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Presentation on theme: "StePPING INTO THE LEADERSHIP ROLE Barbara Ridener FAU"— Presentation transcript:


2 Keeping your ducks in a row

3 Takeaways Leadership is different from Administration/Management
Your leadership style matters See the big picture Communication is essential Lead by example Relationships are important

4 All Eyes Are On You!

5 Leadership is not the same as management
Not just business as usual Have a vision in mind What are the puzzle pieces? How do they fit together? Prepare others who can do your job A chair who is an academic leader has the ability to support faculty as they develop while helping them mesh into a dynamic group that flows and moves forward as a department.

6 Your leadership style Identify your style.
Your style will influence your interactions. Your style will influence your decision-making skills. Your style can help develop your technique. You can’t copy someone else’s style.

7 Prioritize Needs - Decide Course – Take Action
What is the department doing now? Why are we doing it? Can we do it better? How? What does the dean expect?


9 See the BIG picture Balance needs of department and college
Don’t rely just on favorites Get used to wearing multiple hats Knowledge gives you the ability to make decisions with confidence

10 Sometimes Look Beyond the Big Picture

11 What is your lens? How do you lead those who may not want to be lead?
How do you lead those who are hungry for direction? How do you negotiate a department that has both? What does leadership look like: From your perspective? From the faculty’s perspective? From the Dean’s perspective?

12 Communication Listen to concerns, ideas and feedback Be direct
Make responses timely, but not from frustration or haste Think before you write Admit mistakes Be aware of body language

13 Teach your face to use its inside voice

14 Lead by example Faculty will watch you….
…..and scrutinize everything you do! what time you arrive what time you leave who you talk to how you dress how you respond to …and everything else you haven’t yet thought of

15 Relationships If you are new…(or not) Get to know everyone Take time
Listen Get off your “turf” If you have been there…(or not) You are the boss Old friendships may not work the same You can’t do this job wanting to always be liked

16 Celebrate Success! The college The department The faculty The students
It’s worth it!

17 You can be a great leader!

18 Having flaws does not make you a fraud
Believe in your ability to decide Shed pretense in favor of authenticity

19 Even though you may sometimes feel you might be running against the wind!

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