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In this PowerPoint… “Gaston” Matrix Time.

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1 In this PowerPoint… “Gaston” Matrix Time

2 Advanced English 6 January 25, February 19
6.1 The student will use effective oral communication skills in a variety of settings. a) Listen actively and speak using appropriate discussion rules with awareness of verbal and nonverbal cues. b) Participate as a facilitator and a contributor in a group. c) Participate in collaborative discussions with partners building on others’ ideas. d) Ask questions to clarify the speaker’s purpose and perspective. e) Summarize the main points a speaker makes. f) Summarize and evaluate group activities. g) Analyze the effectiveness of participant interactions. h) Evaluate own contributions to discussions. i) Demonstrate the ability to collaborate with diverse teams. j) Work respectfully with others and show value for individual contributions. 6.4 The student will read and determine the meanings of unfamiliar words and phrases within authentic texts. a) Identify word origins and derivations. b) Use roots, affixes, synonyms, and antonyms to expand vocabulary. c) Use context and sentence structure to determine meanings and differentiate among multiple meanings of words. d) Identify and analyze the construction and impact of figurative language. e) Use word-reference materials. f) Extend general and cross-curricular vocabulary through speaking, listening, reading, and writing. 6.5 The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of a variety of fictional texts, literary nonfiction, and poetry. a) Identify the elements of narrative structure, including setting, character, plot, conflict, and theme. b) Describe cause-and-effect relationships and their impact on plot. c) Explain how an author uses character development to drive conflict and resolution. d) Differentiate between first and third person point of view. e) Describe how word choice and imagery contribute to the meaning of a text. f) Draw conclusions and make inferences using the text for support. g) Identify the characteristics of a variety of genres. h) Identify and analyze the author’s use of figurative language. i) Compare/contrast details in literary and informational nonfiction texts. j) Identify transitional words and phrases that signal an author’s organizational pattern. k) Use reading strategies to monitor comprehension throughout the reading process. 6.6 The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of a variety of nonfiction texts. a) Skim materials using text features such as type, headings, and graphics to predict and categorize information. b) Identify main idea. c) Summarize supporting details. d) Create an objective summary including main idea and supporting details. e) Draw conclusions and make inferences based on explicit and implied information. f) Identify the author’s organizational pattern(s). g) Identify transitional words and phrases that signal an author’s organizational pattern. h) Differentiate between fact and opinion. i) Identify cause-and-effect relationships. j) Analyze ideas within and between selections, providing textual evidence. 6.7 The student will write in a variety of forms, to include narrative, expository, persuasive, and reflective, with an emphasis on narrative and reflective writing. a) Engage in writing as a recursive process. b) Choose audience and purpose. c) Use a variety of prewriting strategies to generate and organize ideas. d) Organize writing to fit mode or topic. e) Write narratives to include characters, plot, setting, and point of view. f) Establish a central idea, incorporating evidence and maintaining an organized structure. g) Compose a thesis statement for expository and persuasive writing. h) Write multiparagraph compositions with elaboration and unity. i) Use transition words and phrases. j) Select vocabulary and information to enhance the central idea, tone, and voice. k) Expand and embed ideas by using modifiers, standard coordination, and subordination in complete sentences. l) Revise writing for clarity of content including specific vocabulary and information. 6.8 The student will self- and peer-edit writing for capitalization, punctuation, spelling, sentence structure, paragraphing, and Standard English. a) Use subject-verb agreement with intervening phrases and clauses. b) Use pronoun-antecedent agreement to include indefinite pronouns. c) Maintain consistent verb tense across paragraphs. d) Eliminate double negatives. e) Use quotation marks with dialogue. f) Choose adverbs to describe verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. g) Use correct spelling for frequently used words. h) Use subordinating and coordinating conjunctions. 6.9 The student will find, evaluate, and select appropriate resources to create a research product. a) Formulate and revise questions about a research topic. b) Collect and organize information from multiple sources. c) Evaluate and analyze the validity and credibility of sources. d) Cite primary and secondary sources. e) Avoid plagiarism by using own words and follow ethical and legal guidelines for gathering and using information. f) Demonstrate ethical use of the Internet.

