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OT Series. Sermon #35. Gabe Orea. XICF. 26-May-2019

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1 OT Series. Sermon #35. Gabe Orea. XICF. 26-May-2019
The Prophets OT Series. Sermon #35. Gabe Orea. XICF. 26-May-2019

2 ? Prophet

3 The real character (the president of Mexico)

4 A cartoon of him. A gross copy that denigrates the office he holds A fake and distorted image that promotes mockery of the represented government institution. When we play games with the prophet’s office or with the prophetic role, we risk producing similar results, but not about a country but about God’s kingdom.

5 Ambassador Prophet Yahweh warned Israel and Judah by the hand of his every prophet, with every seer saying, “Turn from all of your evil ways, and keep my commandments and my ordinances, according to all the law which I commanded your ancestors, which I sent to you by the hand of my servants the prophets.” (2 Kings 17:13) The Bible presents YHWH’s prophets as ambassadors of the heavenly court.

6 Ambassador Prophet What would happen if a fake ambassador starts giving false messages on behalf of my country? He would certainly be in serious trouble. Nobody would take it lightly to falsely represent a nation or a kingdom. God does not take that lightly either, in relation to His Kingdom.

7 Ambassador Prophet 25 “I have heard what the prophets who prophesy lies have said in my name, saying, ‘I have dreamed! I have dreamed!’ 26 How long will this be in the hearts of the prophets who prophesy lies, even the prophets of the deceitfulness of their hearts, 27 who plan to make my people forget my name by their dreams that they tell each one to his neighbor, just as their ancestors forgot my name through Baal? 28 The prophet who has with him a dream, let him tell the dream. But the prophet who has my word with him, let him speak my word faithfully. What is straw compared to wheat?” declares Yahweh. 29 “Is not my word like fire?” declares Yahweh, “and like a blacksmith’s hammer that breaks a rock into pieces?

8 Ambassador Prophet 30 “Therefore look, I am against the prophets,” declares Yahweh, “who steal my words each one from his neighbor. 31 Look, I am against the prophets,” declares Yahweh, “who take their tongues and declare as prophets, ‘Yahweh declares.’ 32 Look, I am against those who prophesy dreams of lies,” declares Yahweh, “and tell them, and they caused my people to err through their lies, and in their recklessness, when I myself have not sent them nor commanded them, so they profit not this people at all,” declares Yahweh. Jer. 23:25-32

9 Ambassador Preacher Prophet

10 Prophet Ambassador Preacher God People
individuals whom God commissioned for two key purposes: to preach to the people about God

11 Prophet Ambassador Preacher God People
And to talk to God about the people

12 Prophet Ambassador Preacher Intercessor
In this second role they are called “intercessor.” God expected the true prophets to passionately pray for his people’s needs: Moses is the chief example of a prophetic intercessor, for he “stood in the breach before God, to turn away his wrath from destroying Israel” (Ps. 106:23). Samuel said that he would sin if he failed to pray for Israel (1 Sam. 12:23). “If they are prophets, and if the word of the LORD is with them, then let them intercede with the LORD of hosts” (Jer. 27:18).

13 Prophet Ambassador Preacher Intercessor
to pray for the people to God. God expected the true prophets to passionately pray for his people’s needs: Samuel said that he would sin if he failed to pray for Israel (). So he said he would exterminate them, had not Moses, his chosen one, stood in the breach before him, to reverse his wrath from destroying them. Psalm 106:23

14 Prophet Ambassador Preacher Intercessor
Also, as for me, far be it from me that I should sin against Yahweh by ceasing to pray for you! 1 Sam. 12:23

15 Prophet Ambassador Preacher Intercessor Prayer Warrior
As chief prayer warriors, the prophets regularly interceded to God on behalf of those who were needy and rebellious. Amos pleaded with YHWH two times to forgive Israel and to withhold his punishment against the northern kingdom, and the Lord relented (Amos 7:1–6).

16 Prophet Ambassador Preacher Intercessor Prayer Warrior
Advocate for the oppressed Prophet God is not the detached, unmoved mover of the Aristotelian tradition, but he is the most moved mover, deeply affected by human needs and deeds. God is deeply involved in human history and his involvement is deeply emotional. The prophet acquires that passion from God and so becomes an advocate for the oppressed. God suffers when human beings are hurt, and the true prophet suffers as well.

17 Prophet Ambassador Preacher Intercessor Prayer Warrior
Advocate for the oppressed Risks his life for his Call Prophet A prophet is a person whose life and soul are at stake in what he says.

18 Prophet A true prophet is someone who bears testimony of God’s concern for the common people. When the prophet understands God’s deep concern for the suffering of people, he himself becomes overwhelmed and tormented. He cannot remain indifferent.

19 “Religion without indignation at political evils is impossible”
Prophet “Religion without indignation at political evils is impossible” “Justice is not simply an idea or a norm, but a divine passion” Let’s approach our XICF prophetic ministries with divine passion! Abraham Heschel

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