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Dimensions and Tolerances

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1 Dimensions and Tolerances
Lab 8 Autumn Quarter

2 Purpose Inspect and measure several parts using: Micrometer Caliper
Scale Wire gauge Angle gauge Height gauge Produce part drawings based on these inspections and measurements Autumn Quarter

3 What is a Micrometer ? Instructor:
A micrometer is used to measure distances precisely. The distance can be read from the barrel, with the smallest significant digit read on the rotating thimble. The ratchet cap at the end should be used turn the thimble so that the micrometer is not overdriven; this improves repeatability between measurements. Autumn Quarter

4 How to read a Micrometer
Total is = .463 Autumn Quarter

5 How to read Calipers Instructor:
The caliper is used to read larger distances. The measurement can be taken from inner blades of the large calipers, or (for inner diameters) from the outer blades of the smaller calipers on the other side. Autumn Quarter

6 Scale Instructor: The scale is used for measurements that do not need to be as precise. Generally, both English and Metric measurements can be made. Autumn Quarter

7 Wire Gauge Instructor:
The wire gauge measures the diameter of non-insulated wires. The smallest opening that a wire can slide into from the narrow outer edge of the wire gauge circle is the size of the wire. Autumn Quarter

8 Angle Gauge Instructor:
The angle gauge has common angles that can be compared to the object being measured to find the angle. Autumn Quarter

9 Height Gauge Instructor:
The height gauge should be placed on a perfectly flat surface. The object to be measured should be placed directly under the end of the arm that slides vertically. The gauge can be read in a similar manner to the dial caliper. Autumn Quarter

10 Part A: Product Inspection
Disassemble the product and inspect the parts to determine which features are critical to the assembly operation. Analyze functionality of product Name, list and sketch each of the parts for the product. Be sure to indicate quantity for repeated parts. Autumn Quarter

11 Part A: Product Inspection
Produce neat sketches of the various parts indicating which features are important to assembly and functionality of the product. Provide sufficient detail to demonstrate your reasoning Indicate the acceptable tolerances you determined were required for: a) assembly and b) functionality with reference to your team’s sketches Produce a neat exploded view of the product Autumn Quarter

12 Part B: Measurement Measure and dimension the parts provided. Include a multi-view drawing of each part. These include cylinders, angle blocks, T-blocks, and a disk from a computer hard disk. Each team member should measure the thickness of the disk first using a scale, then a caliper, and finally a micrometer. Record each measurement and compare precision of measuring devices. Autumn Quarter

13 Part B: Measurement Use a wire gauge to measure the diameter of the wire samples provided. Determine the wire numbers Wire lengths are not required Autumn Quarter

14 Lab Guidelines This will be a TEAM LAB REPORT Include:
Brief description of the lab Answers to questions in the order given in lab write-up Sketches (use of Inventor or AutoCAD is optional) Autumn Quarter

15 Questions ? Autumn Quarter

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