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Kimberlee Bryant Instructional Services Technical Coordinator

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Presentation on theme: "Kimberlee Bryant Instructional Services Technical Coordinator"— Presentation transcript:

1 FY19 NRS Training: A Walkthrough of Table 4 by Instructor, CRN, and Student
Kimberlee Bryant Instructional Services Technical Coordinator April 1, 2019

2 Training Agenda The importance of Data Review
How teachers can impact Data Quality How to pull a GALIS Report Specific focus on Table 4 WIOA Local – Gains and Attendance by Instructor, CRN, Student (AE334-L) How this report can help teachers Activity: Interpreting the student drilldown report How program leadership can use this report

3 The Importance of Data Review – Local Programs
An essential feature of the data collection process is regular and frequent review of data entered into the data system. Every staff member in an adult education program plays a role in the data collection process. The program’s data collection procedures should include regular data reviews by staff after data entry. Regular data reviews allow staff to identify errors, missing data, and other data that do not make sense. Data can help staff understand issues such as the impact of instructional arrangements, learner retention, and learner progress. Source: Technical Assistance Guide for Performance Accountability – National Reporting System for Adult Education. Pages 55-63

4 Some ways that Teachers can impact Data Quality
By monitoring student sign-in sheets, making sure students understand how to record times correctly, and by verifying that recorded student hours are correct. By checking that attendance hours for your classes were entered accurately into GALIS. By looking at your class data regularly. If you do, you will notice when things don’t look right. By confirming that GED matches are displayed in GALIS, after the GED Match runs on the 15th of each month.

5 How to Pull a GALIS Report
All GALIS users need a user name and password. Local program SDA Admins create user accounts. Log into GALIS. Click on Modules. Select Reporting from the dropdown menu.

6 How to Pull a GALIS Report
There are two options in the navigation bar: My Reports – to select a report that you have already added to “My Reports” (You add reports by placing a check in the box next to the report(s) and then scrolling to the bottom of the page and clicking “Add Selected Reports to My Reports.”) GALIS Reports – to find any GALIS report Next, we’ll pull one of our newest reports, GALIS AE334-L.

7 Pulling GALIS AE334-L Select the fiscal year for the report you want to run Click the plus (+) sign by Local Reports Click the plus (+) sign by NRS Click on Table 4 WIOA Local – Gains and Attendance by Instructor, CRN, Student (AE334) The specific report parameters will pop up on the right hand side of the screen.

8 Setting the Report Parameters
Check the selected term for the report; it has to match the fiscal year selected on the Reports module. Verify the Local Program. Select a Start Date and End Date by typing in the date or selecting the date on the calendar. Click Run Crystal Report. Note the Report Number when it is displayed (AE334-L): AE means that it has been updated for WIOA. L means that it is a Local report.

9 Specifics of GALIS Reports AE334-L
The Main Report lists summative data by instructor. Columns align with Local NRS Table 4. Column K shows each instructor’s overall benchmark performance percentage. Click on an instructor’s name to see his/her class(es).

10 GALIS AE334-L Instructor View

11 GALIS AE334-L Class (CRN) View
Each of the instructor’s designated classes will be displayed on its own row. Keep in mind: To be on this report, students must be classified as participants by GALIS, but only their hours in that class will be included in Column C. Click on a listed class to see the students that make up that class or click on “View All Classes” to see all listed classes.

12 GALIS 334-L Student View Each student appears on a separate row.
Columns in the student view include specific student information that is different than what is available on the class view.

13 GALIS 334-L Student View – A Closer Look
Students highlighted in yellow are classified as “Remaining without MSG.”

14 How This Report Helps Teachers
Note the variety of educational levels and use the information to modify lesson plans. Keep up with students’ last dates of attendance to see which students have stopped out and need to be contacted. Scan the entries to see if MSG was achieved and whether it was through post-testing, a GED Credential, or postsecondary entry. See which students are eligible to post-test (or are close). Make a note of who remains in class without an MSG. See which students left the program before earning MSG (contact list).

