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Meeting of PAP/RAC Focal Points, Split, Croatia, 8-9 May 2019

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1 Meeting of PAP/RAC Focal Points, Split, Croatia, 8-9 May 2019
The SPA / BD Protocol regional documents and the ICZM policy framework: coherence analysis Meeting of PAP/RAC Focal Points, Split, Croatia, 8-9 May 2019 Marina Marković, Consultant, PAP/RAC

2 Scope and purpose of the analysis, methodological approach
The UNEP/ MAP Mid-term Strategy …calls for ‘synergy, harmonisation of efforts and optimisation of the use of resources in implementing the Barcelona Convention and its Protocols’. Scope of the analysis Regional documents adopted under the SPA/ BD Protocol: SAP BIO, MPAs Roadmap, SAP BIO climate change updates/ Synthesis report, Species/ habitats action plans, and the ICZM policy framework (the Protocol, CRF for ICZM and CF for MSP) Draft Decision IG. 23/15 (Updated Guidelines on artificial reefs) 2 Slide numbers to be added as shown alongside

3 Scope and purpose of the analysis, methodological approach
Purpose of the analysis (joint PAP/RAC and SPA/RAC effort): to contribute to integrated implementation of the BC sectoral policies and to streamlining ICZM; to identify areas where consistency and complementarity could be improved; to draw recommendations for the new SAP BIO. Methodological approach Detailed assessment matrices for the SAP BIO; SAP BIO implementation report (UNEP(DEPI)/MED WG. 459/3) reviewed MPAs Roadmap (objectives; whether/how were the applicable ICZM and MSP approaches integrated) Limited assessment for other documents (key elements) Four grades: strong, moderate, weak, lack of coherence 3 Slide numbers to be added as shown alongside

4 Relevant CRF themes/ sections
ICZM Protocol (relevant articles) ICZM requirements/ implementation guidance SAP BIO: key observations/ comments on coherence with respective ICZM provisions Assessment of coherence 2 Scope of CRF 3 and 28 Geographical coverage of the CZ: seaward limit – external limit of the territorial sea; landward limit – competent coastal units Transboundary cooperation: coordination of national coastal strategies, plans and programmes related to contiguous CZs ICZM to be approached at different geographic scales and administrative levels: Mediterranean/ regional, sub-regional, national and sub-national (local) SAP BIO considerations include priority habitats and priority actions located outside of the CZ boundaries (i.e. SAP BIO geographical scope exceeds the CZ coverage as defined in the Protocol), e.g. river basins; marine protected areas (MPAs) in offshore areas and high seas. Transboundary cooperation strongly emphasised in SAP BIO; coordination and development of common tools for implementing NAPs is, for example, one of priority actions. SAP BIO priority actions refer to different scales/ levels (regional, sub-regional, national and sub-national). STRONG 4 Ecosystem-based management for Good Environmental Status (GES) and SD 8 – 15 and Preserve the coastal natural habitats, landscapes, natural resources and ecosystems (set-back zone, open areas with restricted/ prohibited urban development, limited linear extension and new transport infrastructure, free access to the sea and along the shore, etc.) Regulate economic activities to inter alia minimise use of natural resources, adapt coastal economy to fragile nature of CZs, protect from pollution, define indicators of development to ensure SD and reduce pressures that exceed carrying capacity. Protect characteristics of specific coastal ecosystems: Wetlands and estuaries; Marine habitats; Coastal forest and woods; and Dunes (Article 10) High consistence as regards the purpose of respective ICZM provisions (Article 8 of the Protocol), less so in terms of promoting the use of planning criteria to achieve preservation/ integrity of the CZ; urbanisation and infrastructure development recognised as important threats to biodiversity. Economic activities described in reference to threats they pose to coastal and marine biodiversity; consistency as regards the key economic activities (tourism, fisheries, agriculture, etc.). SAP BIO calls for economic, social, institutional and environmental indicators, primarily to monitor implementation of proposed measures, which is consistent with but different compared to the ICZM requirement (Article 9) on indicators of development to ensure SD of the CZ and reduce pressures that exceed carrying capacity. The need to minimise the use of natural resources in conducting economic activities, promote good practices etc. are integrated in the SAP BIO. High level of consistency with the Protocol as regards priority coastal and wetland ecosystems (except for coastal forests and woods); rocky coasts prioritised too in the SAP BIO. Priority marine habitats specified (including seagrass meadows, mid-littoral bioconstructions, bioconstructions of Cladocora caespitose, coralligenous communities, etc.). MODERATE

