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2nd Quarter Sales Promotions

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2 2nd Quarter Sales Promotions

3 “8 Is Enough” Promo Effective Dates: April 1st thru June 30th
Program Detail: Will allow up to 8 pieces to count toward dealer’s qualifying 2020 P/S order Eligible Products: Finishing Mowers, Rotary Cutters, RTG Tillers Terms/Discounts: Will be based on dealer’s 2019 qualifying in-season terms & discounts.

4 Contractor Series Bid Discount
Effective Dates: April 1st thru June 30th Program Detail: Bid Discount of List less 50% Eligible Products: 2810CD, 2815CD, 3810HD, 3815HD, 4815XD

5 Single Spindle Freight Replenishment Promotion
Effective Dates: April 1st thru June 30th Eligible Products: All Single Spindle Cutters Program Details: Combo order 6 to 11 pieces and receive ½ freight; combo order of 12+ and receive free freight Note: Dealer can place as many orders as they like but program is not retroactive

6 Select Hay Products Sales Promotion
Effective Dates: April 1st thru June 30th Eligible Products: HT625(4), XLRRX1226(7), XLRRX1428(9), RR1114(20) Program Details: Discount of list less 45% plus dealer’s qualified terms Note: Help!!!

7 New ZT Dealer Promotion
Effective Dates: April 1st thru June 30th Eligible Products: All ZT Models Qualifying Order: Combo of 6+ Discount: 33% Terms: 11 Months

8 New ZT Dealer Promotion (Cont.)
Re-Order Terms (Note: Applies to all ZT re-orders) Re-Orders must be in multiples of two(2) Re-Order: 2 ZT’s pays full freight Re-Order: 4 ZT’s pays ½ freight Re-Order: 6 ZT’s receive free freight

9 Black ZT Promotion Program Dates: April 1st thru June 30th
Eligible Products: Black HDE & HDC models invoiced prior to 4/1/18 Rebate: HDE Series: $300 Rebate: HDC Series: $350 Note: In order to receive rebate, a replacement order must be submitted.

10 Note the Change: In order to receive the rebate on the HDE/HDC you must submit a replacement order.

11 Retail Salesperson Bonus Promotions
Program Dates: April 1st thru June 30th Eligible Products: All ZT’s ZT Rebate Amount: $100 Reloadable Visa Card

12 Retail Salesperson Bonus Promotions
Program Dates: April 1st thru June 30th Eligible Products: All Single Spindle Cutters SS Rebate Amount: $50 Reloadable Visa Card

13 We are adding the Single Spindle in the 2nd Quarter.
Need to Know: Please make dealers aware that this card will be used for ALL bonus programs through out the year so they need to keep there card even if they have used all the money on it. They MUST have a W9 with a Physical Address (No PO Box) The most Important DO NOT THROW CARD AWAY!!!!

14 2nd Quarter ALO/QUICKE Promotions

15 ALO/QUICKE Program Program: Extended Floor Plan Terms
Effective Dates: April 1st thru June 30th Eligible Products: All ALO Original Implements Minimum Order: 5 Units or $2500 (Order value based on current published Quicke Dealer List Price) Program Details: All qualifying orders for ALO Original Implements will receive 11 month floor plan terms.

16 ALO/QUICKE Program Program: Freight Incentive Program
Effective Dates: April 1st thru June 30th Eligible Products: All ALO Original Implements Minimum Order: Combo of 5-10 units or a minimum of List Price and receive freight of $35.00; Combo of 11+ units or minimum of List Price and receive free freight.

17 ALO/QUICKE Program Program: Loader Freight Volume Incentive
Effective Dates: April 1st thru June 30th Eligible Products: All Quicke Loaders (Any combo of New Q, X, & C) Minimum Order: Order a minimum of 5 Quicke loaders and receive a 25% discount from the published freight rates.

18 ALO/QUICKE Program Program: Q Companion Field Sales Representative Bonus Incentive Effective Dates: April 1st thru June 30th Eligible Products: Q Companion Incentive: Receive $ sales incentive for each Q companion sold during program period. Note: To be paid at end of program period.

19 2nd Quarter Parts Promotions


21 2019 In-Season Blade Program
Minimum Order Quantity: $750 at List Price Dealer Discounts: Trade: 25% Web: 2% Cash: 12% 30 day Terms Prepaid Freight in the Continental US Program runs April 1st to Sept. 30th

22 2nd Quarter Retail Finance Programs










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