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Welding Models and Computational Welding Mechanics; A Welding Science as a Skill of Engineering Mahyar Asadi.

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Presentation on theme: "Welding Models and Computational Welding Mechanics; A Welding Science as a Skill of Engineering Mahyar Asadi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welding Models and Computational Welding Mechanics; A Welding Science as a Skill of Engineering
Mahyar Asadi

2 Challenges that are regularly faced by welding engineers;
Are not directly addressed by design standards such as ASME, API, etc Mitigation of Distortion Using different techniques to counteract the deflection from welding Weld Sequence Design Finding the best pattern in multiple-pass welding Control of Residual Stresses Proven that affects the service life, fatigue, creep, corrosion, … Residual stresses and welding distortion are the frequent Challenges that are regularly faced by welding engineers; And they are not directly addressed by design standards such as ASME, API, etc The code requires to mitigate and control it but does not say how There are may techniques that you can mitigate the distortion or control the residual stress And weld sequence design is one of them when you deal with multiple welds This is basically finding the best pattern that gives you as low as possible distortion . These are what we need to do But the challenge is how to do it 2

3 Weld Sequence Design Combinatorial optimization; Permutation of beads and sub-passes plus change in direction (2^n)xn! possibilities n (2^n)xn! 2 8 3 48 4 384 5 3,840 6 46,080 7 645,120 Mathematics of such a selection lies in the combinatorial optimization that uses models and algorithms to find the best out of many possibilities. However, the main challenge appears when the number of welds increases For example (table) Typical multi-weld design consists of 10s of welds or in other words countless possibilities Even if you use symmetry and other similarity, still you need to select out of 1000s of possibilities

4 Surrogate Modeling Explores the combinatorial design space with relatively few analysis (2^n)xn! Possibilities, n= 4,  384 possible way to weld It finds the best sequence with only 28 analysis out of 384 possibilities Surrogate modeling is a mathematical approach that explores your combinatorial design space with relatively few analysis to approximate and find the best sequence. Lets learn more about the surrogate modeling by using on a simple case, A panel welding with 4 weld paths And we want to find the best sequence out of 384 possibilities such that the diagonal deflection is minimal. We use a CWM model to solve for deflection Our surrogate model finds the best with only 28 analysis out of 384 possibilities. Lets go to the surrogate model and tell you how it works.

5 Surrogate Model By convention,
We define positive sign to weld from front to the back and negative from back to the front For example a+ c- d- b- means a happens first in positive direction, then c in negative followed by d negative, and finally b- We selected enough cases to have at least 1 occurrence of at each position as it is shown in what we call it R’ matrix

6 Surrogate Model We selected more cases to also make sure each pair happens at least once e.g b+ & a+, c+ after a+ , etc. This is controlled by what we call it R” matrix

7 Surrogate Model Finally, we ended up in 28 cases out of 384 and we measured the deflection of these 28 cases Having the deflection result of these 28 cases, Now we can approximate the deflection of other sequences which is not in this list For example, d+,b+,c-,a+ We searched for similar sequence happening and collect each pieces from different deflection to put the pieces together and approximate the final deflection

8 Surrogate Model These are the different comparison between surrogate approximation and real deformation for cases out of the 28 selected And shows that our surrogate mode can properly capture the deflection.

9 Different Panels These are different cases that undergone the process of weld sequence optimization in order to find the best and worse sequence for minimal diagonal distortion. And the surrogate model is one technique, and there are other techniques like graph theory, integer programing and so on However the point of my presentation is not the technical understanding of surrogate modeling or other ones.

10 Different Panels What I showed and explained was not a scientific paper or journal article. These were not a PhD or Master thesis. These were the term projects conducted by students in my course on CWM and how to use CWM to address current challenges in welding. These pictures was last April when my students were presenting their term projects.

11 “welding models and computational welding mechanics.”
Different Panels “welding models and computational welding mechanics.” A 13 week 39 hour lecture graduate level university course Blended course including theory and simulation lab . None of the students have ever experienced welding simulation. At the end of semester, not only they learned about the software, more importantly they learned and implemented how to address an existing welding challenge by the use of software. Last Winter, I developed and offered a course titled “welding models and computational welding mechanics.” . This was for the first time in Canada and as far as I know in North America. At present, no university in Canada offers any course on the use of welding software for welding engineering.