5 The main findings: SAP BIO
Overall, strong coherence between the SAP BIO and the ICZM Protocol/ CRF provisions. Some inconsistencies cannot necessarily be labelled as a weakness (e.g. cultural heritage). Partial gaps/ areas where further integration is possible: SAP BIO principles; Promotion and use of planning tools and criteria (Art 8); Use of indicators; Natural hazards (coastal erosion); Coordination of planning processes, governance mechanisms; International cooperation (research, data sharing); MSP and land policy; Environmental assessments. 5 Slide numbers to be added as shown alongside

6 The main findings: SAP BIO
SAP BIO and CF for MSP – further integration possible for: the use of best available knowledge (compiling, exchanging and using biodiversity data for MSP and vice versa); utilising connectivity principle to maximize benefits for BD. SAP BIO implementation (UNEP(DEPI)/MED WG. 459/3): potential of ICZM to contribute to the achievement of BD protection not fully utilised; positive examples identified, including CAMPs and environmental assessments. 6 Slide numbers to be added as shown alongside

7 The main findings: other documents
MPAs Roadmap Strong coherence with the ICZM Protocol/ CRF and CF for MSP Climate change updates/ Synthesis report Strong coherence with Art 22 of the Protocol; ICZM recognised as appropriate planning framework to address CC impacts Species/ habitats Action Plans The nine APs by and large consistent to and complementary with the ICZM Protocol/ CRF (despite different scopes) Artificial Reefs, draft Decision IG. 23/15 (Updated Guidelines) Consistency with the ICZM Protocol confirmed 7 Slide numbers to be added as shown alongside

8 Recommendations – elaboration of the new SAP BIO
Alignment with recent BC policy developments will bring improvements in itself, nevertheless efforts needed to ensure synergies and stronger complementarities, e.g.: Maintain the already achieved level of coherence Better align the new SAP BIO principles Use ICZM indicators to the extent possible (in particular for socio-economic factors and their effects on BD) Address climate change and its impacts in an integrated manner (within the new SAP BIO) Consider/ address coastal erosion as a potential threat to BD Integrate actions to strengthen exchanges (data, good practices) 8 Slide numbers to be added as shown alongside

9 Recommendations – elaboration of the new SAP BIO (continued)
Integrate actions to ensure public access to monitoring data Use the existing ICZM coordination and governance structures to overcome BD conservation obstacles Promote the use of ICZM planning tools (e.g. open areas) The new SAP BIO should pay more attention to LSI (with a view to BD protection) Maintain the achieved level of coherence with the CF for MSP and add appropriate actions to strengthen synergies between MSP and BD protection (knowledge, connectivity) Further explore potential of economic instruments (valuation of ecosystem services, possibly removal of harmful subsidies) Emphasise cooperation to strengthen biodiversity research 9 Slide numbers to be added as shown alongside

10 Recommendations – elaboration of the new SAP BIO (continued)
Joint, collaborative, synergetic actions (MAP regional centres) Lessons learnt from the implementation of the 2003 SAP BIO to be taken into account Include actions to demonstrate how ICZM and MSP projects can aid BD conservation agenda Promote ratification of the ICZM Protocol and uptake of MSP across the region Provide for periodic updates of the new SAP BIO Focus on implementation (responsibility of the BC system and of the CPs), rely on other sectoral policies and action plans (e.g. AP for joint implementation of the ICZM Protocol through CRF) 10 Slide numbers to be added as shown alongside

11 Recommendations – other documents
The use of MSP to be strongly advocated in future MPAs policies and plans Species and habitats APs – (expected) alignment with the new SAP BIO and/ or update for post an opportunity to better integrate some of the ICZM Protocol/ CRF elements: EcAp ICZM planning tools and criteria Environmental assessments LSI Land policy and MSP (MSP to support APs implementation; APs research, mapping and monitoring actions to support MSP) 11 Slide numbers to be added as shown alongside

12 Recommendations – artificial reefs
Consistence between the Updated Guidelines and the ICZM Protocol established; taking into account the existing interest for artificial reefs and recent experiences with their placement/ management: MAP should proceed towards the adoption of the Updated Guidelines (possibly by addressing parts on the clean-up of vessels separately); More attention could/ should be paid to the site selection criteria and other planning requirements; Ensuring complementarity between MPAs and artificial reefs is another topic that merits further attention. 12 Slide numbers to be added as shown alongside

13 Thank you Marina Marković, Consultant
Donja Gorica bb, Podgorica Montenegro

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