Production Project Timetable Post-Production Project Timetable
Date Activity Person in Charge Equipment 22/02/16 Filming Mia, Karley, Hannah Camera, Tripod, Microphone Post-Production Project Timetable Date Activity Person in Charge Equipment 29/02/16 Editing the video Mia, Karley, Hannah Footage, Computer, Premier Pro. 01/03/16 Finishing the video editing, starting radio editing Mia, Hannah, Karley Footage, Computer, Premier Pro, Adobe Audition. 02/03/16 Finishing editing the radio piece Footage, Computer, Adobe Audition. 03/03/16 Starting and finishing any written work Computer, Word, Video/ radio piece to evaluate.

13 Activity at each location.
Lighting required? Position of sun? Clearance for shooting agreed with owners? Is there any power available? Has access been agreed? Do the police/local council need to be informed? Audio problems, such as traffic noise or planes frequently flying over? Action taken to overcome each problem. Empty corridor. Yes there will be lighting required for the shots, we made sure that it was ok to record there for a certain amount of time. There was plug sockets near by incase we needed to charge camera etc so it was a pretty good corridor to film in, no they do not need to be informed. There was people talking on the floor above quite a lot so we had to avoid getting that into our piece but we managed to work around that. Maybe go to a more quitter place perhaps the Film and TV studio and to make sure we’re more prepared to do it the next time and to find a decent location.


15 List of roles and responsibilities.
Interviewer For the interviewer I needed to make sure that I was clear and confident and that I knew what questions I was going to ask and if they couldn’t really find the words to say, ask something else that relates to it to make it easier for them. Techniques; Make sure that I prepare a sheet saying about the band, talking about their music career, listening things I know about them. Take something away from it. Research is a really key thing within an interview, you need to make sure you have a lot of research about the band, make sure you know that the questions you’ll be asking will be able to get decent answers, not just one worded answers. Practise makes perfect! Practising THIS WILL REALLY HELP THE WAY THE INTERVIEW WILL COME OUT, GETTING YOURSELF IN THE ZONE TO PREPARE YOURSELF TO BE ABLE TO INTERVIEW AND DO IT PROPERLY AND BE CONFIDENT. Make sure that I also interact with the audience, don’t just talk to the band ask questions to the audience like ‘’what do you think of their music?’’ or something along them lines so they feel like they’re involved too. Emotion, tone; make sure you look like your enjoying yourself and not just doing it to pass time, really engage yourself really make it work. Use a tone that they’d understand don’t talk quickly, go at your own pace but don’t rush or go to slow. After; make sure you thank them, say how you’re really happy they could make the time to be in the interview, to help you make it look really good and professional. Also make sure to save it, save all the good work you made. accessed 3rd February 2016.

16 Director I need to bring the films script to life using the camera and sound. I need to know what shots look good alongside the camera man opinion. I also need to make sure the sound works working with the sound guy. I need to select the right location for the interview, decide on the right people to be on the crew and cast (camera, sound, interviewer etc.) I need to have an idea as to what I want the video to look like once it is done and work out how I am going to get the final product. I need to think about what shots I want and where I want the interviewer and interviewees to be standing and what the interviewers saying. I need to conduct rehearsals with my interviewer. I need to know the technical sides of filming which consists of using the camera, sound (microphones), and lighting and how to use the editing software. I need to work with the editors during post production so they can visualise what I want and I can help them create that. Throughout the entire process I need to motivate my team and make sure they are all okay and have what they need to ensure we get the best quality video we can possible make. I also need to be aware of the budget and I need to manage time epically if there are people who need to leave early I need to make sure all their pieces have been filmed before they leave.

17 Camera Man As the camera operator and prompter my main roles where to recorded the footage we needed for the video and make sure Karley remembered all the scripted question we had decided on for the interview. I also printed off copies of the script detailing the order of how things would take place as well as the questions so that the band members would be more comfortable and more familiar with what they were going to be asked. It was also my job to set up the camera, tripod and attach the microphone, I also had to decide on the angles I would be shooting from in order to include all the band members, while also incorporating continuity edits to make the interview more professional. Another of my roles was to conduct film and sounds tests to make sure that the video and audio were recording properly. I helped decide on the location we would be filming in as well as the helping with the script. One of my main responsibilities was to physically operate the camera throughout the filming process while I maintained the composition of the video framing and shooting angles. I also worked closely with Mia (the director) and Karley (the interviewer) to create the video.

18 Interactive Social media is a great way to help a local band gain publicity easily and for them to promote their music. There are many ways a band can promote themselves such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Tumblr, Soundcloud and even more unconventional ways such as Instagram or blogs. A band having social media is also a good way to keep fans informed on what the band is doing whether that be them bringing new music out, upcoming tour dates, if they are going to be on a TV show or radio, or them bringing out a new music video. Bands will share videos to these sites and audio clips of them rehearsing or even the full song. Most of the link the video on another form of social media to their YouTube page or Soundcloud.

19 The Weeknd An example of an artist finding fame through social media is ‘The Weeknd’. Abel Tesfaye (The Weeknd) uploaded a video to YouTube in 2011 of him singing with no video and two weeks later one of those songs was featured on an indie music review site ‘Pitchfork’. After this review he started to get more attention on his videos and there was a demand for more music. A month later he had a full mixtape released ‘ House of Balloons’ which rapper Drake tweeted the link to giving The Weeknd even more publicity! Now he had a fan base and people knew who he was he started doing live shows, which escalated his career and he got a spot performing at Coachella (an American music festival) in Now The Weeknd has collaborated with artists such as Ariana Grande and Ed Sheeran. He now has 5 million followers on Facebook and 3.4 million on Twitter.

20 What will we use to promote our band? (Secondary research)
To find out what would be the best social media to promote our band on I found out the bands main demographic which was females who’s preferred music genre is heavy metal. I then found out the bands that inspired Silence from the Fallen and found out their social media preferences. I took the band Bring me the Horizon and looked at their fanbase. Bring me the Horizon’s fans are mostly females between the age of To find out what social media they used the most I went by the amount of followers they had on different social media sites. This information shows me that their fans use Facebook the most. INSTAGRAM-1,000,000 FACEBOOK- 5,602,435 TWITTER-1,450,000 YOUTUBE- 960,220

21 What will we use to promote our band? (PRIMARY research)
To find out what social media people use I conducted a survey asking 20 people to find out what their age, music genre preference and what social media they use the most is. This data shows that out of the 20 people I asked, 17 year olds listen to Heavy Metal the most and use Facebook. This will help decide what would be the best social media to promote our band on.

22 What will we use to promote our band?
To promote the band we decided that using Facebook would be the best one, not only is Facebook one of the biggest social media platforms online it shows that Silence from the Fallens main demographics use this social media the most. Silence from the Fallen already have 474 followers on Facebook and that number is growing everyday. Other heavy metal bands also have copious amounts of followers on the social media platform and usually more than their other social media websites. It is the easiest to share different media forms on like videos, images, and even audio recordings and is easier than some other to interact with their fans and keep them up to date.

23 References The Weeknd, Author- Kim Referno, Business Insider UK weeknd-got-his-start-on-youtube (last accessed 22/2/16) Silence from the Fallen facebook page: Fallen /- Bring me the Horizon Twitter : (Last accessed on 22/2/16). Bring me the Horizon Facebook : (last accessed on 22/2/16. Bring me the Horizon YouTube: (last accessed on 22/2/16. Bring me the Horizon Instagram: (last accessed on 22/2/16.

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