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Keeping ConfigMgr Clean

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1 Keeping ConfigMgr Clean
Doug Wilson @ManageDoug Solutions and Product Manager, Now Micro Brad Allgaier Account Executive, Now Micro

2 Device Lifecycle Company
Hardware Reseller (Dell, HP, Lenovo, and more) OEM (Digital Signage, Kiosks, Appliances) Professional Services (Systems Management, Cloud Solutions, Automation)

3 Get Invovled Join or Start your local user group Participate in forums
Technet MyItForum Microsoft Tech Community Etc… Get on Twitter Not just for celebrities and presidents Keep a Blog

4 Keeping ConfigMgr/WSUS SQL healthy
Implement OLA Hallengren Script SQL Maintenance Plan – Backups, Integrity Checks, Indexing, etc Download script, set database and backup locations if applicable, run sql script Per instance WSUS Config and Cleanup App Pool, Private Memory Limit, Response Level, Queue Length, Timeout Built-in CM Task, Cleanup SCUP, Other custom actions For best performance, limit to what you need wsus cleanup CM Maintenance Jobs and Config

5 Configuration WSUS IIS
WSUS App Pool settings Queue Length Configure Private Memory depending on size of environment  4-6  small 8-16 large Monitor Rapid Fail if leaving it Enabled to fine tune, Worker Processes – Requests Limit CPU for troubleshooting when CPU performance is 100% Logs: c:\inetpub\logs\LogFiles\W3SVC1\ -Queue length depends on the amount of clients your servicing with the SUP and the available memory. If this is too high it could cause you to run out of available memory. -Demo configuring IIS WSUS AppPool

6 ConfigMgr Management Insights
Management Insights Dashboard: Management insights groups: Shows percent of rules in each group, honoring the filters. Select a group to drill down to the specific rules in this group. Management insights priority: Shows percent of rules by priority, honoring the filters. Select a priority to drill down to the specific rules with this priority. All insights: A table of insights including priority and state. Security Software Center Applications MacOS and Unix Simplified Management Collections Cloud Services Proactive Maintenance

7 Collection Evaluation
Poor Queries include:  Too many joined classes Unnecessary wildcards in where clause Good Queries include: The opposite of above Often two query rules with two joined classes will be better than one query rule with three joined classes Minimize Incremental Updating Collections Analyzing Performance CEViewer

8 Search and destroy old / irrelevant Items
Collections Less Collections, means less stress on coleval and the collections you do care about update faster Management Insights -> Will find empty collections Don't use collections as a report/query replacement Deployments Look for deployments to empty collections Look for old deployments – Hint Use Monitoring Tab Apps / Packages / Task Sequences Find applications no longer deployed Management Insights -> Application without deployments Delete it!  If you're concerned, export it to an archive network share, then dump it. Monitor your Content Status Look for "Targeted" and "Compliance %"

9 Automate Maintenance Polling Schedule Site Maintenance
Only discover machines logged into in X days Site Maintenance SQL Backup (Dedup) Latest Status Filter Message – Trigger Alerts – What Status message might be received that we could then run a PowerShell remediation or do something cool. Demo Getting notified that Mark/Gary has done something bad

10 Extended Q&A Doug Wilson @ManageDoug
Solutions and Product Manager, Now Micro

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