3 Discuss announcements.
To Do Today: Discuss announcements. Read and analyze “Gaston.” Have matrix time. You need: your Chromebook, a pencil, your journal, your planner, your purple portfolio, and Oliver Twist.

4 Advisory and Chromebook Check
Wednesday, February 20 You will go to your Advisory class with your Chromebook right away. Class starts promptly at 8:35 and ends at 9:35. You will go through your regular schedule the rest of the day, just shortened briefly. Write your room down in your planner right now: Latin I: Go to your regular classroom. Spanish I: Go to your regular classroom. French I: Go to your regular classroom. Art: Go to your regular classroom. P.E.: Last names A-M go to your regular classroom. Last names N-Z go to Art (D204).

5 “Gaston” by William Saroyan, pp. 1-8, 2/19/19
Journal about: Change Generalizations Forces of Change Changes in Characters Questions Vocabulary Page numbers

6 A3 Questions Where did the mom get all the money?
Did she get money from the divorce? Why did they divorce? Did they divorce? Were they married in the first place? Why did they eat peaches after her nap? What is the time period? Why would the dad let her stay at home alone? Is the dad rich?

7 A7 Questions Are the parents divorced?
Why did the girl barely know her father? Why did the dad not squish the bug in the first place? Why would a peach have a living animal in it? Why was the mom trying to manipulate her daughter and so against the dad? What is Gaston? Why did she call Gaston a “person”? What are the characters’ names? Why is there a sassy voice for the female characters? What is the time period of the story? What are the parents’ jobs? Why did the girl squash the bug in the end? Why did the girl’s thinking change so rapidly? Why did the mom and dad break up?

8 B3 Questions Is her mom rich? Are her parents divorced?
How old was the peach? Why was the girl being such a jerk after her mom called? Why did the dad feel like Gaston? Is her mom rich? Are her parents divorced? Do the mom and girl not live where the dad lives? Why wouldn’t the girl make up her mind about the peach? Where does the father live? Why didn’t the girl scream when she saw the bug crawling out of the peach? Why did the girl say that she wanted to stay with her dad, but then when her mom called, she decided to leave anyway?

9 B7 Questions Why did the girl squish Gaston?
Why did the girl change her mind so many times? Why did the dad eat the flawed peach? Where does the dad live? Is it a rich home? Was the daughter spoiled? Why was the dad so obsessed with Gaston? How did the dad come up with the name Gaston? How did Gaston get in the peach? Why does a 6-year-old have a phone? How did the dad feel about being rejected? How did Gaston feel about being rejected and squashed? Why was the girl all of a sudden not interested in her dad anymore? Why does the dad look so old, but he is only 36? Does the girl actually have real friends? Why did her personality change right after she talked to her mom? How did the conversation with her mom change the girl’s mind? Why did the dad leave a 6-year-old all alone? Are the parents divorced? Is the mom rich? What type of bug was Gaston? How did the bug fit in the peach? How did her dad see the porch and the bed in the peach? Why was the dad acting the way he was acting? Why did she choose to go to a birthday party instead of staying with her dad? Did the mom hate the dad?

10 Journal: Character Change in “Gaston”
How the girl felt in the beginning: Example #1 with text evidence Example #2 with text evidence How the girl felt in the middle: How the girl felt in the end:

11 A3: Character Change in “Gaston”
How the girl felt in the beginning: Doesn’t really like Gaston at first (2-3) Father seems like a stranger, but he seems to care about what she wants, so she wants to trust him (1) Gaston is like her dad (1-3). How the girl felt in the middle: Doesn’t want to “squash” him-like father (4) Wants a “bad peach” (4-5) Defended father (6) Mom influenced her –parental pressure (6-7). How the girl felt in the end: “Cried a little, but only on the inside” (7) “Everybody squashes bugs and worms” (8). Squashed Gaston (8) No peach (7-8) Father feels like Gaston (8)

