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Climate and Belonging Board of Trustees Meeting May 8, 2019

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1 Climate and Belonging Board of Trustees Meeting May 8, 2019
Good Afternoon! I’d like to talk with you all about the work that we’re doing around improving campus climate. Members of our community are having varied experiences on campus some of which are positive and then others need attention and interventions. Our overall goal is to create a space where all of our students, faculty, and staff can thrive and feel a strong sense of belonging. So this will be a workshop format, so I’m asking for your full participation in the interactive activities.

2 As a member of the BOT, what learning do you need to be an effective partner in our college’s inclusive excellence work?

3 Outcomes from our Discussion
Describe what it means to feel belonging Understand the experiences members of our community have with being marginalized Review Evergreen’s approach to decreasing marginalization and increasing belonging and success Brainstorm what role the BOT could play in supporting climate and belonging work on campus Outcomes from our Discussion We toss around the phrase “a sense of belonging” – But I really want us to better understand what we mean when we say belonging Understand the experiences members of our community have with being marginalized Review Evergreen’s approach to decreasing marginalization and increasing belonging and success Brainstorm what role the BOT could play in supporting climate and belonging work on campus

4 Student Stories We’re going to begin by reading some short stories about students’ experiences on our campus. I’d like for you to break into 3 groups. Group 1 – read questions 1-3 Group 2 – read questions 4-6 Group 3 – read questions 7-9 As you’re reading through these stories, I want you to jot down what you perceive as unmet student needs. Would anyone like to share what they’re reflecting on – what stood out for you? What are we learning from about their experiences? Are you noticing any themes?

5 What does it mean to be “marginalized”?
To marginalize a group of people means to make them feel isolated and unimportant. To exclude or ignore, esp. by relegating to the outer edge of a group or by diverting the public's attention to something else. To treat someone or something as if they are not important. What does it mean to be “marginalized”? So a theme that flows through many of these experiences is the feeling of marginalization. When we hear students express their frustration with being the only one – being tokenized – feeling unheard…they’re describing marginalization in a sense. And for many students, it’s based on who they are and the identity communities they’re apart of – it’s possible they’ve been experiencing marginalization in some form or another for their entire lives. Now, they come to college– hoping to find a place where they can fit in and succeed, yet still encounter a message that they don’t belong. Oftentimes marginalization is done unintentionally just by our historical structures, policies, the ways in which we’ve always done things – Various groups have experienced exclusion since the beginning – when they weren’t even allowed to pursue a college degree. (students of color, low income, students with disabilities, LGBTQ, in some cases Non-Trad and first gen students)

6 Sense of Belonging Defined
“Students’ sense of being accepted, valued, included, and encouraged by others (teacher and peers) in the academic classroom setting and of feeling oneself to be an important part of the life and activity of the class. More than simple perceived liking or warmth, it also involves support and respect for personal autonomy and for the student as an individual.” Strayhorn, T. L. (2012). College students' sense of belonging: A key to educational success for all students. Routledge. Building a greater sense of belonging for students, faculty, and staff is the key to decreasing the feeling of marginalization. They need to know that their work and experiences matter. People need to be allowed to be their authentic self and have pride in who they are on our campus just as much as they do when they’re away from campus. Read definition of belonging It’s more than just making someone feel welcomed and warm – it’s respecting who they are, how they show up, including them and valuing their contributions

7 Reflective exercise: In what environments do you feel the greatest sense of belonging? Have there been times in your life when you didn’t feel belonging? If so, when were those times? What are some of the characteristics that describe your experience? People who care about me Support Affirmation Diverse community Fair processes Environment free of hate and discrimination Policies that protect me Learning that includes my cultural contributions

8 What is Inclusive Excellence?
Inclusive Excellence calls for a vital transformation of our institution by embedding and institutionalizing equitable and inclusive practices in every effort, aspect, and level of our college. Inclusive excellence is the framework through which we have begun to address marginalization. Our approach is looking at our entire college and identifying ways to increase belonging in everything we do. We realize that with the diversity of our communities are changing - There’s no way that we can achieve excellence as an institution if belonging is not at the center of how we operate as a college.

9 This model represents our approach to create greater belonging.
We’re focused on Access & Equity, Campus Climate, Learning and Development, and our Curriculum & Co-Curriculum.

10 Access & Equity Who’s here? Who’s missing? Why are they missing?
What opportunities are we creating for increased access and success? Access & Equity

11 More than mitigating overt/covert acts of discrimination and prejudice
Appreciating the authenticity of community members Intentionally engaging members of our marginalized identity groups Symbols that reinforce a place of welcome and belonging Campus Climate

12 Learning and Development
Professional development and training opportunities Onboarding (Institutionally & Divisionally) Leadership development (students & professionals) Learning and Development

13 Curriculum and Co-Curriculum Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)
Culturally responsive teaching Culturally engaging co-curricular activities Service Learning and Study Abroad opportunities Intentional support of historically marginalized identity based student organizations and programming Curriculum and Co-Curriculum Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)

14 Outcomes of our DEI work
Foundational Work Community Learning Inclusive Excellence Campus Seminar Inclusive Excellence Summer Institute Mandatory Faculty Development Fall Equity Symposium Community Building Student Equity and Arts Lounge (SEAL) Organizational Trauma and Resilience Workshops Culture and Climate DTF Outcomes of our DEI work Environment- organizational trauma work from 2017 Brought community together in facilitated dialogue Sharing Truths Honoring Community org. trauma and resilience Introduced concept of Inclusive Excellence campus wide seminar Damon Williams Summer Inclusive Excellence Institute- faculty and staff walked away with projects MPA created community of practice which meets regularly about student centered work Mandatory Faculty Development in Equity and Inclusive Excellence (Annually) Equity Symposium fall 2018 SEAL Creation of Division of IESS

15 Future Direction Next Steps… Culture and Climate Assessment
Divisional Inclusive Excellence plans Climate and Belonging renewal initiative Crafting mission and vision of IESS division Affinity Groups Climate Resource Services Future Direction Next steps in our campus inclusive excellence work…

16 As a member of the BOT, what learning do you need to be an effective partner in our college’s inclusive excellence work? What role should the BOT play in advancing inclusive excellence at Evergreen? 10 minutes

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