15 At this time, pause the video and complete the Participant Worksheet, which asks you to fill in the missing information based upon the provided data table in order to complete a short description of each student. The first one is done for you. After you finish, restart the video to go over the worksheet.

16 Tyrion is an ABE4 level student who attended from July 13, 2016 until June 28, He was post-tested, but has not earned an MSG. As of June 30, 2018, it has been 5 hours since he was last post-tested and he remains in the program.

17 Sansa is an ABE4 level student who attended from March 21, 2017 until March 20, She was post-tested, and earned an MSG. Based upon her last date of attendance, it appears she has exited the program.

18 Jaime is an ABE2 level student who attended from October 3, 2017 until December 14, It’s been 40.5 hours since his pre-test, which means he met the minimum number of hours to be post-tested, but was not tested. He left the program without earning an MSG.

19 Catelyn entered at the ABE2 level
Catelyn entered at the ABE2 level. She attended from August 22, 2017 through September 25, She never reached the minimum number of hours to be post-tested. She exited the program without earning an MSG.

20 Daario is an ABE2 student who attended from September 19, 2017 to February 15, It’s been 10.5 hours since he last post-tested and he made an MSG.

21 Brienne is an ABE 4 student who attended from February 21, 2017 until August 10, It’s been 13 hours since she was post-tested, but she left the program before earning an MSG.

22 Missandei is an ABE 4 student who attended from March 14, 2017 until October 11, She was post-tested in FY18 and made an MSG via post-testing. She exited the program 5.5 hours after post-testing.

23 Hodor has the highest placement in the class, at the ASE1 level, which is the same level as ABE5. He attended from January 17, 2017 until March 6, He post-tested with the program, but also went on to earn the GED diploma on March 7, 2018, which is also shown in the Secondary School Diploma column as a count of 1.

24 Still have questions about this report
Next Steps ??? Still have questions about this report Complete your participant worksheet and turn it into your program administrator or designee. If you missed several items on the worksheet, and aren’t sure how to interpret the data on this report, please consult with a colleague or your supervisor. This report is a great tool for teachers. Keep asking questions until you understand fully how to use this report. Now, let’s go over a few final items.

25 How this Report Helps Program Leaders
Run the report as demonstrated earlier in this presentation. The report gives a good overview of individual instructor performance, including the number of students enrolled (column B), the number of POPs with an MSG (column J), and the overall MSG percentage (column K).

26 How this Report Helps Program Leaders
Use the report to have conversations with teachers about student performance and class performance. Look for trends in higher and lower attendance or performance across classes. If the teacher is the constant, what other factors could be helping or hurting class attendance or performance? For program planning purposes, what is the overall attendance and performance of the class? Is the class needed? Could other classes at the same location absorb the students effectively? Is service coverage in this community sufficient? Are additional classes or expanded class times needed to meet high demand?

27 Keep in Mind Data entered into GALIS in the course of one day are uploaded that night, and will be visible on reports the next day. This report functions like other GALIS NRS reports. If a student makes a completion at any time during the fiscal year (and for TABE, in any subject), it will show up as a positive for ALL instructors and ALL classes that he/she has been enrolled in during the fiscal year. The most accurate and usable data are when this report is pulled on the same day as the End Date entered in the report parameters. If the report End Date is too far in the past, the data become inaccurate as future data can affect past data. (This is most clearly seen in the days/hours since post-test.)

28 Presentation Bonus: Exporting and Printing
Along the top of the report is the Business Objects toolbar. Click on the disk icon. A window will open with a list of file format options. Make your selection and click OK. For exporting, we recommend Microsoft Excel – Data Only (XLS). For saving and printing, we recommend Adobe Acrobat (PDF). To go directly to printing, you can click on the printer icon instead of the disk.

29 Making Data Usable in Excel
Clean up the data. Expand columns to fit data Move column headers Delete unwanted information The more you work with the reports and Excel, the easier they becomes. As you progress you can add your own columns, rows, and calculations, such as average contact hours per student.


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