12 A7: Character Change in “Gaston”
How the girl felt in the beginning: Didn’t like the bug; “ugh” (2-3) Evaluating dad-seemed like a stranger to her (1) Hesitant (1) How the girl felt in the middle: Likes Gaston (4-7) Conflicted when talking to the mom (6-7) How the girl felt in the end: Squashes Gaston (8) Mixed emotions about her dad (7-8)

13 B3: Character Change in “Gaston”
How the girl felt in the beginning: Confused-p. 1 Did not really know her dad-p. 1 Did not really like Gaston at first-p. 3 Not excited, just hanging out-p. 2 Wanted peaches-p. 2 How the girl felt in the middle: Likes Gaston (“We’re not going to squash him….”)-p. 4 Likes her dad; felt more comfortable with him-pp. 4-5 Wants a peach with a “person”-p. 4 Thinks Gaston is a human being-p. 4 How the girl felt in the end: Mom persuades her to dislike Gaston and go back to NY-pp. 6-7 Girl believes her mom; squashes Gaston-pp. 6-8 Mom convinces the girl that her dad is foolish and crazy-pp. 6-7 Gaston is just a bug-p. 7 Pushes father away; shakes hands instead of hugging-p. 8 Does not want a peach anymore-p. 8

14 B7: Character Change in “Gaston”
How the girl felt in the beginning: Confused about her dad because she did not know him well-pp. 1-2 Gaston=“ugh”-p. 3 Unsure about her dad-pp. 1-2 How the girl felt in the middle: Wants a “people” peach-pp. 4-5 Does not want to squish Gaston-p. 4 More interested in Gaston and her dad-pp. 4-5 How the girl felt in the end: Does not want the peach-p. 8 Squashes the bug-p. 7 Thinks her dad’s home is a lot different from hers-p. 8 More like she was in the beginning-pp. 7-8

15 Matrix Eminent Person Research Paper
Final (introduction, body paragraphs, conclusion, Reference page) completed and turned in to Schoology by Monday, January 28 (A Day) or Tuesday, January 29 (B Day) Revise your paper using the following tools: Paper Rater ( SAS Writing Reviser add-on Peer review Rubric Editing Checklist Eminent Person Weebly page completed by Monday, January 28 (A Day) or Tuesday, January 29 (B Day) You must have your paper and references on the page. Anything else is optional, but you must cite your sources. Snowflake completed by Monday, January 28 (A Day) or Tuesday, January 29 (B Day) You need your QR code and thesis statement. Use colored pencils ONLY! Digital Portfolio “Where I’m From” poem-6th grade page “Where I’m From” reflection-6th grade page Reader paragraph-Home page Writer paragraph-Home page Personal Narrative-6th grade page Personal Narrative reflection-6th grade page Eminent Person Page Creative Journal 2 due by February 6 for ALL MARLINS. Derivatives Activity on ONLY if you finish everything else, you may Work on anything in Schoology under the Grammar Resources folder. Record your “Where I’m From” poem on Seesaw.

16 Finish ANY AND ALL unfinished Advisory work and VLD work by TODAY!
Matrix Finish ANY AND ALL unfinished Advisory work and VLD work by TODAY! Read Oliver Twist chapters 4-7 by Wed., 2/20 (A) and Thurs., 2/21 (B). Take notes on the characters, connections, predictions, questions, vocabulary, etc. as you read. Be ready for a comprehension check! Protest Article (Quarter 3 Creative Journal 1) due on Schoology no later than Tues., 2/26 (A) and Wed., 2/27 (B) Quarter 3 Creative Journal 2 due Wednesday, March 20-A and Thursday, March 21-B Digital Portfolio “Where I’m From” poem-6th grade page “Where I’m From” reflection-6th grade page Reader paragraph-Home page Writer paragraph-Home page Personal Narrative-6th grade page Personal Narrative reflection-6th grade page Character Analysis-6th grade page Character Analysis reflection-6th grade page Eminent Person Page Derivatives Activities on ONLY if you finish everything else, you may Work on anything in Schoology under the Grammar Resources folder. Make and play a Vocabulary Jam on Record your “Where I’m From” poem on Seesaw.

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