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Financial Success – The MRO System

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1 Financial Success – The MRO System
American Income Life – James Keefer Agency Print Name: __________________________ Date: _________________ MRO stands for Minimum, Realistic & Optimistic. Peoples wants and needs widely vary. Our goal is to personalize our plans for you financially by developing a plan of action, a strategy that will give you increased confidence in your career at NILICO. In order to help you achieve your personal income requirements now and in the future, please fill out this form. Make a copy for yourself and turn in the original to your Assigned Manager as part of your setup kit and file with the Agency. We will, in management, maintain a flow chart that plots your progress weekly, monthly quarterly, semi-annually and annually regarding income. This information will help all of us to monitor your progress in order to insure your financial healthiness. Minimum- Minimum amount needed to keep all bills current Realistic- Add 25% to your income within 90 days at NILICO. Optimistic- Depending on which path your career takes you, your income could range anywhere from $100K per year - $750K plus! Rent/Mortgage $ __________ Utilities $ __________ Credit$ __________ Car Payment $ __________ Oil/Gas $ __________ Food$ __________ Entertainment $ __________ Cable $ __________ Ins.$ __________ Phone $ __________ Gas $ __________ Other$ __________ My Monthly expenses to Live: TOTAL $ __________ Calculate Weekly Amount. Take the monthly total multiply it by 12 and the divide by 52. WEEKLY TOTAL $ __________ Additional Money Needed How much do you want to add for savings, retirement, the purchases you need to make in the next 6 months, etc.? Take that total amount divide it by 26. WEEKLY ADDITIONAL $ __________ GRAND TOTAL WEEKLY $ __________

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