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Why should we tackle loneliness?

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Presentation on theme: "Why should we tackle loneliness?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why should we tackle loneliness?
Causes, Characteristics and consequences

2 definitions What is loneliness?
It may surprise you to learn that there is no agreed definition of “loneliness” in research. One explanation of loneliness is that it is a painful feeling that occurs when this is a gap, or a mismatch, between the number and quality of social relationships and connections that we have, and those we would like. Others suggest that there are two dimensions to loneliness: social and emotional. Social loneliness occurs when someone is missing a wider social network and emotional loneliness is caused when you miss an “intimate relationship”. On the whole, loneliness is described as an unwelcome, painful and unpleasant feeling. Loneliness is a fluid experience: it can come and go over a short time, or persist in the longer term. What is social isolation? There is a general agreement that loneliness is distinct from social isolation and wellbeing. Social isolation is an objective state that only measures the number and/or frequency of social contact. What is wellbeing? Wellbeing is a broader concept, which examines our psychological and physical resources, as well as social connections. Source:

3 Source: A Connected Society, A Strategy for Tackling Loneliness, October 2018

4 What are the characteristics of loneliness?
In 2016 to 2017, there were 5% of adults in England who reported feeling lonely “often” or “always”. Younger adults aged 16 to 24 years reported feeling lonely more often than those in older age groups. Women reported feeling lonely more often than men. Those single or widowed were at particular risk of experiencing loneliness more often. People in poor health or who have conditions they describe as “limiting” were also at particular risk of feeling lonely more often. Renters reported feeling lonely more often than homeowners. People who feel that they belong less strongly to their neighbourhood reported feeling lonely more often. People who have little trust of others in their local area reported feeling lonely more often. Source: ONS Profile of the Characteristics of Loneliness using data from the 2106/17 Community Life Survey

5 Of the 34 characteristics and circumstances included in ONS analysis, 13 were found to have an impact on loneliness: Age Sex (gender) Marital status Respondent and partners’ (if applicable) gross income Disability status (self-reported) General health (self-reported) Number of adults in the household Caring responsibilities Whether chat to neighbours more than to just say hello Feeling as though you belong to a neighbourhood Satisfaction with local area as a place to live The number of years lived in local neighbourhood How often meet up in person with family members or friends.

6 Jo Cox Commission

7 Please Tell us a story June 2019

8 Do you have a story to share?
If you can recall a time when you were lonely, or when someone you knew was lonely and that situation was positively changed we would love to hear your story. We will send out the invitation to complete your short story shortly after this conference via a simple online form. We look forward to hearing all about it! Why? The more real life stories we gather together the more in tune the Strategy will be with what really works to prevent and alleviate loneliness and social isolation. Source:

9 Opportunities for getting voices heard?
may to September 2019

10 Would you like to run a workshop?
If you think you would like to convene a group to have a conversation about how to prevent and alleviate loneliness and social isolation and would welcome some support to do this between June and September please let us know. We can provide simple topic / conversation guides and feedback sheets if you feel you can help. Why? The more voices of real people who have experienced loneliness and social isolation – and the voluntary involving organisations that play a part in supporting them - the better any emergent Strategy will be. It will help us focus on what works. It will encourage us to notice the gifts and strengths that everyone brings to a particular situation i.e. Strategy to tackle loneliness can then be founded on an asset-based approach rather than problem-based approach. Source:

11 Talk to bev!

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