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Prepare According To The Syllabus To Score Good BHU Entrance Examination is conducted in May. The notices reporting the BHU Entrance Examination distributed.

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Presentation on theme: "Prepare According To The Syllabus To Score Good BHU Entrance Examination is conducted in May. The notices reporting the BHU Entrance Examination distributed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prepare According To The Syllabus To Score Good BHU Entrance Examination is conducted in May. The notices reporting the BHU Entrance Examination distributed in the month of January in the journal of employment news circulated nationwide. The individuals who have done Physics, Mathematics and one more Science subject for Bachelor of Science can apply for the program. They should have Bhu Msc Physics Entrance Exam Syllabus with them so that they can start the preparation accordingly. The Examination is done as ONLINE Computer Based Test (CBT) where the applicants will be demonstrated the questions in sequence on a PC screen. The length of the examination will be 2 hours. The vehicle for all the test papers will be English as it were. There will be an aggregate of 120 questions of 360 marks. There will be one paper of 120 minutes term conveying 360 marks containing 120 different MCQs which will of the graduate level. For Geo-physics, the There will be an aggregate of 120 questions of 360 marks.Bhu Msc Physics Entrance Exam Syllabus

2 It is also important for the candidates to know the IIT JAM Physics Syllabus for that they can prepare well for it.IIT JAM Physics Syllabus Mathematics - Calculus of single and multiple variables, imperfect and perfect differentials partial derivatives, Taylor expansion, Jacobian, Fourier series. Mechanics and general property matters -Newton’s laws of motion and applications, polar and cylindrical coordinate systems, centrifugal and Coriolis forces, Velocity and acceleration in Cartesian, Conservative and non- conservative forces Motion under a central force, Kepler’s laws,, uniformly rotating frame Gravitational Law and field.

3 Modern physics - Postulates of special relativity. Lorentz transformations Inertial frames and Galilean invariance, Length contraction, mass energy equivalence, Blackbody radiation, Compton effect, time dilation, Relativistic velocity addition theorem,Bohr’s atomic model, X-rays, photoelectric effect. Kinetic theory- Velocity distribution and Equipartition of energy, Elements of Kinetic theory of gases. Specific heat of Mono, Ideal gas, van-der-Waals gas and equation of state, di- and tri-atomic gases Mean free path. First law and its consequences, Isothermal and adiabatic processes, Reversible, Laws of thermodynamics, Zeroth law and concept of thermal equilibrium Second law and entropy, Carnot cycle, Maxwell’s thermodynamic relations and simple applications, irreversible and quasi-static processes.

4 Connect with us Help Line: :+91-11-26865455 :+91-9871145498 Email : AVS FIZIKS Private Limited House No.40-D, Ground Floor, Jia Sarai Near IIT, Hauz Khas, New Delhi-16 4


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