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Lordship Salvation Is Not a Saving Message

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1 Lordship Salvation Is Not a Saving Message
GRACE EVANGELICAL SOCIETY National Conference 2019

2 It is my contention that the LS message is not a saving message.
Introduction Many Free Grace people regard the Lordship Salvation (LS) message as a saving message. It is my contention that the LS message is not a saving message. But that begs the question: What is the saving message?

3 The Saving Message Is the Promise of Life to All Who Simply Believe in Christ
John 3:16 says that all who believe in Jesus have everlasting life. That is the saving message. In 1 Tim 1:16 Paul said that he was an example for all who were going to believe on Jesus “for everlasting life.” That’s the saving message too. This message is sometimes called “the message [or word] of life” (Phil 2:16; 1 John 1:1), “the words of this life” (Acts 5:20), “the water of life” (John 4:14; Rev 21:6; 22:17), and “the promise of life” (2 Tim 1:1).

4 Lordship Salvation (LS) Does Not Teach or Believe the Promise of Life
LS Changes Faith in Christ into Surrender and a Commitment to Obey MacArthur says that believers “must obey Christ, give Him their hearts, surrender their lives, repent of their sins, submit to His lordship, [and] follow Him” (GAJ, p. 185). That isn’t the message of life.

5 Lordship Salvation (LS) Does Not Teach or Believe the Promise of Life
LS Teaches That Perseverance Till Death Is Necessary to Win Final Salvation Schreiner and Caneday say the Christian life is a race, and for who persevere, “The prize is salvation, everlasting life” (TRSBU, p. 40; see also pp., 45, 46-86). “If one abandons the race one will not receive the prize” (p. 40).

6 Lordship Salvation (LS) Does Not Teach or Believe the Promise of Life
LS Teaches That Turning from One’s Sins Is a Condition of Everlasting Life Dr. Wayne Grudem says “repentance from sin is a necessary part of saving faith” and that “repentance must include a sincere resolve to turn from one’s sins and [a sincere resolve to] begin to obey Christ” (5 Ways, p. 70).

7 Lordship Salvation (LS) Does Not Teach or Believe the Promise of Life
LS Denies that Believers Can Be Sure of Everlasting Life The message of life says that believers can be and are sure of everlasting life if they continue to believe the promise. Apart from works. See John 11: Because of perseverance teaching, both Arminian and Reformed LS peeps say that no one can be sure he will spend eternity with the Lord until he dies (cf. TRSBU, p. 45). But that is a rejection of message of life.

8 LS Is Not a Saving Message Despite Teaching Jesus’ Deity, Death, & Resurrection
It’s true that Jesus is God, died for our sins, and rose again. Those fundamental truths should lead one to believe in Him for the gift of eternal life. However, if a person believes those truths and yet denies the free gift of everlasting life—as LS does, he is not believing the saving message. LS peeps are like the Judaizers who preached a false gospel (Gal 1:6-9). One preached physical circumcision + law keeping and the other preaches spiritual circumcision + law keeping.

9 Many Lordship Salvation Advocates Are Born Again Because They Once Believed the Message of Life
OSAS is true even for those who move to LS! So if they ever believed the promise of life, they are still born again today, even though they no longer believe or proclaim it.

10 Some Free Grace People Think LS Is a Saving Message.
Responding to the LS book by Grudem, Free Grace Theology: 5 Ways It Diminishes the Gospel… Editor Fred Chay says “This is a ‘family issue,’ it is an ‘insider debate’ among brothers and sisters in Christ…” (ADFGT, p. 8). Ken Wilson says, “I appeal to my Calvinist brethren…” (p. 65). Dave Anderson twice favorably quotes Grudem saying that this is an “‘in family discussion’” (pp. 69, 87).

11 Why Some Free Grace People Think Lordship Salvation Is a Saving Message
They are convinced they themselves were born again before they believed the message of life (2006 Conf). LS people believe in the deity, substitutionary death, & resurrection of Christ. LS people love Jesus and God’s Word and demonstrate a changed life, which some FG folks believe suggests the new birth. LS people do not proclaim straight works-salvation.

12 Conclusion Lordship Salvation is the modern-day equivalent of the Judaizers of the first century. Instead of physical circumcision, LS people preach spiritual circumcision: turning from sins, surrender to Christ, and commitment to obey Him. Is that message really all that different?

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