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UM-Columbia Resolution

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1 UM-Columbia Resolution
Therefore, be it resolved that the Faculty Council of the University of Missouri’s flagship campus strongly recommends that same-sex partners of active University of Missouri employees be allowed access to all of the same rights, privileges, and benefits to which opposite-sex spouses currently are entitled.

2 UMKC Resolution Therefore, be it resolved that the Faculty Senate of the University of Missouri-Kansas City strongly recommends that same-sex partners of University of Missouri employees be allowed access to all of the same rights, privileges, and benefits to which opposite-sex spouses currently are entitled.

3 UMSL Resolution Therefore, be it resolved that the University Assembly and Faculty Senate of the University of Missouri - Saint Louis strongly recommends that same-sex spouses/partners of active University of Missouri - Saint Louis employees be allowed access to all of the same rights, privileges, and benefits to which opposite-sex spouses currently are entitled.

4 Alternative Resolution
Be it resolved that the Faculty Senate of the Missouri University of Science and Technology recommends that same-sex domestic partners, both same-sex and opposite-sex, of University of Missouri employees be allowed access in a fiscally responsible manner to all of the same rights, privileges, and benefits to which opposite-sex spouses currently are entitled.

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