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You must know the following!!!!

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1 You must know the following!!!!
HISTORY REVIEW You must know the following!!!! The Impact of the Great Depression on people’s lives. Hoover’s response to the Depression/ 1932 Presidential Election. The New Deal/Alphabet Agencies. The Civil Rights Movement. Who were the Vietcong? The Gulf of Tonkin. Why did America want out of the Vietnam War? NAME:

2 America 1920-73: Opportunity and Inequality
1. HOW DO INTERPRETATIONS A AND B DIFFER ABOUT…? (4 marks): How are the two interpretations different based on what they say? Find TWO differences in what they say. You can use short quotes to show differences. DO NOT discuss WHO said it and WHY here. TWO points needed. 2. WHY DO THE AUTHORS OF INTERPRETATIONS A AND B HAVE A DIFFERENT INTERPRETATION ABOUT… ? (4 marks): Identify why they have a different opinion using the provenance (who is saying it, when and why?) You need to focus needs on the AUTHORS. Make TWO points. Think about the CONTEXT of the time they are saying it and WHO they are and WHY they might say what they do. 4. DESCRIBE TWO … (4 marks): In this question you need to IDENTIFY two problems/ways (features, issues etc.) and give reasons and show understanding of how they are problems/issues. This is one paragraph with two points developed 5. IN WHAT WAYS WERE THE LIVES OF PEOPLE AFFECTED/CHANGED BY… ? EXPLAIN YOUR ANSWER (8 marks): You need to use the Point, Evidence, Explain structure. You need to identify a way lives changed, give evidence and explain WHY/HOW it was a change. Try to do THREE factors. You do not need a conclusion.

3 Conflict and tension in Asia 1950-75
1. SOURCE A OPPOSES/SUPPORTS … HOW DO YOU KNOW? (4 marks): Explain how the source either supports or opposes (goes against) what is stated in the question using what the source shows (CONTENT) and where the source has come from (PROVENANCE). Make TWO points. 3. WRITE AN ACCOUNT OF HOW…BECAME AN INTERNATIONAL CRISIS/CAUSED PROBLEMS (8 marks): CHRONOLOGICALLY EXPLAIN how a crisis occurred. Link back for each point WHY it was a crisis. You need TWO well-explained points. 4. “INTERPRETATION”. HOW FAR DO YOU AGREE WITH THIS STATEMENT? (16 marks + 4 SPaG) You need to agree and disagree that the statement was the main reason in causing war /causing victory/result of the war. Follow this structure: INTRO, FACTOR NAMED IN QUESTION, OTHER FACTOR, OTHER FACTOR and CONCLUSION. In your conclusion say to what extent you agree with the statement and be balanced, choosing which factor you think was the main factor and saying why.

4 YR10 REVIEW-America 1920-1973- Opportunity and Inequality
Find and Fix the Historical Errors in Prohibition was an individual state ban on wine from Gangs also got involved in fixing horse races, baseball games and American Football. Organised crime leaders were always arrested. Immigrants were seen to have ‘un-American’ ideas. An American Communist Party was set up in Anarchists believed in strong Government rule. In July 1920, a bomb destroyed the house of Alexander Simple Palmer, the man in charge of the Communist Party. During the Depression, 18 million people had lost their jobs and around 7,000 had stopped paying their mortgages. By 1932, 4 in 25 farmers had been evicted. In the summer of 1935, 29,000 unemployed ex-soldiers marched to Denver and asked for their war pensions. The AAA (Agricultural Annual Act) paid farmers to produce more. The AAA was criticised for providing food to the poor. The CCC ( Civillian Conservative Corp) put jobless year-olds to work. Martin Luther King , African Americans and students would take a seat in the female only section of cafes and restaurants.

5 Prioritise Hoover’s problems.
Unemployment, Hobos, Hoovervilles, Breadlines, Dust Bowl and the Bonus Army What did he believe in? Who was Hoover? Policies to help with the Depression What problems were the worst to deal with for Hoover?

6 How did Roosevelt’s New Deal help people?
In your opinion, which group benefitted the most from the New Deal?

7 Civil Rights


9 YR10 REVIEW- Conflict and Tension in Asia, 1950-1975
Find and Fix the Historical Errors in The USA and North and South Korea lost very few soldiers in the Korean War. The cost of the war was minimum. The Vietcong aims were to keep North and South Korea separated. The Peasants were to be kept on the poverty line. Both peasants and middle- class professionals supported the Vietcong. In villages there was more support for the Vietcong as good relationships were formed with VC soldiers. The USA believed in the ‘Domino Theory’. If one country fell to Communism more would be sure to follow. As a result a policy of ’Containment’ was followed. Operation 5A stated that American resources should be pulled out of Vietnam. Two North Vietnamese convoy ships surrounded the US Maddox. The Maddox fires at the boats and the North Vietnamese didn’t respond. In April 1975, the capital city of South Vietnam, Saigon, was taken over by the communist forces of China. The media coverage horrified the US public. By 1978, most Americans wanted the war to end quickly. Around 250 soldiers died on their first day in Vietnam.

10 The Domino Theory & Containment
The Gulf of Tonkin Lyndon Baines Johnson believed that if US support was removed from Vietnam then Communism would spread. Johnson therefore approved Operation Plan 3A. Operation Plan 3A Timeline 3rd August 1964 4th August 1964 7th August 1964 Tactics of the Vietcong

11 Why did conflict in Vietnam end?
Significance Circles-Using the keywords decide which was the most significant in contributing towards the end of the Vietnam War. Failure of American tactics Vietcong tactics Protests Media The Tet Offensive Cost- Financial/Lives

12 Extra Paper

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