12 Existing Welding Science & Capabilities:
Weld can be made with essentially zero distortion & zero residual stress. Optimal tack welding Optimal clamping Optimal weld sequencing Optimal pre-bending Optimal side heating Optimal trail cooling Optimal live clamping Optimal adaptive welding Current Industrial Practice of Welding Engineering: Welding distortion always occurs and can be mitigated by: Intuition-based designs for tack welding and static clamping (welding science of 1950s and before) I want to take this opportunity here to express why we need such a course at all.

13 Existing Welding Science & Capabilities:
Weld can be made with essentially zero distortion & zero residual stress. Optimal tack welding Optimal clamping Optimal weld sequencing Optimal pre-bending Optimal side heating Optimal trail cooling Optimal live clamping Optimal adaptive welding Current Industrial Practice of Welding Engineering: Welding distortion always occurs and can be mitigated by: Intuition-based designs for tack welding and static clamping (welding science of 1950s and before) This wide gap cannot be filled without computer model that is capable of predicting the welding

14 Simulation models are now mature and reliable
Existing Welding Science & Capabilities: Weld can be made with essentially zero distortion & zero residual stress. Optimal tack welding Optimal clamping Optimal weld sequencing Optimal pre-bending Optimal side heating Optimal trail cooling Optimal live clamping Optimal adaptive welding Current Industrial Practice of Welding Engineering: Welding distortion always occurs and can be mitigated by: Intuition-based designs for tack welding and static clamping (welding science of 1950s and before) This wide gap cannot be filled without computer model that is capable of predicting the welding Simulation models are now mature and reliable

15 Simulation models are now mature and reliable
Existing Welding Science & Capabilities: Weld can be made with essentially zero distortion & zero residual stress. Optimal tack welding Optimal clamping Optimal weld sequencing Optimal pre-bending Optimal side heating Optimal trail cooling Optimal live clamping Optimal adaptive welding Current Industrial Practice of Welding Engineering: Welding distortion always occurs and can be mitigated by: Intuition-based designs for tack welding and static clamping (welding science of 1950s and before) This wide gap cannot be filled without computer model that is capable of predicting the welding Simulation models are now mature and reliable The lack of computational-welding skills for our welding engineers So what we come shrt now is …

16 Welding moves from being an “art” to being a manufacturing science with the help of computers.
“Smart Factories” where advanced computer modeling, automation and control are key technologies to help welding become more competitive, energy-efficient and innovative as part of manufacturing “Incorporate welding and joining considerations early in product-design stage [using computer models]” “virtual factory” where modeling and simulation tools become commonplace in welding operations This is not my personal idea, This is what you can see in reports and vision of IIW, AWS, EWF, CWA, and many other organization around the globe. The exact wording is “Welding moves from being an art to being a manufacturing science with the help of computers.” American Welding Society (AWS) vision of 2020 clearly says that “Welding will move from being an “art” to being a manufacturing science with the help of computers” and talks about the term “virtual factory” where modeling and simulation tools become commonplace in welding operations. Canada’s technology roadmap for the Canadian welding and joining industry mentions “Incorporate welding and joining considerations early in product-design stage [using computer models]” Europeans picture factory of future as “Smart Factories” where advanced automation and control are key technologies to help welding become more competitive, energy-efficient and innovative as part of manufacturing. Thes are strong evidence that tells we need to incorporate wleding simulation as part of our welding engineeirn skills Incorporate welding simulation as part of our welding engineering skills

17 To wrap-up; Designer-driven optimization in welded structures is now feasible for routine engineering in industry, and computer simulations are enabling tools to help users' apply their creativity, expertise and skill to be more productive and innovative. If they are trained to do so The lack of computational-welding skills for welding engineers is an opportunity to improve current educational programs for welding and engineering of welding in industry. I would like to close my talk by saying that

18 To wrap-up; Designer-driven optimization in welded structures is now feasible for routine engineering in industry, and computer simulations are enabling tools to help users' apply their creativity, expertise and skill to be more productive and innovative. If they are trained to do so The lack of computational-welding skills for welding engineers is an opportunity to improve current educational programs for welding and engineering of welding in industry.

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